Progression Deadlines
Four major deadlines must be met as one advances through the graduate curriculum. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with and meet the following deadlines.
- Last Friday of February of the second semester (Spring semester of the first year): Students must choose a thesis adviser and complete Form A: Thesis Adviser Form.
- Last Friday of APRIL of the second semester (Spring semester of the first year): Students must complete Form B: Thesis Chair and Summary Form. The form requires the student to have selected a thesis chair and write a 2-page single space, typed summary of the thesis (or turn in a rough draft of the thesis). The summary or draft must include a brief literature review and method section. The chair must approve the draft and sign the form to indicate that she/he is willing to work with the student and has approved the project for a thesis. The signed form and the summary must be turned in to the Graduate Coordinator.Students who do not meet the second deadline are required to write a 1-2 page, typed summary detailing how they plan on meeting the deadlines set forth by the department. This is due to the Graduate Coordinator.
- Last Friday of NOVEMBER of the third semester (Fall semester of the second year): Students must have successfully defended their thesis proposal. Students must complete and turn in Form C: Thesis Proposal Defense Form along with their thesis to the Graduate Coordinator.Students who do not meet the third deadline are required to write a 1-2 page, typed summary detailing how they plan on meeting the deadlines set forth by the department.
- Last Friday of APRIL of the fourth semester (Spring semester of the second year): Students must complete Form D: Complete Thesis Draft Form and turn in their thesis to the Graduate Coordinator. The draft must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.Students who do not meet the fourth deadline are required to write a 1-2 page, typed summary detailing how they plan on meeting the deadlines set forth by the department.*Please note, the deadlines outlined above reflect deadlines for the Psychology Department. Additional deadlines have been set by the Graduate Studies office that must also be met.
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Psychology Department
Clow Faculty, Room W010
(920) 424-2300
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