GEN 2.10. Faculty Member in an Administrative Position and Return to Faculty Position.
UWS 4.04 (5) Faculty Member in an Administrative Position and Return to Faculty Position.
As directed by Regent Resolution #9058 (adopted September 9, 2005) when a ranked faculty member leaves an administrative limited appointment to return to his/her faculty position, the faculty member will be compensated at a salary rate consistent with other faculty members of the same rank in the department when considering years of service, previous salary as a faculty member, length of time served as an administrator and other factors normally considered when setting faculty salaries (e.g., past performance as faculty member, performance in limited appointment). The UW System Office of Human Resources must approve all such salaries prior to offering a salary to the returning faculty member. The salary request must include justification for the proposed faculty salary as well as the methodology used for determining the salary.
Regent Resolution #9058 (adopted September 9, 2005) further directs that limited appointees returning to the faculty with transition time for teaching preparation must develop the equivalent of a sabbatical proposal clearly outlining the work to be accomplished during the transition time. At the conclusion of the transition period, the faculty member must prepare a report of work accomplished during the transition period. The transition period should be no longer than one academic semester unless the person has served in a limited position for five or more years, whereby two academic semesters may be allowed. UW System approval of the transition plan is not required. However, the transition plan and subsequent report of work accomplished should be maintained in the institution’s files and be available if there should be an audit of compliance with this policy.