Colloquium Series
2024 Spring Semester Colloquiums
Date | Presenter | Presentation Title |
4/26 | Cristina Schwabe | Examining Sensory Sensitivity and Misophonia as Mediators of Autism Spectrum Disorder Characteristics and Aggression |
4/26 | Meagan McDowell | Infant-Like Characteristics and Gender on Empathic Concern |
4/26 | Angela Nowak | The Impact of Upward Body Comparison on Body Appreciation and Intention to Engage in Weight Control Behaviors |
5/3 | Rachel Kosakowski | Anthropomorphism of Non-Sentient Nature and Empathic Joy |
5/3 | Ece Tunali | Exploring the Role of Multiple Identities in Enhancing Psychological Wellbeing Among Individuals with Dementia |
5/3 | Amber Graf | Motivations for Environmental Concern: The Role of Perspective Taking on Empathic Emotions and Personal Distress |
5/3 | Natalie Freese | Gender differences in prefrontal cortex reactions to emotional stimuli, both positive and negative, using functional near-infrared spectroscopy |
All colloquiums will take place from 1:00 to 3:00. Titles for the 2024 Spring Semester Colloquium Schedule will be posted as soon as they are available.
The purpose of the Psychology Colloquium Series is to promote discourse and research at University of Oshkosh Wisconsin on various affective and cognitive approaches to the study of human nature. The series is open to all members of UW Oshkosh and to all interested visitors.
For additional information, contact Dr. Christopher Groves, department of psychology, Check this site regularly for updates on presentations.
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Psychology Department
Clow Faculty, Room W010
(920) 424-2300
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