Political Science Minors are required to have a minimum of 21 credits. The required courses make up 9 of the 21 credits. The remaining 12 credits may be taken from any of the Political Science subgroups.
Required Courses
Political Science 101/101Q: Dictators and Democracies (3 credits)
Political Science 105/105Q: American Government and Politics (3 credits)
Political Science 115/115Q: World Politics (GC) (3 credits)
Group One: American Government Courses
Political Science Majors must complete one course from the list of Group One American Government courses.
Political Science 215: Media and Politics (3 credits) – taught at access campus only
Political Science 218: Religion and Politics (3 credits) – taught at access campus only
Political Science 231: Sex, Power, and Public Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 253: Introduction to Law (3 credits)
Political Science 302: Civil Liberties in the United States (3 credits)
Political Science 304: Race & Ethnicity in U.S. Politics (3 credits)
Political Science 305: Constitutional Law (3 credits)
Political Science 315: Policy Design & Analysis (3 credits)
Political Science 316: Environmental Law (3 credits)
Political Science 321: American Public Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 324: U.S. Presidency (3 credits)
Political Science 335: State and Local Government (3 credits)
Political Science 342: Gender, Law, and Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 346: Queer Politics and Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 350: Campaigns & Elections (3 credits)
Political Science 357: Environmental Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 365: Congress in the American Political System (3 credits)
Political Science 370: Special Topics (3 credits)
Political Science 380: Political Parties & Interest Groups (3 credits)
Political Science 392: Judicial Process in America (3 credits)
Group Two: Political Theory Courses
Political Science Majors must complete one course from the list of Group Two Political Theory courses.
Political Science 349: Foundations of Political Theory (3 credits)
Political Science 355: Modern Political Thought (3 credits)
Political Science 372: Special Topics (3 credits)
Political Science 377: Foundations of American Political Thought (3 credits)
Political Science 378: Modern American Political Thought (3 credits)
Political Science 403: Feminist Thought and Practice (3 credits)
Group Three: Comparative & International Relations Courses
Political Science Majors must complete one course from the list of Group Three Comparative Government courses.
Political Science 301: European Union Politics (3 credits)
Political Science 303: Women, Politics & Policy: A Global Perspective (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 308: International Law (3 credits)
Political Science 309: West European Politics (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 311: Democracy, Development & Conflict in Southeast Asia (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 313: Politics of Genocide (3 credits)
Political Science 317: U.S. Foreign Policy (3 credits)
Political Science 322: International Political Economy (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 323: Comparative Constitutional Law (3 credits)
Political Science 328: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 336: Russian Politics (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 343: African Politics (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 352: Politics of National Security (3 credits)
Political Science 373: Special Topics (3 credits)
Political Science 374: Special Topics (3 credits)
Political Science 376: International Conflict (3 credits)
Political Science 379: Democracy, Inequality & Violence in Latin America (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 386: Politics of Developing Countries (GS) (3 credits)
Political Science 388: Global Politics of Climate Change (3 credits)
Group Four: Special Courses
Political Science 108: Activism, Participation & Persuasion (QIII) (3 credits)
Political Science 111: United Nations & Global Problems (QI) (3 credits)
Political Science 112: Power, Justice, and the State (QI) (3 credits)
Political Science 113: The Democratic Arena (QI) (3 credits)
Political Science 114: The Politics of Race and Sex (QI) (3 credits)
Political Science 116: Environmental Politics & Sustainability (QI) (3 credits)
Political Science 212/212 (QIII): Study Abroad: Optional Content (2-6 credits)
Political Science 214: Politics of Food (QIII) (3 credits)
Political Science 245: Political Methodology (3 credits)
Political Science 261: Environment and Society
Political Science 294: Internship in Political Science (1-3 credits) – taught on access campus only
Political Science 312: Experiential Study: Optional Content (2-6 credits)
Political Science 329: Political Psychology (3 credits)
Political Science 351: Political Film (3 credits)
Political Science 361/561: Special Topics in Political Science (3 credits)
Political Science 396: Internship in Government (1-5 credits)
Political Science 446: Independent Study (1-3 credits)
Political Science 456: Related Readings (1-3 credits)
Political Science 474: Honors: Thesis (1-3 credits)
Group Five: Public Administration Courses
Public Administration 102: Contemporary Public Issues (3 credits)
Public Administration 221: Introduction to Public Administration (3 credits)
Public Administration 307: Administrative Law & Procedure (3 credits)
Public Administration 361: Campaign Management (3 credits)
Public Administration 362: Public Personnel Administration (3 credits)
Public Administration 363: American Bureaucracy & Political Process (3 credits)
Public Administration 364: Administrative Leadership & Behavior (3 credits)
Public Administration 365: Politics of Emergency Management (3 credits)
Public Administration 366: Emergency Planning and Administration (3 credits)
Public Administration 369: Government & the Economy (3 credits)
Political Science 375: Special Topics (3 credits)
Public Administration 390: Comparative Public Administration (3 credits)
Public Administration 391: Environment & Energy Management (3 credits)
No more than 3 credits in Independent Study and no more than 3 credits of Special Topics/Trial Courses may be applied toward the minor.