GEN 3.B.16. Tuition Reimbursement for Authorized Job-Related Coursework.
(1) UW System Policy.
The University of Wisconsin System policy regarding tuition reimbursement for authorized coursework and training is described in the General Administrative Policy Paper 25 (GAPP 25), Revision 4 – 9/85.
(2) Campus Guidelines.
The following institutional guidelines are drawn from GAPP 25. A faculty or academic staff member with half-time or greater appointment may qualify for the reimbursement policies. Payment shall be from institutional/departmental budgets. Requests for coursework or training are initiated by the employee and reviewed and approved or disapproved through all administrative levels. Normally coursework is taken on an employee’s own time. Approval of a reimbursement request is dependent upon availability of funding.
The following three items must be submitted when requesting reimbursement:
(a) Evidence of prior approval/agreement between the University and the employee including a statement of job or career relatedness of coursework or training.
(b) Evidence of having paid reimbursable fees (i.e., fee receipt)
(c) Evidence of successful completion of the coursework or training (i.e., grade report or certification of completion)
The following section summarizes the policies which apply to faculty and academic staff.
Qualifying Coursework or Training – This is defined as coursework or training which provides skill or knowledge that will improve an employee’s job performance. This may include acquiring skills and knowledge necessary for advancement to positions closely related to the current job or to advance to another job which is pertinent to the mission of the University. Coursework or training undertaken at an employee’s initiative for self-enrichment does not qualify.
Eligibility – Faculty and academic staff with half-time or greater appointments.
Amount of Coursework/Training Permitted – Normally, no more than one course, up to 5 credits, or a training equivalent in any academic term, e.g., a semester, summer session, or an equivalent. This standard may be exceeded by the Chancellor or his/her designee.
Reimbursement – The basic academic tuition will be reimbursed upon successful completion of the training/coursework if still employed in state service. Segregated fees will be waived (upon successful completion of the training/coursework if still employed in state service) if the course is taken at UW Oshkosh or one of the UW-System comprehensives.
Coursework/Training Sources – (1) Intra-institutional, (2) Intra-System, (3) Agencies or institutions outside the System.
Approval – A “Request for Fee/Tuition Reimbursement” form must be completed and approved by the supervisor and unit head in advance of the commencement of such coursework or training.
(3) University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy and Procedures.
The System Policy stated above shall apply with these additional amplifying procedures applicable to University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
(a) Faculty or academic staff wishing to apply for fee/tuition reimbursement may obtain forms from the Human Resources Office/website.
(b) Before enrolling in a course the applicant must obtain approval from the supervisor and unit head or equivalent.
(c) It will be the employee’s responsibility to furnish to the immediate supervisor and the Human Resources Office official evidence that the coursework was completed satisfactorily. Satisfactorily will normally mean that a grade of “B” or above was earned in a graduate course, or “C” or above in an undergraduate course.
The evidence (a completed “Request for Tuition/Fee Reimbursement” form, fee receipt, and grade report or certification of completion) shall be presented to the Human Resources Office for reimbursement. The cost will be charged to the department or unit unless a college or other major unit has made other provisions for reimbursement.
(d) In the event more than one department or unit is involved, all supervisors will need to approve the proposal, and the cost will be shared proportionately unless other arrangements have been made.
(e) In the event a department elects to recommend only a portion of the tuition be reimbursed, that amount will be recorded on the form and the individual so informed. The individual will then decide if he/she still wishes the form to be processed.