GEN 2.11. Professorial Salary Increase and Title Recognition Guidelines
Faculty Senate: Approved 1- 17, 2012
Chancellor: 1- 24, 2012
Faculty with the rank of Professor, whose performance over the previous 8 years would again qualify them for promotion to the rank of professor, will receive salary increases and title recognition.
1) Salary Increase
Professorial Productivity Salary Increases will be equal to the raises received by those promoted to the rank of Professor during the current year.
2) Title Recognition
Qualifying Faculty will internally be granted the title of Distinguished Professor by UW Oshkosh.
3) Eligibility
Faculty with the rank of Professor may first apply after their eighth year in rank as Professor at UW Oshkosh, and again 8 years after a previous Professorial Productivity Salary Increase. Faculty hired as Professor may first apply after their eighth year at UW Oshkosh. Professors may reapply for consideration 4 years after an unsuccessful application.
4) Application
Those wishing to be considered for a Professorial Productivity Salary Increase must submit a brief document including ONLY the following information:
A table of Student Opinion Survey results for the previous 4 years.
A list of scholarly activities during the previous 8 years.
A list of service activities during the previous 8 years.
A narrative of no more than one page (12 pt font) in length may accompany each of the 3 sections above.
5) Review Process
The review of individual applications for Professorial Productivity Salary Increases will follow the existing promotions process but will submitted via the Department Chair for initial review by the College Promotions Committee. The committee will evaluate performance in the areas of teaching, scholarly activity, and service. Only those applicants whose performance over the previous 8 years would qualify them for promotion to the rank of professor will receive such raises. Successful applicants must have continued to demonstrate a record of strong performance in the areas of teaching, professional and scholarly growth, and service.
6) Implementation
To implement this process, all professors with 8, 12, or 16 or more years in rank will be eligible to apply during the first year such raises are available. During the second, third, and fourth years those with 8, 12, and 16 years in rank may apply. Thereafter, professors may first apply in the year after their 8th year in the rank of Professor.
7) Funding
The plan will be funded from two sources: the Colleges and the University. Each biennium, a written memo of understanding will be generated outlining the amount of funding that will be contributed by each unit.