Project Success
Clow, Room N201
Phone: (920) 424-1033
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Summer Students FAQ
When should I apply to the summer program?
We encourage students to apply to the Project Success summer program at the end of the junior year of high school, or early on during their senior year of high school. As part of the application, it is necessary to review each student’s high school transcripts and senior year schedule which may not be available until after junior year is completed.
To find out more about the application process, please click here
Do I need to apply to UW Oshkosh if I have already been accepted into the Project Success summer program?
Yes, you must still apply to UWO through the normal admissions process. However, it is important to identify yourself as a Project Success student in your application. Many students choose to mention their participation in Project Success in their personal statement. Our office keeps in close contact with the Admissions office on those matters. If you have questions about the UWO admissions process, please call (920) 424-3164.
What are the costs for the summer program?
Although there is no charge for the additional services available to students through the Project Success program, all students must pay for books, housing, on-campus meal plans, and the tuition for the six credits taken over the summer. The estimated cost is listed below, based off 2023 prices:
Tuition (6 credits): For more information, please visit the Student Financial Services
- WI Resident $1,948
- MN Resident $2,514
- Non-Resident $3,842
- Midwest Student Exchange $2,736
Books & Supplies: $200.00
Housing – 6 weeks: $875 (single room) or $775 (double room): For more information please visit the Department of Residence Life website
Meals – 6 weeks: To sign up for the Summer Meal plan please visit the University Dining website
- $450 (25 meals and 150 Titan Dollars)
- $1,095 (100 meals and 100 Titan Dollars)
Titan Dollars may be used to purchase meals or supplies at different restaurants and stores on campus. We recommend a smaller meal plan as extra meals are not refunded. Additional meals can be purchased as needed.
What is a Titan Card and how do I get one?
The Titan Card is the official UW Oshkosh identification card. However, it is also used as a UW Oshkosh library card and a meal card. In addition, it can act as a debit card (if you wish to sign up for a UW Credit Union checking or savings account). Students can also ‘scan’ or ‘load’ money onto their card at Titan Central. (located in Reeve Memorial Union) and use it to make purchases at University Books & More, Corner Connivence Store, and for meals.
There is no charge to obtain a Titan Card (replacement cards do carry a fee). Students who do not already have a Titan Card will be able to get one on Sunday or during the first day of summer classes.
For more information about the UW Oshkosh Titan Card. Please all the Titan Central office at (920) 424-2255.
How do I register for the summer program courses?
You do not need to come to campus to register for the Project Success summer program courses. However, you must preregister for the summer program courses. To do so, you will receive a summer program packet in the mail during the spring semester of your senior year and you will complete the Project Success registration contract. After the registration contract is completed and mailed back to us you will recieve an email around April/May to your UWO email account for information on enrolling yourself into the summer courses.
Am I required to attend the summer program as a new student?
When a student applies to Project Success, they may receive either full admittance or conditional admittance. Any student who receives a full admittance letter, is not required to attend the summer program, but they may still choose to attend. There are many benefits to attending the summer program. If a student receives a conditional admittance letter, they are required to attend and pass the six-week summer program to earn a full admit to the UWO for the following fall semester.
What are the requirements to pass the summer program?
At the end of the six-week summer program, students are invited to attend an individual meeting with a Project Success staff member to discuss their performance. Along with course grades, the Project Success staff members will look for the skills and effort put forth by each student to help determine overall performance. Students must receive a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher to gain full admittance to the university in the fall. Parents and guardians may also attend the end of program conference if the student gives permission.
How is the summer program schedule set?
Each year, the schedule for the summer program varies a bit. To create an atmosphere similar to the traditional college experience, courses may be offered on alternating days and/or for different lengths of time. Attending the summer program is a great way to gain an understanding of how college is set up while practicing the skills that are necessary for success in a more structured environment. To see a copy of a previous year’s summer schedule, click here.
Please note that the exact days and times each course is offered may vary each year, depending on instructor availability.
Are the summer students supervised in the dorms by a Project Success staff member?
Project Success staff members will not be monitoring the summer students who are living on campus. We believe that it is important to provide a similar atmosphere to what the students will experience during the Fall semester. All students living on campus over the summer will have a Residence Hall Director living in the dorm, as well as a student Summer Conference Assistant living on their floor. Residence Life staff have received training in the areas of peer helping and university resources and procedures. If a situation arises that requires the attention of a Project Success staff member, the Residence Hall Director will communicate directly with our office and campus policies and procedures will be followed.
Where will I live during the summer program?
Will I need to bring a computer for the summer program?
Students are not required to have their own computer on campus for the summer program. Our course instructors require students to type assignments, but computers are available in the Project Success office and on campus. The summer residence hall also has a computer lab with a staff to help. Supplies, training, and technical support are also available. Some students do choose to bring their own computer to campus. Our only caution to students who do bring their own computers is to be sure to keep their dorm room doors locked and to check into their insurance coverage.
When and how do I register for the Fall semester?
Students will register on their Titan Takeoff Day date prior to the start of the summer program. If you would like to meet with a Project Success staff member after your Titan Takeoff Day, please call the Project Success office ahead of time to make arrangements.