Faculty and Staff

The psychology department has 11 experienced, full-time faculty engaged in active programs of teaching, research and service, and five instructional academic staff who teach a variety of courses.


Quin Chrobak, PhD

Cognitive Psychologist

Office: CLOW W025
(920) 424-2307

Office Hours
Tu – 2:00 to 3:20
W – 12:00 to 1:40
Via sign-up sheet outside of my office (Clow Faculty W25)

Area of Expertise
False memory, source monitoring, eyewitness suggestibility, and causal attribution

Note: Dr. Chrobak is not supervising new Masters students for the 2024-2025 academic year

Christopher L. Groves, PhD

Quantitative Psychologist

Office: CLOW W022
(920) 424-2313

Office Hours
M – 11:00 to 12:30
W – 11:00 to 12:30
Contact via email to arrange virtual meeting

Area of Expertise
Media effects, media immersion and engagement, Internet Gaming Disorder, aggressive and helping behavior, meta-analytic statistical techniques, research methods and replicability

Phan Y. Hong, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Office: CLOW W029
(920) 424-2302

Office Hours
Office hours are online and by appointment
M & W – 12:30 to 1:30
F – 9:15 to 10:00

Area of Expertise
Personality disorders, disorders of emotion regulation, mindfulness, invalidation of trauma and personal experiences, and manipulation; stigma and mental health seeking behaviors

Aaron T. Karst, PhD


Office: CLOW W021
(920) 424-7172

Office Hours
Virtually via Teams
T – 1:30 to 2:10
H – 1:30 to 3:50
Contact via email to schedule office hours

Area of Expertise
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorder, cytoarchitectonics, nonconscious processing, and the role of color and texture in primed object processing

Amy Knepple Carney, PhD

Department Chair

Developmental Psychologist

Office: CLOW W023
                                   (920) 424-7175

Office Hours
Virtually via Teams
Tu – 10:00 to 1:00
Contact via email for a link to sign-up for office hours

Area of Expertise
Individual and environmental contexts affecting health and well-being as we age, connectedness to nature, satisfaction with life and positive/negative affect, physical health

James Koch, PhD

Office: CLOW W020
(920) 424-2303

Office Hours
In person or virtually (Teams)
W – 10:30 to 11:45
Th – 3:00 to 4:00
or by appointment

Area of Interest
Behavioral Neuroscience; EEG and frontal lobe hemodynamics during cognitive and motor tasks

David A. Lishner, PhD

Social Psychologist

Office: CLOW W031
(920) 424-2301

Office Hours
Virtually via Zoom
Tu -9:40am to 11:10am
Th – 9:40am to 11:10am

Area of Expertise
Empathic processes, prosocial behavior, psychopathy, aggression, scientific method, and replication

Anca Miron, PhD

Social Psychologist

Office: CLOW W027
(920) 424-2328

Office Hours
W – 1:30 to 3:30
Please contact via email to arrange virtual meeting

Area of Expertise
Motivation and emotion, allyship, online activism, social identity processes, and social relationships

Alese Nelson, PhD

Health Psychologist

Office: CLOW W024
(920) 424-3468


Office Hours
M – 12:00 to 1:30 (virtually via Teams)
W – 10:00 to 11:30 (virtually via Teams)
Additional virtual or in-person meetings by appointment

Area of Expertise
Research specialties include social and psychological components of diet choice, diet information on social media, stress and coping

Justyna Olszewska, PhD

Cognitive Psychologist

Office: CLOW W026
(920) 424-7173

Office Hours
M – 12:35 to 2:35
and/or by appointment (online also possible) in Clow W026 or Clow S040 (basement)

Area of Expertise
False memory, semantic memory errors (DRM paradigm), modality effect and memory, the impact of individual differences on veridical and false memories

Kathy Phillippi-Immel, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Fox Cities Campus, Room 1509
(920) 832-2663

Office Hours
M & W – 12:40 to 1:40
Tu – 9:40 to 10:40

Area of Expertise
Impact of mindfulness on preschoolers, teachers and parents; high impact practices and undergraduate research; student perceptions/expectations in introductory psychology