The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
Student Proctors (GEN 4.B.14)
GEN 4.B.14. Proctoring.
(1) Proctor Definition.
A student who acquires experiential educational benefits by assisting a faculty member in conducting specific course‑related activities.
(2) Undergraduate Proctoring Policy.
(a) Proctoring may be for credit or pay, but not both for the same course.
(b) If a student is proctoring a course for credit, he/she may take up to the maximum number of credits awarded that course.
(c) Maximum proctoring credit that may be earned toward a bachelor’s degree is six credits.
(d) Credits earned for proctoring cannot be used to fulfill general education requirements.
(e) Proctoring activities are not limited as to the type of instructional format.
(f) Only the pass/fail grading system may be employed in awarding proctoring credit.
(g) A “P” will be registered on the student’s transcript next to the course number being proctored.
(h) A descriptive statement which outlines the specific duties and activities a proctor is expected to perform for a given course will be maintained in the appropriate academic department office. A proctor must provide a summary of completed student activities at the end of the course.
(i) Proctors are selected on the basis of competency as determined by mastery of the course content.
(j) Proctors should have received a grade of at least a “B” in the course they are proctoring or in a similar course experience.
(k) Student proctors cannot provide classroom instructional services.