The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
Grievances by Academic Staff (ACS 15)

[See update: Grievance Procedure (Academic Staff) Policy]

Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY







ACS 15.0. Grievances by Academic Staff.

A grievance in this section is a formal statement by an employee which alleges unfair treatment or dissatisfaction with aspects of working conditions within the University and which are outside his/her control. The term “grievance” is used in two senses here. It denotes first the distress or dissatisfaction caused by perceived unfair treatment or violation of rights or in general unsatisfactory working conditions. It also denotes a formal appeal for relief from such distress or dissatisfaction. A formal grievance cannot be a reaction to substantive academic judgments made in the course of evaluating academic staff for renewal, salary adjustments or other such personnel decisions. A grievance differs from a complaint in that it focuses upon the effects experienced by the grievant rather than upon the alleged misconduct of another. A grievance seeks relief for the grievant rather than punishment of another individual. The following chart summarizes these general conditions.

  Grievance  Complaint 
Nature  alleges unfair treatment or dissatisfaction with aspects of working 


objection to perceived misconduct and seeks disciplinary action against another employee 
Focus  relief  sanction; can lead to dismissal from 

employment for another employee 

Rules  UW Oshkosh Academic Staff Personnel Rules Chapter 15  UW Oshkosh Academic Staff Personnel Rules Chapter 16 

ACS 15.1. General Considerations.

If the grievance concerns any of the discrimination or harassment sections in GEN 1.2.(1) through (8), the grievance is made according to the process outlined in that section of this Handbook. Prior to filing a grievance, an academic staff member is encouraged to seek resolution with his/her immediate supervisor utilizing informal discussion, collegial interaction and existing structures to resolve conflicts and to remedy personal and professional concerns whenever possible. If the immediate supervisor is not a department head, he/she shall notify the department head of the grievance and ensuing discussions. When these do not provide a satisfactory resolution, the formal procedure below should be followed. The purpose of this procedure is to resolve conflicts arising from grievances from academic staff members under UWS 13.02, except that judgments relating to renewal shall not be grievable unless the academic staff member alleges that nonrenewal was based on federal and/or stateprohibited discrimination.

ACS 15.2. Grievance Procedures.

Original Issuance Date: 1988-89
Last Revision Date: December 12, 2019
Next Review Date: December 12, 2024
The purpose of this policy is to update policy language to comply with recent System audit for academic
staff grievance procedures.
AVC for Human Resources
This policy applies to the academic staff.
A recent System Audit showed that UWO was missing a key line identifying who will act as the impartial
hearing officer.
ACS 15.2 Grievance Procedures.
A. If the academic staff member is not satisfied with the resolution of the problem after
informal discussion and consultation, they may file a written grievance indicating the results
of the informal discussion and consultation and containing the information required in the
section below identifying the form of grievances.
(1) Grievances shall be filed in writing and shall contain the information identified below. In
addition, grievants should submit documents and information which would support
the grievance. They are encouraged to indicate the names of other persons who may be
able to provide evidence related to the grievance, together with a general description of
the evidence to be provided. All documents submitted in support of a grievance shall
accompany the grievance through all steps of consideration.
a. Description of the specific act which resulted in the grievance, the date(s) upon
which the act(s) took place, and the names of persons involved.
b. A listing of the specific rights of the academic staff member which are alleged to
have been violated, or the nature of the alleged unfair treatment.
c. Evidence to support the grievance. Such evidence may include materials
predatingthe action leading to the grievance.
d. Desired outcome.
(2) If two or more academic staff members have a grievance with identical specifications,
the grievances may be filed jointly.
(3) Grievances must be filed within 60 calendar days of the date when the grievant first
knew or should have known of the action taken which led to the grievance, unless
the time of filing is extended by mutual agreement of the academic staff member
and Chancellor or designee because extenuating circumstances exist as determined
by the Chancellor or designee.
(4) The grievance shall be filed with the appropriate Vice Chancellor [i.e., the Provost and
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (for instructional academic staff appointments)
or the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (for all other academic staff
appointments] (or with the Chancellor if the grievance is against an action of the
Vice Chancellor or equivalent-level position).
(5) Within 14 calendar days after the receipt of the grievance, the individual receiving the
grievance shall initiate an administrative review, including individual meetings with the
grievant and other involved persons, and consideration of all relevant documents. For
professional administrative positions outside the Division of Administrative Services, the
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services shall consult with the Vice Chancellor of the
division(s) in question.
(6) The person conducting the administrative review shall prepare a formal, written
response to each specification of the grievance and shall forward their findingstogether
with copies of all documents considered (or a list of the documents) in the administrative
review to the grievant, to all other interested or involved parties, to the Chancellor or
designee and, for information only, to the President of the Senate of Academic Staff
within 40 calendar days of initiating review, unless the time is extended by the
Chancellor or designee.
B. If the academic staff member is not satisfied with the resolution of the problem after
administrative review, they may file a request for review by an academic staff hearing
(1) This request must be filed with the President of the Senate of Academic Staff within
14 calendar days of receipt of the notification of the results of the administrative review.
(2) Following the procedures outlined in GOV 4.3.C., the president shall convene a
committee which shall review the grievance on the record and determine within 14
calendar days whether a hearing is required. A hearing is necessary only when the
committee believes that there is sufficient evidence to indicate the possibility that
academic staff rights have been violated or that unfair treatment has been received.
(3) If no hearing is called, the hearing committee chairperson shall transmit their report,
via the President of the Senate of Academic Staff, to the grievant, the appropriate Vice
Chancellor [i.e., the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (for instructional
academic staff appointments) or the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (for all
other academic staff appointments], and, for information only, to the Chancellor.
(4) If a hearing is called, procedures outlined under GOV 4.3.C. shall apply. The hearing
shall be completed within 40 calendar days after being called, unless extended by mutual
agreement between the academic staff member and the chairperson of the committee.
(5) At the conclusion of the hearing, the committee shall transmit its findings and
recommendations, via the President of the Senate of Academic Staff, to the grievant,
appropriate Vice Chancellor [i.e., the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
(for instructional academic staff appointments) or the Vice Chancellor for Administrative
Services (for all other academic staff appointments] and the Chancellor.
(6) The Chancellor or designee shall render a formal, written decision to the grievant and the
individual who conducted the initial administrative review, and, forinformation only, to
the President of the Senate of Academic Staff within 21 calendar days of receipt of the
recommendation from the academic staff hearing committee. The decision shall be final.
Link to ACS 15.2
12/12/2019 Approved by Senate of Academic Staff
1/28/2020 Approved by Chancellor