Receiving the fellowship was a fitting cap for a remarkable undergraduate career, in which Jordan achieved academic excellence and served as a campus leader, most notably as President of the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA). “When I was informed that I was chosen as a fellow, I remember sitting in my car in complete shock and feeling as if a great weight (a few thousand dollars’ worth of debt!) being lifted from my shoulders,” Jordan notes. “Quarles and Brady have provided resources to help ease many of the burdens of the law school experience. I was paired with a mentor from the law firm whom I can contact when I need advice, as well as other lawyers in the firm I can reach out to if I ever want to understand a specific area of practice.”
So, why law school? “I decided to attend law school due to my desire to solve issues,” Jordan writes. “The legal realm is a complex place, with many issues that have either been solved in a multitude of ways or have never been discussed before (as one of my law professors mentioned in class, “Every car accident has its own story”). I enjoy being presented with a new challenge or question daily that requires analysis and interpreting law. I enjoy reading cases and applying precedent (or arguing that precedent does not apply) in a factually similar case. I enjoy bringing people together that have polarizing views of a situation and attempting to cultivate a satisfactory resolution. I don’t have some deep reason as to why I decided to go to law school… I just knew that law school was the right path for me.”
What advice does Jordan have for others who are interested in law school, and being a competitive candidate for fellowships and scholarships? “Follow a path that you’re passionate about,” he says. “Take on leadership opportunities and try to expand your resume. Admissions committees like to see a diversity of experiences, so I would recommend keeping an open mind to opportunities that may take you away from “traditional” paths to law school.”
But Jordan knows that doing well in college is the most powerful indicator of future success in law school. “Make sure your education is your number one priority. Holding a multitude of leadership positions looks a lot better when paired with stellar grades and a good LSAT score. Also, make sure that the leadership positions you list on your resume are ones of value. Becoming the president of an organization will hold more weight with an admissions committee rather than being simply a member of an organization.”
We’re convinced that Political Science provides a good foundation for law school. Jordan agrees. “The amount of reading required in my undergrad classes is comparable to the large amounts of reading required every week in law school. Also, classes such as International Law helped improve my ability to read cases and statutes and apply those skills through argumentation.”
We can’t wait to see how Jordan’s career develops as he works his way through law school, and we’re glad that our alums like Jordan keep in contact with us after graduation. You all make a difference to us — we’re always here in Sage cheering you on, no matter how long it’s been since you crossed the graduation platform in Kolf!
PHOTO: Jordan leads the commencement procession on his graduation day in Spring 2016.