Project Success
Clow, Room N201
Phone: (920) 424-1033
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Summer Courses
The summer program is broken up into two separate, 3 credit courses: Success 100 and Art 105.
Success 100: Remediating Specific Language Handicaps in Reading and Spelling
The Success 100 course consists of 3 sub-courses: College Reading, Written Expression, and Transition to College, each equally weighted in the final course grade. Although the Success 100 course does not count towards the credits necessary for graduation, students will learn valuable skills to prepare for college-level reading and writing, as well as gaining familiarity with the unique transition issues that individuals with language-based learning disabilities face upon entering post-secondary education.
College Reading
This sub-course is a systematic instruction covering phonemes, affixes, and roots and is used to develop the ability to read and therefore comprehend college-level textbooks and materials. Similar instruction is employed to teach spelling. Syllabication for both reading and spelling purposes is also taught.
Written Expression
This sub-course will provide a variety of methods and applications aimed at increasing each students’ knowledge and skills in written expression. The goal of this sub-course is to provide opportunities to practice and apply college writing strategies to help each student succeed in their freshman composition course.
Transition to College
This sub-course is designed to ease the transition between high school and the post secondary experience. Students will have the opportunity to get acquainted to the university and gain the necessary knowledge and skills of important changes that students with disabilities face entering post secondary education. Students will examine the time management strategies, study skills, and their rights regarding accommodations at the university level. Some time will be devoted to assessing career interests and helping each student with career planning.
Art 105: Understanding the Arts
Providing students with an educational opportunity to increase their understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. This 3 credit course counts towards graduation credits and meets a humanities general education requirement.