The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
College of Nursing Materials (Appendix A: CON)

College of Nursing

TARPS Renewal/Tenure/Post Tenure Review/Merit Document


The College of Nursing is committed to quality programs and services that prepare undergraduate and graduate students to practice nursing in a progressive, dynamic health care delivery system. The faculty contributes to the overall advancement of these programs through teaching excellence, a commitment to professional and scholarly activities and research, as well as engaging in College, University, and community service.

This document outlines the processes used to carry out Chapter 6 FACULTY PERFORMANCE REVIEW, from the current University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. It includes faculty evaluation, performance and merit distribution process, and the post-tenure review process. The primary purpose of this document is to assist the faculty in accomplishing the mission, goals and objectives of the university. The guidelines and criteria facilitate the process of consistent judgment in personnel decisions. Criteria for appointment, renewal, tenure and promotion are found in the UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook Fac. Chapters 3, 4, 5: Appointment (Fac. Chapter 3); Renewal and Tenure (Fac. Chapter 4); and Promotion (Fac. Chapter 5, Parts A, B, C).

A. Faculty Evaluation

Renewal, tenure, merit and post-tenure reviews will be based on faculty’s ability to demonstrate meeting the College of Nursing standards and criteria in the areas of teaching, professional and scholarly growth and service. For teaching, evaluation and merit will be based on documentation submitted as it relates to a variety of teaching performance categories: (1) course planning and preparation; (2) actual teaching; (3) evaluation of student learning and providing feedback; and (4) keeping up with the professional field in areas related to teaching performance.

Faculty evaluation for tenure is consistent with criteria outlined in Faculty Chapter 4, Part B of the current University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. The same review process as listed for renewal shall be followed. In addition, for tenure, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook (2001), indicates that a statement shall be included from each reviewing level indicating addressing the following factors [stated in Faculty Chapter 4.E.2.(2)]. For tenure decisions faculty need to meet the criteria stated in Faculty Chapter 4.B.5.(5) except for those individuals for whom Faculty 4.B.5.(6) applies.

1. Teaching: Based on the review of the candidate’s performance as documented in the credentials under review, that the candidate has established a record of teaching effectiveness that enables the reviewer to believe the candidate will make a significant contribution to the future growth and development of the University.

2. Scholarly Activities: Based on the review of the candidate’s performance as documented in the credentials under review, that the candidate has established a record of appropriately scholarly activities that enable the reviewer to believe the candidate will make a significant contribution to the future growth and development of the University.

3. Service: Based on the review of the candidate’s performance as documented in the credentials under review, that the candidate has established a record of appropriate service that enables the reviewer to believe the candidate will make a significant contribution to the future growth and development of the University.

Weight of the Professorial Role Components

The standard weighting of the professorial roles will be as follows:

Teaching 50%

Professional & Scholarly Growth 25%

Service 25%


The above weighting of teaching (50%), professional and scholarly growth (25%), and service (25%) is applied to all decisions of reappointment, tenure, merit and promotion.

The evidence as submitted by the faculty member will be considered according to the above weighting unless documentation of a prior written agreement exists among the faculty member, the TARPS Committee, and the Dean. The negotiated weighting should not hinder the faculty members’ progression through the professorial ranks or the achievement of the mission and work on the College of Nursing.

B. Merit Distribution Process and Definition of Solid Performance

Merit evaluations can occur in two-year cycles for faculty. Based on faculty-determined weighting of teaching, scholarly growth and service, a point system is used to reflect this weighting. Each applicant is evaluated and points are assigned reflecting performance level in each of the three areas using the faculty-approved merit criteria. The criteria are intended to describe the array of possible options; faculty are not expected to meet all criteria listed. Points earned in each area are summed for each person and forwarded to the Dean, who can modify the amount awarded based on additional evidence and rationale, which the Dean will provide to the TARPS Committee. When merit dollars are known, the dollar amounts are awarded based on the merit points earned by each individual.

Criteria for the academic ranks of instructor through professor, outlined in the College of Nursing Faculty Handbook, are considered in the evaluation of solid and meritorious performance. The definition of solid and meritorious performance is provided in the document, “Criteria for Solid and Meritorious Performance (pp. 89-91).

The College of Nursing TARPS Committee provides written feedback to individual faculty regarding the rating given, along with suggestions, if any, for improvement. Both face-to-face meeting and written feedback will be provided to the faculty member.

C. Post-Tenure Review

All tenured faculty who have not been promoted in rank or who have not received tenure within the past four years will participate in a performance appraisal. Post- Tenure Review must include the following:

1. Evidence of quality teaching, professional and scholarly growth, and service. These guidelines are consistent with the merit process and the promotion process.

2. Written feedback will be given to the faculty member being evaluated. A face-to-face feedback meeting with the Chair of theCollegeofNursing TARPSCommittee will also take place.

3. For faculty whose performance does not meet professional expectations in either the area of teaching or professional and scholarly growth, or service, a faculty development plan will be developed by the faculty member with input from the TARPS Committee and program director. The plan should outline major goals to be attained in order to improve performance. Progress will be evaluated on an annual basis by the faculty member and the TARPS Committee with input from the respective program director and Dean until expectations are met.

4. Results of the Post-Tenure Review can be used to determine merit pay adjustments without conducting a separate merit review.

D. Faculty preparing material for TARPS consideration need to comply with Universityof Wisconsin Oshkoshpolicies and procedures as well as those of the Collegeof Nursing. Faculty should refer to the appropriate section(s) of both the current CON Faculty Handbook and the UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook.


Faculty/Academic Staff

A clear, concise and organized presentation is recommended for all folders. The current UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook (FASH) outlines documentation guidelines for tenure, renewal, promotion, post-tenure review, and merit in the Faculty Personnel Materials chapters under Faculty Renewal & Tenure (Chapter 4); Faculty Promotion (Chapter 5); Faculty Performance Review (Chapter 6); and in the College Materials Appendix A for the College of Nursing. For academic staff, the FASH Academic Staff Personnel material in the chapters on Evaluation (Chapter 6), Contract Renewal (Chapter 7), Career Progression (Chapter 9), and Changes of Title (Chapter 11) outlines general University information. In addition, the College of Nursing Handbook gives guidelines for preparation of a folder.

Reappointment and Tenure Folders: Tenure track faculty applying for reappointment or tenure need to submit full documentation including physical evidence of teaching, professional and scholarly activities, and service. Copies of reappointment recommendations at all levels from prior years should also be included. Academic staff applying for reappointment need to submit documentation including physical evidence of teaching, professional and scholarly growth, and service.

Promotion Folders: Tenured faculty applying for promotion need to submit full documentation including physical evidence of teaching, professional and scholarly activities, and service.

Merit—for 2-year period

Three SOS’s are required, plus a current vitae and brief discussion that addresses the following:

A. Teaching:

Include documentation of (1) course planning and preparation (note your individual role related to group/team planning and/or course teaching; (2) actual teaching (SOS, peer evaluation, etc.); (3) evaluating student learning and providing feedback; and (4) keeping up in the professional field in areas related to teaching (See UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH FASH, Chapter 6: Faculty Performance Review), and College of Nursing Faculty Handbook.

B. Professional and Scholarly Growth:

List in vitae and provide first page only of any publications, presentation, grant proposals, etc. Clearly indicate status of any submitted manuscripts, grants, etc. List professional conferences attended and other professional activities; do not include conference brochures, etc.

C. Service:

List service activities. Further evidence not required.

D. Self-Evaluation:

Provide a self-evaluation related to the above three areas and identify goals for the future.

Post-Tenure Review

For post-tenure review, faculty ranked as solid or meritorious performers in the last merit review need only submit the summaries from one or two previous merit reviews for the applicable 4-year period. These summaries would provide evidence of the three required SOSs in addition to summaries of professional and scholarly growth and service. Post-tenure faculty who did not submit a folder for merit review, or did not achieve a ranking of solid or meritorious performer during the 4-year period, are required to submit a vitae and evidence related to teaching, professional and scholarly activities, and service (see FASH).



The following criteria will serve as a framework for personnel decisions involving faculty in theCollegeofNursing. This includes appointment, reappointment (renewal), tenure and promotion.


The appointments are made consistent with University Policies and Procedures (UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, Fac. Ch. 3 & 5).

A. Assistant Professor

Option 1: Degree: Doctorate preferred in nursing or relevant field

Experience: No minimum teaching experience

Option 2: Degree: 30 semester credits beyond masters in nursing in a planned program of study

Experience: Four years of experience including relevant clinical practice and at least one year full-time college teaching

B. Associate Professor:

Degree: Doctorate in nursing or relevant field

Experience: Minimum of five years full-time college teaching and/or relevant experience. Evidence of scholarship including publication.

C. Professor:

Degree: Doctorate

Experience: Minimum of ten years full-time college teaching and/or relevant experience. Evidence of scholarship including publication.



The following represent the criteria for renewal and tenure in the Collegeof Nursing. The activities and expectations as enumerated are intended to preserve and enhance the excellence of the Collegeof Nursingby encouraging faculty members to develop their full potential as teachers, scholars and members of the University community. No candidate is expected to meet all the criteria listed. However, recognition will be given to faculty who meet criteria or are involved in activities that may be listed at higher ranks. Performance at meritorious level as defined in the Collegeof Nursingcriteria for solid and meritorious performance document is required for renewal and tenure. Tenure decisions require that the faculty member meet the criteria for promotion to associate professor (see FASH).


1. Assistant Professor

a. Self-evaluation identifying strengths and area(s) for improvement.

b. Peer evaluation of teaching attesting to quality of teaching.

c. Teaching evaluations, one of which should be the University SOS tool in accordance with the UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook guidelines.

d. Evidence of consistent quality in teaching as provided by data from students, faculty peers and clinical agency person(s).

e. With a doctorate, directs students in independent study or thesis/clinical research paper.

2. Associate Professor

a. Same as Assistant Professor (a-e above) plus,

b. Development of course materials of quality (course proposals, syllabi and supplement, AV materials, etc.)

c. Development of research, teaching or other UW Oshkosh faculty development grant proposals.

d. Evidence of using a variety of teaching methods and/or experimenting with new method(s).

3. Professor

a. Same as Associate Professor (a-i above) plus

b. Evidence of increasing responsibility for chairing committees for thesis/clinical paper.

c. Recognition, citations or awards for excellence or high quality of teaching and/or new course development.


1. Assistant Professor

a. For continued reappointment, evidence of doctoral course work.

b Participates in scholarly continuing education programs.

c. Membership in at least one professional organization.

d. Evidence of regular participation in professional meetings and activities, for example, WNA, etc.

e. Achievement(s) as demonstrated through significant scholarly (including clinical)

contributions to the profession.

f. Evidence of scholarship (publications or presentations).

2. Associate Professor

a. Same as a-f above, plus

b. Evidence of a continuing publication record required. Publishes in relevant, juried, or peer-reviewed professional journals, or book chapters, monographs, which make a contribution to nursing and nursing education.

c. Presents scholarly papers at regional or national meetings.

d. Active membership in professional organizations, i.e., serves on committees and holds office, etc.

e. Submits/obtains grants for intramural funding, etc.

f. Serves as mentor for junior faculty.

g. Serves as consultant to health agencies or organizations.

h. Achievement(s) as demonstrated through significant scholarly (including clinical) contributions to the profession.

3. Professor

a. Same as a-m above, plus

b. Presentation of scholarly papers at national and/or international professional meetings.

c. Evidence of a continuing publication record required. Publishes in relevant refereed professional journals of national and international significance; published books (texts/workbooks) which make a contribution to nursing and nursing education, and published multimedia packages.

d. Serves as editor/reviewer for publications in the field.


1. Assistant Professor

a. Actively participates and provides leadership on College of Nursing committees.

b. Serves as speaker and/or provides leadership at community events.

c. Serves on at least one University committee.

d. Provides leadership to community organizations.

2. Associate Professor

a. Assumes a leadership role in implementing the CON mission and goals.

b. Actively and consistently participates inCollegeofNursingcommittees.

c. ChairsCollegeof Nursing committees or serves in a leadership role on committees.

d. Actively participates on University and/or UW System committees.

e. Serves as speaker and provides leadership at community events.

f. Serves on community organizations

3. Professor

a. Assumes a leadership role in implementing CON mission and goals.

b. Chairs and serves in leadership roles on College and University committees.

c. Actively participates in UW System committees.

d. Serves on state, regional or national projects.

e. Serves as speaker and provides leadership at community events.

f. Consistent, sustained record of service at all levels.



The normal minimum requirements for promotion and Appendix A (as outlined in the current Universityof Wisconsin OshkoshFASH (5B.2-5B.5) include four categories: 1) degree, experience, and time in rank; 2) teaching effectiveness; 3) professional and scholarly growth, and 4) institutional and extra-institutional service. The CON follows University guidelines for promotion.

Evidence: The Dean shall document that data is consistent with University records and that evidence on degree completion is on file in the Provost/Vice Chancellor’s Office.


American Association of StateCollegesand Universities (AASCU). (1987). The core of academe: Teaching; scholarly activity, and service. Washington,DC: Author.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook

Chap. 1, 2 and 3 Personnel Materials

Chap. 4 Faculty Renewal & Tenure

Chap. 5 Faculty Promotion

Chap. 6 Faculty Performance Review



1/04 Approved CON Personnel Committee

12/03 Approved CON Personnel Committee

12/11/97 Approved CON TARPS Committee

1/11/99 Revisions approved CON TARPS Committee


Guidelines and Criteria: Appointment and Progression

Instructional Academic Staff (IAS)


Instructional academic staff are expected to provide teaching and student guidance in clinical settings as well as to coordinate clinical learning experiences. Instructional Academic Staff may also teach theory courses if doctorally prepared faculty are not available. Instructional Academic Staff assignments are fluid based on CON needs. Instructional Academic Staff have input into the curriculum and are retained for their clinical expertise, role modeling, and skill in supervision of students.

This document outlines guidelines and criteria for appointment and progression for instructional academic staff within the College of Nursing.

I. General Guidelines

A. Instructional academic staff are appointed full-time, part-time (50% or more), or on a per-course or per-cohort basis.

B. All appointments will be based upon criteria and needs established by the College of Nursing.

C. The initial period of appointment varies on an individual basis and is based on the needs of the CON in accordance with University policy.

D. The CON Dean hires IAS upon recommendation of the appropriate program director(s).

E. The Personnel Committee reviews candidates for reappointment, progression, and merit, and makes recommendations to the Dean of the CON (See II and III, and Merit Criteria that follow).

F. Transfer to tenure track requires that the applicant apply for a declared open position and be considered through the normal hiring process with recommendation of the College Personnel Committee to the Dean of the CON.

G. Instructional academic staff will have voting rights in accordance with the CON Bylaws and Faculty Senate policy.

H. Not more than 20% of the faculty of the College of Nursing may consist of IAS ranked as clinical instructor, clinical assistant professor, and clinical associate professor.

I. Workload will be consistent with the CON workload policy.

II. Criteria: Titles, Credentials, Experience and Responsibilities

Please see the University Faculty and IAS Handbook, Academic Staff Personnel Matters (Chapters 2-9) for full explanation of titles, contracts, and progression policies as they relate to IAS.

A. Clinical Instructor/Lecturer

Degree: Master’s Degree in Nursing or in progress with exception from the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing

Experience: One year clinical practice within the past three years in area of assigned teaching.

Responsibilities:Instructs students in the clinical setting within guidelines and course objectives and with guidance from mentor or level facilitator.

B. Clinical Assistant Professor/Lecturer

Degree: Master’s in Nursing with specialty advanced certification and/or formal study beyond a masters in nursing. This could be course work for doctoral studies, course work toward or completion of a second master’s degree, etc.

Experience:Minimum of three years clinical practice.

One (1) year full-time college teaching.

Responsibilities:Sustained evidence of effective teaching and clinical competence. Independent selection, organization and development of course content and instructional materials and approaches are expected.

C. Clinical Associate Professor

Degree: Doctorate in Nursing or related field.

Experience: Minimum of five (5) years full-time college teaching and five (5) years clinical practice in area of clinical specialty.

Responsibilities: Required evidence of outstanding contributions to teaching, clinical practice, and service, including recognition by others in the profession for demonstrably sustained superior contributions.

III. Reappointment Review/Merit Review

Reviews are conducted to determine reappointment and merit for all instructional academic staff. Reviews are the responsibility of the College of Nursing Personnel Committee which submits recommendations to the Dean of the CON. Criteria for reappointment and merit are developed by the Personnel Committee with input from IAS. Feedback is provided in accordance with the College of Nursing and University expectations. Only IAS with continuing contracts are considered for merit recommendations.

2/26/99 Approved by TARPS

12/03 Approved by Personnel Committee

6/04/09 Reviewed, Revised and Approved by the Personnel Committee