The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
UW Oshkosh Improvement of Instruction Policy
Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: November 17, 2020
Next Review Date: November 17, 2025
[Formerly (in part) FAC 6.6. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy and Procedures]
Previously amended by Faculty Senate February 17, 2015
Number this policy FAC 6.5
This Revision Approved: Date: November 17, 2020
Next Review Date: November 17, 2025
This policy describes the UW Oshkosh procedures and expectations for ongoing Improvement of Instruction (IOI) activity by tenured and tenure-track faculty members and instructional academic staff, collectively referred to as “faculty” hereafter in this policy.
This policy describes UW Oshkosh policy and procedures for the use of Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) data for Improvement of Instruction (IOI) activity, pursuant to Regent Policy Document 20-2 Student Evaluation of Instruction.
UW Oshkosh provides students the opportunity to complete an online Student Opinion Survey (SOS) instrument for all sections of instruction. The data from the SOS instrument then become part of a larger set of Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) information.
SEI data are an important source of information about educational experiences. The university-wide Student Opinion Survey (SOS) data can inform activity intended to improve the effectiveness of instruction; however additional data collection is needed for a faculty member to obtain information specific enough to permit improvement of instructional methods.
See the UW Oshkosh Evaluation of Faculty Teaching Policy for information about using SEI data in the Faculty Teaching Evaluation Process.
Responsible Officer
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
For purposes of this policy, the terms “faculty” and “faculty member” refer to all faculty and instructional academic staff with teaching assignments.
“Improvement of Instruction” (IOI) is the process of using data (from many sources) to (a) identify opportunities for improving students’ mastery of course learning objectives, (b) identify opportunities for improving students’ educational experience while pursuing mastery of course learning objectives, and (c) assess whether actions taken in pursuit of these opportunities were successful.
The UW Oshkosh Student Opinion Survey (SOS) instrument consists of a common core of questions administered online to students according to the UW Oshkosh Student Opinion of Instruction Data Collection Policy.
Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) data are collected from students using the university-wide SOS instrument as well as other surveys or questionnaires about students’ experience of instruction.
Policy Statement
1. UW Oshkosh encourages faculty to engage in Improvement of Instruction (IOI) activity that is effective and unbiased using methods identified in this policy (or elsewhere).
2. Pursuant to Regent Policy Document 20-2, UW Oshkosh recognizes that faculty may wish to utilize their results from the university-wide Student Opinion Survey (SOS) for IOI activity. As acknowledged in Regent Policy Document 20-2, however, SOS data may not be specific enough to support data-driven IOI activity.
3. UW Oshkosh therefore encourages faculty to develop supplemental methods for collecting data to support IOI activity. Such data could include:
a. Pre/Post-Test questions administered at the beginning of a course and again at the end;
b. Surveys or questionnaires administered at the course level
c. Surveys or questionnaires administered at the program level.
4. Each academic unit (e.g., departments of instruction) must adopt written policies and procedures that address expectations of faculty for IOI activity if IOI activity is to be part of the unit’s Faculty Evaluation of Teaching. Written procedures should:
a. be adopted and revised in accordance with existing unit bylaws;
b. be consonant with the respective college policy;
c. provide guidance to faculty related to best practices for IOI and resources available at the unit, college, and university to support IOI;
d. specify the required use of additional data (beyond the SOS university-wide instrument), including requirements concerning frequency of collection, methods of analysis, development of action plans based on the data, and frequency and type of communication of the data, analysis, and IOI activity; and
e. be reviewed each time the unit reviews its bylaws.
Units are responsible for assuring their own members are aware of requirements and their policy. Any IOI data collection beyond the university-wide SOS must be consistent across all instructors in the same course.
5. Any public record request for SEI data must be reviewed by the Provost’s Office to ensure the response complies with public records laws, including s. 19.33 (10) (d), Wis. Stats., which prohibits release of employee evaluations in response to a public records request.
UW System Administration’s Office of Compliance and Integrity shall provide consultation regarding the release of SEI data in response to public records requests.
Oversight, Roles, and Responsibilities
Faculty Senate is responsible for the content and revision of this policy, consistent with Article 2 of the Faculty Constitution.
The Improvement of Instruction Committee of the Faculty Senate shall conduct a review of this policy at least once every five years. It may do so more frequently if governing policies change, at the request of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, or at the request of 25% of sitting Senators. If the Improvement of Instruction Committee deems any changes to be necessary, it shall recommend those changes to the Faculty Senate.
The Faculty Senate approves changes to this policy by majority vote.
Related Policy Documents and Applicable Laws
RPD Regent Policy Document 20-2, “Student Evaluation of Instruction”
Regent Policy Document 20-23, “Faculty Tenure”
UWS 3.05, Wis. Admin. Code, “Periodic review”
Faculty Constitution Article 2, Section 2. “University Policy: Primary Faculty Responsibility”
UW Oshkosh Collection of Student Opinion of Instruction Data Policy
UW Oshkosh Faculty Teaching Evaluation Policy