The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
Faculty Appointment (FAC 3)
Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
FAC 3.0. Incorporation of College Personnel Materials.
Please note that substantive requirements relating to faculty appointment, renewal, tenure, promotion, and merit may be found in materials developed at the college or department level. College-specific information has been included as an appendix to this material.
FAC 3.1.
System references for appointment include:
UWS 3.01 – Types of appointments.
UWS 3.03 – Appointments—general.
UWS 3.04 – Probationary appointments.
FAC 3.2.A. Probationary appointments.
Tenure is not acquired solely because of years of service.
“Probationary appointment” means an appointment by the Board of Regents which is granted to a faculty member who is employed half time or more.
The probationary period at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh shall be a maximum of: (1) seven years for faculty appointed full time; (2) ten years for faculty appointed at least three‑quarter time but less than full time; or (3) fourteen years for faculty appointed at least half time but less than three‑quarter time. As stated in section UWS 3.04(2), above: “A leave of absence, sabbatical or a teacher improvement assignment does not constitute a break in continuous service and shall not be included in the 7‑year period . . ..” In addition, as set forth in section UWS 3.04(3), above, other specified circumstances may also be excluded from the seven-year rule.
The proportion of time provided for in the appointment may not be diminished or increased without the mutual consent of the faculty member and the institution unless the faculty member is dismissed or terminated or laid‑off.
FAC 3.2.B. Stopping or Suspending the Tenure Clock.
It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh that these procedures should be implemented in a fair, reasonable, and accommodating manner. Interest in accommodating the special needs of probationary faculty must be considered and evaluated in light of avoiding an undue prolongation or extension in the length of the probationary period. For this reason, the process of making decisions on these requests must ensure that actions are taken in a timely and appropriate manner.
Probationary faculty may present a request for stopping the tenure clock for the reasons set forth in section UWS 3.04(3). Requests should be filed as soon as the probationary faculty becomes aware of the circumstances or conditions that necessitate this special treatment. In order to ensure that the review of the request is completed prior to the timeline for the submission of materials for renewal or tenure, the request should be filed no later than forty (40) working days prior to the date scheduled for the initial review. (In emergency or other extenuating circumstances, the Provost and Vice Chancellor may accept and act upon a request in an expeditious manner, provided that reasonable efforts are made to confer with the following individuals and offices (or their equivalents): the college Dean, the department chair, the department personnel committee, and the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action.)
If accepted, a request to “suspend the clock” shall not constitute a break in continuous service nor shall it be included in the probationary period.
(1) The Provost and Vice Chancellor will serve as the “designated administrative officer” for making decisions on all requests to stop or suspend the tenure clock.
(2) Probationary faculty initiate a request in writing filed with the appropriate dean. Duplicate copies of this material must also be simultaneously filed with the following individuals and offices (or their equivalents): the department chair, the department personnel committee, and the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action. The dean will then forward the request, with his/her recommendation, to the Provost and Vice Chancellor.
(3) Any comments on the request from the offices designated above must be filed with the Provost and Vice Chancellor’s Office within ten working days.
(4) No later than ten working days after the close of the period for receipt of comments, the Provost and Vice Chancellor shall make a final decision on the request. Copies of the decision shall be sent to the following individuals and offices (or their equivalents): the concerned faculty, the Chancellor, the college Dean, the department chair, the department personnel committee, and the Director of Equity and Affirmative Action. This decision is not subject to review or appeal.
(a) If the Provost and Vice Chancellor denies the request, it must be based upon clear and convincing reasons that are presented in writing to the probationary faculty member at the time that this decision is made.
(b) If the Provost and Vice Chancellor accepts the request, the notification of that decision shall specify the duration of the period covered by the decision and the timeline for the next personnel action pertaining to the probationary faculty member.
FAC 3.3. Concurrent Appointments.
An individual on a limited appointment, as defined in UWS 15 and University of Wisconsin Oshkosh rules accompanying that section, may also be granted a concurrent faculty appointment.
(1) A concurrent appointment as faculty member shall require the recommendation of the appropriate department or unit, and Chancellor.
(2) Limited appointees who hold concurrent faculty appointments shall be considered on leave of absence from the faculty position for that portion of time assigned to the limited appointment. If the teaching assignment is one‑half time or more the appointee moves toward tenure as defined by the probationary period listed above.
FAC 3.4. Granting of Years of Experience.
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh credits faculty with years of experience as follows: only experience relevant to the duties that will be assumed at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh will be counted; graduate assistantships and in most cases pre‑bachelor degree experience shall not be counted. Up to three years of credited prior experience at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh or other institutions, agencies, business, industry, or other types of activity of sufficient quality to be related to the position at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, may be counted toward the probationary period. The number of years (if any) credited toward the probationary period will be recommended by the department or unit to the Chancellor. The three-year limitation also applies to changes of status as provided elsewhere in this document.
FAC 3.5. Multiple-Year Contracts — Initial Faculty Appointments.
Initial appointments for faculty will typically be for two years, and can be recommended subject to the following conditions:
(1) The recommendations for two-year initial appointments will be initiated by the department level, recommended by the department chair and college Dean, and presented to the Provost and Vice Chancellor.
(2) All recommendations for two-year appointments will include written rationale from all levels of review that address the following factors: (a) the credentials of the prospective employee; and (b) an assessment of the candidate’s likely contributions in the areas of teaching, research and service.
FAC 3.6. Letter of Appointment.
Conditions of the appointment shall be specified in a letter of appointment signed by the Chancellor or designee and shall include detailed terms and conditions of appointment as follows:
(1) Rank;
(2) Duration of appointment;
(3) Salary;
(4) Starting and ending dates;
(5) General position responsibilities;
(6) Statement of need approval by Board of Regents (if appropriate);
(7) Enclosure of University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and System rules, policies and procedures relating to faculty appointments;
(8) Indication of whether the appointment is a probationary appointment or an appointment with tenure;
(9) Years of experience to be credited, including prior years of experience (if any) credited toward the probationary period; and
(10) Indication of whether the appointment is terminal and hence not subject to further notice of renewal/nonrenewal.
FAC 3.7. Immigration Law.
The Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 requires employers throughout the United States to verify, document and maintain employee identification and work authorization status. This law pertains to all permanent, project, and limited term employees. Processes require the employer to verify the employee’s identity and employment authorization.
(1) All persons hired after November 1986 must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9, in person, in the Provost and Vice Chancellor’s Office, within three working days. A 21-day extension may be granted provided the employee submits written notice to the Provost and Vice Chancellor’s Office indicating an attempt to secure the appropriate document(s). Failure to comply with the law will result in termination of the employee, and if audited, substantial financial consequence levied against the University.
(2) I-9 forms will be retained in the Provost and Vice Chancellor’s Office for a minimum of three years after the date on which the person was hired, or one year after the date an individual’s employment has been terminated, whichever is later.
(3) Copies of supporting documentation used to complete the I-9 form will be maintained in the I-9 file.
FAC 3.8. Graduate Faculty.
(1) Definition.
Graduate Faculty members shall include those persons of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh who qualify for and accept appointment as Graduate Faculty and who assume any of the incumbent responsibilities.
(2) Responsibility.
These responsibilities may include, but are not confined to, graduate admissions decisions and recommendations; graduate student academic advisement; Graduate Council and/or departmental graduate committee activities; candidacy and Comprehensive Examination responsibilities; involvement with theses, seminar or clinical paper development and evaluation; assignment to graduate classroom instruction.
(3) Membership.
The Graduate Faculty shall consist of four groups:
(a) Ranked Faculty
the earned doctorate or the appropriate terminal degree in the professional field or discipline;
rank of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor;
a record of productive scholarship;
ability for graduate level teaching;
assignment to activities central to the student’s completion of graduate program requirements.
(b) Full-time Instructional Academic Staff (appointment for one year and renewable)
the earned doctorate or the appropriate terminal degree in the professional field or discipline from a graduate school accredited by a regional accrediting agency;
a record of productive scholarship;
ability for graduate level teaching; and
assignment to graduate teaching or other responsibilities as identified under section (2) above.
(c) Temporary Faculty (appointment is for one term and renewable)
Temporary status may be granted to persons without the appropriate terminal degree but otherwise qualified for teaching a specific course, or part-time appointees assigned to teach a specific course.
(d) Adjunct Faculty (appointment may be on a continuing basis)
Adjunct appointments are granted to persons who have professional expertise in their field similar to faculty on the campus and who are fully employed outside the University. These appointments do not include implications for tenure or probationary status and do not convey faculty voting status. No salary or fringe benefits are awarded.
(4) Appointment Procedure.
(a) On an annual basis by October 1, each college shall respond to the Office of Graduate Studies indicating new nominees, continuing members, and deleted members of the Graduate Faculty. Appointments will be recommended by the Provost, of the persons meeting qualifications listed in parts (2) and (3), and approved by the Graduate Council.
(b) All members of the Graduate Faculty at the time of the adoption of the revised Bylaws shall retain their membership on the Graduate Faculty.
FAC 3.9. Changes of Status.
The following procedures pertain to changes in status of unclassified personnel at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
(1) From academic staff to faculty.
A change from academic staff to faculty requires a recommendation from the affected academic department or unit, through normal administrative channels, and approval by the Chancellor and Board of Regents.
(2) From faculty to academic staff.
A change from faculty to academic staff will be possible if agreed to by the faculty member and approved by the affected department or unit, through normal channels, and approved by the Chancellor. In addition: (a) the faculty member must be appointed to a position with different responsibilities than he/she had as a faculty member; (b) the new position responsibilities must satisfy those listed in the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Academic Staff Policies and Procedures; and (c) the title used must be consistent with those found in the UW System guidelines (i.e., “Unclassified Personnel Guidelines No. 1”).
(3) From faculty to limited appointment.
Faculty granted a limited appointment at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh shall not lose existing rights to a faculty appointment by virtue of accepting the limited appointment. The time served in the limited appointment shall not count toward the probationary period necessary to qualify for tenure consideration unless there is a recommendation from the department or unit that some or all of the time count and the Chancellor approves.
(4) From limited appointment to faculty.
(a) If a limited appointee has a concurrent faculty appointment and the limited appointment is terminated, he/she shall be transferred to the department or unit in which the concurrent faculty appointment is held. The time served in the limited appointment shall not count toward the probationary period necessary to achieve tenure unless there is a recommendation from the department or unit that some or all of the time count and the Chancellor approves.
(b) A limited appointee who does not have a concurrent faculty appointment may be granted a faculty appointment when he/she qualifies and a position exists. Such an appointment will require the concurrence of the concerned department or unit, the Dean or equivalent, the Provost and Vice Chancellor, and the Chancellor. The department or unit shall recommend to the Chancellor the number of years of service in the limited appointment (if any) which shall count toward the probation period.
FAC 3.10. Leaves of Absence.
A leave of absence generally includes leave without pay, sabbatical, professional development semester, externally funded, and extended sick leave, which includes family, medical, domestic partner, and/or other approved leaves. University approved leaves may include circumstances beyond those covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Leaves must be approved at the department, college, and Vice Chancellor levels. Leaves without pay are approved for a time period of up to one year and may be extended to two years. Leaves beyond two years may be negotiated. A leave of absence outside of FMLA is contingent upon affirmative recommendations for reappointment for the year in which the leave is requested.
The tenure clock automatically stops, unless otherwise requested, for faculty on leave for equal to, or greater than, one semester. The contract is automatically extended for probationary faculty on leave and this person does not go through the renewal process while on leave. When the faculty member returns, he or she shall consult with the Provost and Vice Chancellor’s office to determine the appropriate renewal cycle and terms of appointment consistent with the Faculty Personnel Policies. Upon return, the term of appointment will extend for the same number of years beyond the leave period as had been approved prior to the leave. Each year of approved leave will extend the total term of appointment by one year.
Refer to Chapter 4, Part B. Faculty Renewal and Tenure in these Faculty Personnel Materials for notification timelines.
FAC 3.11. Appointment of Adjunct Professors.
Any college or unit of the University may make recommendations for appointment as adjunct (instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, or professors). In most cases, the recommendations will come from the department to the deans, and be forwarded to the Provost and Vice Chancellor. After the Provost and Vice Chancellor has attached his/her recommendations, they will be sent to the Chancellor for final action. If the Chancellor approves, letters will be sent to the individuals announcing the appointments and requesting return letters of acceptance.
Listed below are items that pertain to these appointments.
(1) Appointments are for one year only. Appointments may be renewed.
(2) No salary or fringe benefits are awarded.
(3) In some instances the University will furnish the person with a faculty identification card, office space and keys, mailbox, library privileges, a parking permit, use of University and departmental equipment, and departmental secretarial help.