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Law and Policy Minor

Required Credits: 21

Required Courses: Political Science 253 and 315 or 321 or 392

The remaining 15 credits from the following elective courses and no more than 6 credits of elective courses may be taken in the same department – (see checklist)

Anthropology 338Political Science 302, 305, 308, 315, 316, 321, 323, 342, 346, 357, 392
Accounting 403, 404
Business 320
Finance 351
MHR 387
Public Administration 307
Criminal Justice 270, 318, 319, 328, 331, 347, 348Radio-TV-Film 313
Human Services 415Sociology 351, 353, 373
Journalism 412 Women’s Studies 342
Philosophy 220, 345

When a course is full: For courses that don’t have a waitlist option in TitanWeb, contact the instructor to be added to a waitlist. Be sure to include your name, student ID number and course you wish to be added to for the semester. If a spot opens up in the course and you are next in line, you will be given permission to enroll in the course. Please watch for emails granting you permission to enroll.