The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policies Relating to Search and Screen Committees for Limited Appointments and Academic Staff Positions (GOV 6.4)

Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY







GOV 6.4. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policies Relating to Search and Screen Committees for Limited Appointments and Academic Staff Positions.

March 31, 1989
Revised, May 13, 1992
Revised, December 2009

These procedures apply to all search and screen committees for limited and academic staff appointments at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

PART ONE. Types of Recruitments.

In an effort to provide a balance between open recruitment and development/advancement of current employees from within the institution as part of leadership development and succession planning, the following types of recruitments can be requested:

1.1 National/International, regional or local recruitments: Entry level positions are searched broadly, either nationally, internationally or regionally, depending on the existence of diverse pools of potential applicants. The request for this type of recruitment is indicated on the Recruitment Plan submitted with the Position Announcement, and approved by the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action, who takes into consideration goals in the current Affirmative Action Plan.

1.2 Internal recruitments: For beyond entry level positions, in situations where there are adequate potential internal candidates, both permanent and temporary, who meet the qualifications and can lead to a potential diverse pool of applicants. The request for an internal recruitment is indicated on the Recruitment Plan submitted along with the Position Announcement, and approved by the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action, who takes into consideration goals in the current Affirmative Action Plan.

1.3 When a person is hired through a waiver of open recruitment approved by the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action, there must be a recruitment when the waiver concludes.

1.4 No Recruitment:

1.4.1 For situations where, through career progression as outlined in ACS 9.0, a title change can be requested to move the person into a higher academic staff position, and that person meets the qualifications for the position/title change. The person must have been hired into a permanent position via a recruitment. It is assumed the hiring authority wants to hire into the position through career progression.

1.4.2 The hiring authority wants to hire into the position through career progression but the “working title” of the person does not match the “formal title” needed for career progression. In this case the hiring authority provides a current position description of the person and requests a title change through the normal title change process as outlined in ACS 10.0. The review of the title change request will include determining that the person is performing the duties of the formal title, The person must have been hired into a permanent position via a recruitment.

1.4.3 For situations as outlined in FAC 3.9. Changes of Status, an academic staff can be moved to faculty status. Also see ASC 5.3. Conversions Between Academic Staff and Faculty.

1.4.4 In addition, an academic staff employee can be transferred within an operational area or to a different operational area according to ACS 5.0. In this case the person must also meet the requirements of the position. This request is approved by the Chancellor or Designee.

PART TWO. The Formation of Committees.

2.1 The appropriate administrator is responsible for forming and charging the search and screen committee.

2.2 Committees shall be comprised of individuals willing and able to explore all available avenues for recruitment. They shall include representation of women and members of minority groups and shall act in a manner consistent with the University’s affirmative action plan, its commitment to equal employment opportunity, and the goal of achieving and sustaining racial and ethnic diversity within all employment categories.

2.3 The administrator forming the committee shall determine the committee’s size based on the nature of the position, the expected number of applicants, and the respective interests of the governance groups. As a general rule, search and screen committees should have no fewer than six and no more than thirteen members. If the recruitment is for a university level administrator above the level of dean, the committee shall include at least two representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate, two representatives appointed by the Senate of Academic Staff, one representative appointed by the Oshkosh Student Association, and one representative appointed by the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action. If it is necessary to modify any of the representation levels set forth below, the convener must first consult with the executive committee of the concerned governance group or groups (i.e., the Faculty Senate, the Senate of Academic Staff, or the Oshkosh Student Association).

2.3.1 Faculty. Consistent with Article II, Section 5 of the Faculty Constitution: “The Faculty Senate shall select faculty representatives for search and screen committees for System and university level administrators above the level of dean.” Further, as stated in Article IX, Section 4 of the Faculty Constitution: “Search and screen committees for deans and equivalent administrators of faculty units shall be composed of at least 60 percent faculty members elected in accordance with the faculty unit bylaws. A search and screen committee for Provost and Vice Chancellor or for Assistant or Associate Vice Chancellors in areas of primary faculty responsibility shall be composed of at least 60 percent faculty representation, as appointed by the Faculty Senate.

2.3.2 Academic Staff. The Senate of Academic Staff shall select two or more representatives for all search and screen committees. For those positions with significant responsibilities for non-academic matters (i.e., those not related to matters of primary faculty responsibility), the convener shall ask the Senate of Academic Staff to appoint a majority of the members of those committees.

2.3.3 Students. At least 20 percent of the members of committees for positions involving responsibility for developing, formulating, reviewing, or implementing policies and procedures concerning student life, student services and related student interests shall be appointed by the Oshkosh Student Association. (The Oshkosh Student Association shall refer appointments for searches that relate to areas specifically delegated to the Reeve Union Board or United Students in Residence Halls to those respective organizations.)

2.3.4 Affirmative Action. The representative of the Council for Equity and Affirmative Action shall be appointed by the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action after consultation with the Chair of the Council of Equity and Affirmative Action.

PART THREE. Committee Organization.

3.1 The convener will prepare a draft position description to be reviewed by the committee prior to the publication.

3.2 Prior to appointing the committee chair, the convener may consult with the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action and (as appropriate to the position) the governance group president(s).

3.3 Unless otherwise directed by the convener, only the chair (or the chair’s designee) is authorized to make statements concerning the committee and its activities. All questions concerning the committee shall be addressed to the chair (who may consult with the convener).

3.4 The vice-chair shall be elected by the committee to exercise the responsibilities of the chair in the chair’s absence.

3.5 The convener may provide a written charge to the committee.

3.6 The convener shall make arrangements to cover: (1) the costs associated with committee business; (2) any necessary clerical support for the committee; and (3) the secure storage of committee files and materials.

PART FOUR. The Work of the Committee.

4.1 All committee business shall be in meetings called by the chair with proper notice as required under the Wisconsin Open Meetings law. The committee shall strictly follow the requirements of the open meetings law and the stated exemptions (and procedural requirements) for meeting in closed session.

4.2 Sixty percent of the committee will constitute a quorum. Committee members may not vote by proxy or by absentee ballot.

4.3 Confidentiality. Any and all inquiries relating to the committee shall be referred to the chair.

4.3.1 All committee deliberations and all committee materials shall be considered and kept confidential. All requests for access to, or disclosure of, committee records shall be considered in light of the provisions of the public records law, and the statutory exemptions (and applicable procedures) for denying access. The committee may seek an administrative interpretation from the Chancellor prior to responding to any requests for records or information under the Wisconsin public records law.

4.3.2 No committee minutes from closed committee meetings, and no committee records relating to the review of credentials and no other supporting materials shall be copied for circulation among committee members. These confidential documents shall only be available to the committee in an identified location. The personal notes from committee members shall remain filed with the other confidential materials.

4.3.3 Committee minutes, documents, and recommendations shall not be subject to review by any governance group.

4.3.4 Unless specifically provided for under these procedures, no business of the committee should be discussed outside of committee meetings with non-committee members.

4.4 Affirmative Action. The committee member who serves as the Council of Equity and Affirmative Action representative shall consult with the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action prior to the first committee meeting to receive information concerning appropriate affirmative action policies and procedures.

4.4.1 The Affirmative Action representative shall provide the committee with assistance and guidance in meeting the requirements of the University’s Affirmative Action Plan and ensuring that all committee activities conform to all processes and procedures for providing Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity.

4.4.2 The chair may also consult with the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action, as necessary, during the course of committee deliberations.

4.5 No committee member may apply for, or be considered for, the position under review by the committee. (A committee member must resign from the committee before being considered.)

4.6 Committees are expected to operate informally. By two-thirds vote, the committee may adopt other procedures not in conflict with these requirements. If parliamentary authority is required for matters not addressed here, the committee shall use the current edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.

4.7 Recruitment Plan. Prior to the publication of the position announcement, the committee (in consultation with the convener and the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action) shall prepare a recruitment plan. When developing the plan, the committee shall consider the likely sources of applications and the media sources most likely to encourage the most diverse pool of qualified applicants. The plan shall be consistent with the University’s Affirmative Action Plan and any special hiring goals.

4.7.1 The committee shall comply with the requirements of section 19.36(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the identities of applicants for employment at the University. The first contact with applicants or nominees should include a form noting whether or not they wish their identity revealed.

4.7.2 Before the committee proceeds with recruitment, the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action and the convener must approve the position announcement and the recruitment plan.

4.8 Receipt of Applications/Nominations. The committee shall provide acknowledgment of all applications or nominations as soon as practicable. (The committee will retain copies of all correspondence.) Separate files (identified by number, name, and date of receipt) should be created for each person. All files shall be confidential and stored in a secure location with review limited to committee members.

4.9 Initial Screening. The initial screening of files to determine whether applicants are qualified for further consideration may be done by a subcommittee. All subcommittee recommendations shall be reviewed and ratified by the full committee. Unqualified candidates can be notified at the conclusion of this stage. The subcommittee or chair may contact individuals to ascertain continued interest in the position and to request any additional information. In advance of each meeting, the chair shall prepare a list of the files to be screened. Whenever possible, the committee shall be given at least two working days to review the files scheduled for review.

4.9.1 During the meeting, each file shall be presented to the committee. The committee may request additional information from any candidate or from all candidates.

4.9.2 The committee may reconsider candidates at any time in the process.

4.9.3 In exceptional cases, where the deadline prevents consideration of a candidate late in applying, the committee may seek permission from the convener to re-open the search (through re-advertisement).

4.9.4 If the recruitment has an “open” timeline with an initial screening date instead of a fixed deadline, in advance of the initial screening date the committee will develop a process to review applications received after the screening date to ensure equal opportunity for all candidates.

4.10 Semi-Finalists. The chair shall assign committee members the responsibility of presenting the files of the candidates. All members of the committee shall be afforded an opportunity to offer comments concerning each candidate. Telephone interviews may be held at this stage. Notes and records of all interviews and calls should be included in each candidate’s file.

4.10.1 After the committee has evaluated each candidate, the committee will tier the candidates based on the required and preferred qualifications. On the basis of these tierings and other relevant factors (such as Affirmative Action considerations), the committee shall then establish a list of semi-finalists.

4.10.2 The chair may seek any additional materials necessary to complete the files of all semi-finalists. The chair may seek letters of recommendation from references (whether supplied by the candidate or as identified from other sources).

4.11 Finalists. The committee shall develop an acceptable procedure to establish the list of finalists. The unranked list of finalists shall be sent to the convener in alphabetical order. The committee may forward the tally information as an addendum. If the tally information is not supplied, the convener may request it from the committee.

PART FIVE. Interviews.

The convener shall review the files of finalists recommended by the committee. The convener shall consult with the committee chair concerning the results of the review preceding the establishment of an interview schedule.

5.1 With good cause (such as Affirmative Action), and by providing a statement of explanation, the convener may ask the committee to review a request to interview one or more applicants who were not included on the list of finalists forwarded by the committee. In formulating its recommendation, the committee shall give considerable weight to the reasons identified by the convener at the time the request is presented.

5.2 Prior to setting up interviews of the finalists, the convener (or the Affirmative Action representative on the committee) shall complete the Interview and Hiring form and consult with the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action to secure approval to interview. At this time, the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action may also review the files of the applicants no longer under consideration by the committee. At the conclusion of this review, and with the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action’s permission, these applicant files can be closed by sending an appropriate letter to the applicants or nominees.

5.3 Once authorization to interview is received, the convener, in consultation with the committee chair, shall establish the date(s) for the interview, the location, and list of persons who will participate in the interviews. Interviews should be conducted in an informal setting that encourages thorough and thoughtful discussions.

5.4 Appointments. The convener may meet with the committee prior to making an offer for appointment to the position. If none of those interviewed are selected for appointment, the convener has the option of discharging the committee and initiating a new search, or charging the committee to re-open the search with a new deadline. After an individual has been appointed, the convener may meet with the committee to discuss the work of the committee.

5.5 Discharge. After all committee affairs have been complete, the convener shall discharge the committee. At this time, the chair should close any files that remain open with appropriate correspondence. The chair shall collect, seal and store all committee materials (e.g., applicant files, committee minutes, correspondence, evaluation and voting records, and any other miscellaneous records). Search and screen files will be retained for at least seven years.

PART SIX. Addendum — Complaints.

Subject to the confidentiality requirements stated above, all complaints or expressions of concern relating to these procedures shall be sent in writing addressed to the convener (with copies to the committee chair and Chancellor).

6.1 The convener shall respond in writing.

6.2 If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at this level, the Chancellor (or designate) may conduct an investigation into the matter and prepare findings.

6.3 The Chancellor’s decision is final and not subject to further review.

History: This policy was originally approved on March 31, 1989. Revisions to the policy were approved by Chancellor Kerrigan on May 13, 1992, and Chancellor Wells on January 29, 2010.