The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
College of Nursing Bylaws (GOV 5.4)
Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
GOV 5.4. College of Nursing Bylaws.
Revisions approved by CON faculty November 21, 1997
Approved by CON faculty December 12, 1997
Approved by Faculty Senate February 1998
Revisions approved by CON faculty February 12, 1999
Approved by Faculty Senate May 4, 1999
Approved by College of Nursing Faculty September 21, 2001
Approved by Faculty Senate December 12, 2001
Approved by CON Faculty February 18, 2005
Approved by Faculty Senate December 20, 2005
Approved by Faculty Senate April 6, 2010
Revisions approved by CON faculty May 19, 2011
Approved by Faculty Senate January 17, 2012
Approved by Faculty Senate February 3, 2015
Revision approved by CON faculty April 17, 2017
Approved by Faculty Senate May 9, 2017
1.01 Faculty
(a) The faculty consists of all persons appointed to the College of Nursing by the Chancellor of the University in the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor
(b) Graduate faculty are those faculty as defined in Chapter 3, 3.8, A-C, Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook.
2. Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) shall consist of all persons appointed to the College of Nursing by the Chancellor of the University in the position of associate lecturer, lecturer, senior lecturer, clinical instructor, clinical assistant professor, clinical associate professor, and clinical professor.
3. Voting rights:
(a) Faculty as defined in 1.01(1) (a) may vote and IAS with an appointment of more than one-half in an academic department or equivalent unit and are in their fifth semester (or later) with that department or unit may vote. Academic staff working under a limited appointment are ineligible to vote.
(b) Voting rights for IAS are restricted to department (or their equivalent) affairs excluding recruitment, tenure, appointment/reappointment, merit, and promotion.
(c) If present, faculty and IAS with voting rights on leave of absence and lay-off are accorded full rights and privileges and may vote.
(d) Administrators who hold a limited appointment shall not be voting members of the College of Nursing.
(e) Departments (or equivalent units) must inform the senate each year of the IAS persons eligible for voting rights in the unit.
1.02 Responsibilities and Powers of the College of Nursing Faculty and IAS
1. The powers and responsibilities of faculty and IAS, subject to those of the Chancellor, Dean, the University of Wisconsin Policies and procedures, and recognized student rights include:
(a) Recommend the structure, policies and procedures for the shared governance of the College and determine IAS rank/title and voting eligibility.
(b) Formulate curriculum and procedures regarding curriculum. Make long- range curriculum plans; coordinate curriculum within College and with other colleges. Recommend programs, majors and minors, course offerings,and formulate academic policies within the College. Maintain primary responsibility for curricular matters within the College.
(c) Establish College policies concerning admission, retention and academic standing, student complaints and appeals, and recommendations concerning the application of these policies.
(d) Faculty formulate College policies concerning recruitment, evaluation, and appointment and reappointment of faculty and IAS and teaching staff (not limited to full-time personnel) to be assigned to teaching or professional duties in the College; participate in recruitment and evaluation of prospective faculty and IAS members; provide input in hiring of faculty and IAS, IAS rank/title and voting eligibility and recommendations concerning the application of these policies.
(e) Participate in research, scholarly activity, professional service and continuing education.
(f) Sponsor conferences, institutes and continuing education courses appropriate to the College and related fields.
(g) Pursue excellence in clinical practice and the teaching of nursing.
(h) Participate in formulating College policies related to budget, staffing, space utilization and physical resources, and make recommendations concerning the application of these policies.
(i) Only IAS with voting rights are eligible to serve on standing committees.
2. The powers and responsibilities of faculty and IAS of the College of Nursing will be exercised in accordance with the bylaws and Article VIII, Sections 4 and 5, of the Faculty Constitution, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter 1, Part A. These powers and responsibilities are exercised through elected faculty and IAS committees of the College, or are made by referendum.
3. In matters of primary faculty and IAS responsibility, the policy decisions of the faculty and IAS will be considered College policy. If the Dean is unable to accept the decisions of the faculty and IAS in matters of primary responsibility, or its recommendation in other matters, the Dean will inform the faculty and IAS in writing or the reasons for such action in a timely manner acceptable to both parties.
2.01 The College of Nursing follows Wisconsin Open Meetings Law (statutes 19.81-19.98). Departments of formally constituted subunits of the University of Wisconsin system or campus are considered governmental bodies and subject to the law (66 Op. Att’y Gen. 60 [1977]). Two of the statutory exemptions to the open session requirement related specifically to employment or licensing of an individual including consideration of dismissal, demotion, discipline, licensing, and tenure (Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(b), authorizing closed sessions and §19.31 Open Records).
2.02 The dates of faculty and IAS meetings shall be established at the beginning of each academic year. The order of business is determined by the College Committee. The quorum required to transact business consists of a majority of faculty and IAS as defined in 1.01, excluding those on leave of absence unless present to vote. A majority of those present and eligible to vote shall be required to carry a motion. The annual meeting will be held in May. Additional meetings of faculty and IAS are held at the call of the Dean or on petition of six faculty and IAS members to the Dean or the College Committee. Academic staff without voting rights are encouraged to attend meetings and participate.
2.03 Minutes are recorded by a university staff member, distributed, and retained for the archives.
2.04 Agendas for faculty meetings are prepared by the chair of the College Committee in consultation with that committee and distributed to the College faculty and IAS at least five days prior to each meeting. Individual faculty and IAS may present items to the College Committee to be placed on the agenda. Individual faculty and IAS members will be informed if the item will not be on the agenda and given reason for disposal of the item. Should a petition item by six faculty and IAS members be received by the Chair, it will be placed on the agenda of the next
possible faculty and IAS meeting.
The Dean and Directors are evaluated in accordance with 6.5 (A-D) of the Faculty Constitution (see Master Evaluation Plan).
3.01 Purpose
The bylaws shall establish the framework and specific policies and procedures by which programs can maintain stability, strength and growth. Such bylaws shall establish policies and procedures by which members shall participate in program affairs and by which faculty and IAS shall exercise their responsibility for College governance and their responsibility for academic and faculty and IAS personnel matters.
3.02 Structure
1. The Dean is the executive officer of the College. There are three directors/assistant deans who oversee the overall responsibilities of the College of Nursing. (In this document, the term directors will be used throughout to denote directors/assistant deans).
2. The Dean is the executive officer of the College. There are three directors/assistant deans who oversee the overall responsibilities of the College of Nursing. (In this document, the term directors will be used throughout to denote directors/assistant deans).
3. The College consists of two programs: undergraduate (pre-licensure) and graduate (post licensure). Each program has a director who is responsible for curricular and other aspects of that program. The Program Director (or equivalent) is directly responsible and accountable for ensuring the fulfillment of program-specific duties. Assistant Directors assist with the fulfillment of program-specific duties.
4. The College supports a research center overseen by a director of research and evaluation.
5. College faculty and IAS may have responsibilities across programs, depending on the needs of the College. Each program may have one or more curricular options or emphases, which are overseen by an appointed assistant director.
6. The College undergraduate traditional option supports student academic affairs services overseen by an assistant director, student academic affairs.
7. The College collaboratively manages a nurse-based community clinic.
3.03 Rights and Responsibilities of Program Faculty and IAS
The faculty and IAS of a program, recognizing students’ role and the Chancellor’s responsibilities and authority in formulating University policy, shall have primary responsibility for the program’s academic and educational policy, and immediate governance in accordance with Article 1.02. Each voting member in the program shall have an equal voice in governance. Unless specifically prohibited elsewhere in this constitution or in the University policies as defined in Article VIII, Sections 4 & 5 of the constitution, the decisions of the majority of those present and eligible to vote shall be the decisions of the program.
3.04 Responsibilities of program Directors (or equivalent) and Director of Evaluation and Projects
1. The director is responsible for seeing that provisions of the College bylaws, those policies, procedures, and decisions made by faculty and IAS in unit meetings, and University policies are discharged. The director shall keep faculty and IAS of the program informed about all curricular and academic matters as specified in Section 5 A, B, and C of the Faculty Constitution (Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook). If the director acts without consultation with members of the program, he or she shall inform all members of the reason for said actions. These actions shall be subject to review by the members.
2. The director consults with members of the program in matters involving curricular and academic changes.
3.05 Selection and Evaluation of Directors (or Equivalent) and Director of Evaluation and Projects
1. The directors shall be nominated by a majority of eligible voters in the college, and shall be appointed by the Chancellor. If a nominee is not accepted by the Chancellor, another nominee shall be selected until the appointment is made.
(a) The nominees for program directors/DEP director are preferably tenured faculty. The directors shall be nominated by a majority of eligible voters in the College, and shall be appointed by the Chancellor. In the absence of tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty may be nominated. Nominations and subsequent voting will be completed by secret ballot by March 1. The name of the person receiving a simple majority will be forwarded to the Chancellor. An appointment will be made by the Chancellor by May 1, to take office July 1. Should the office of chairperson or equivalent become vacant before the term expires, the office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by a chairperson/equivalent chosen by special nomination/ballot/vote, which shall be held within 10 days after the vacancy occurs. The name of the person receiving a simple majority will be forwarded to the Chancellor. Should the vacancy occur in summer when the legal voters of the unit are not required to be on campus for professional or teaching responsibilities, the College of Nursing Personnel Committee will forward to the Chancellor one name for an interim program director to fill the term. If the nominee is a member of the Personnel Committee he/she shall recuse her/himself from voting. If there are insufficient members (less than five) on the committee from within the college then faculty from outside of the college shall be asked to participate in the vote.
(b) The term of office of program directors shall be 3 years and staggered if possible.
(c) Eligible voters in the program may remove a director for good and sufficient reasons by vote of a two-thirds majority. A written petition by the program faculty and IAS shall be submitted to request that the program conduct such a vote. The vote shall be conducted by the College Committee. The outcome of the vote shall be forwarded as a recommendation to the Chancellor.
2. The nominees for research and evaluation director (RED) are preferably tenured faculty. The RED shall be nominated by a majority of eligible voters in the College, and shall be appointed by the Chancellor. In the absence of tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty may be nominated. Nominations will be completed by secret ballot by March 1. The name of the person receiving a simple majority will be forwarded to the Chancellor. An appointment will be made by the Chancellor by May 1, to take office July 1. Should the office of chairperson or equivalent become vacant before the term expires, the office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by a chairperson/ equivalent chosen by special nomination/ballot, which shall be held within 10 days after the vacancy occurs. The name of the person receiving a simple majority will be forwarded to the Chancellor. Should the vacancy occur in summer when the legal voters of the unit are not required to be on campus for professional or teaching responsibilities, the College of Nursing Personnel Committee will forward to the Chancellor one name for an interim RED to fill the term.
(a) The term of office of the RED shall be 3 years
(b) Eligible voters in the College may remove the director for good and sufficient reasons by vote of a two-thirds majority. A written petition by the faculty and IAS shall be submitted to request that the College conduct such a vote. The vote shall be conducted by the College Committee. The outcome of the vote shall be forwarded as a recommendation to the Chancellor.
(c) The RED’s performance will be reviewed and evaluated at least every other year by faculty and IAS from the College and the Dean. The evaluation will be conducted by the Personnel Committee of the College through the CON Research office. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to the director and to the Dean. The Dean shall request a meeting to discuss the evaluation.
3.06 Selection and Evaluation of Directors of Advanced Practice Nursing and Assistant Directors
1. Assistant directors and Directors of Advanced Practice Nursing shall be nominated by respective program director or equivalent and recommend to the Dean for appointment. Final appointments shall be made by the Dean.
2. The term of office of assistant director shall be 3 years.
3. Directors of Advanced Practice Nursing and Assistant directors’ performance will be reviewed and evaluated at least biennially by faculty and IAS from the respective programs, the program director, and the Dean. The evaluation will be conducted by the Chair of the Personnel Committee of the College through the CON Research Office. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to each assistant director and to the Dean. The Dean shall request a meeting to discuss the evaluation.
3.07 Proposals for Change
1. Should major organizational change be proposed, consultation will occur among faculty and IAS, the Dean, and Provost and Vice Chancellor.
2. Such proposals and accompanying rationale will be made in writing and distributed to the entire faculty and IAS. There will be subsequent consultation between the Dean and faculty and IAS of the program/unit involved and later with the entire faculty and IAS.
The Personnel, Promotions, and Search and Screen committees make recommendations to the Dean. All other committees are responsible to faculty and IAS of the College of Nursing. Copies of the agendas and proceedings of the Graduate Program, Undergraduate Program and College Committee shall be distributed or posted for review by the faculty and IAS in the College. Copies of the minutes of all standing committee proceedings will also be kept in the appropriate office or in an appropriate site. The organizational meeting of standing committees will be called at the beginning of the academic year by the outgoing chair of the committee. The chair will be elected for a 1-year term at this meeting. Each committee shall submit an annual written summary to faculty and IAS. Faculty and IAS committee members will be elected in the spring term and will take office in the fall term. College of Nursing students are selected by the Oshkosh Student Nurses Association (OSNA) for representation on standing committees in which they have membership. Faculty and IAS should be present at committee meetings to vote unless otherwise specified. Faculty and IAS who hold committee membership and are granted a leave of absence shall notify the chair of the committee and the College Committee of his/her decision concerning participation in each committee membership during his/her absence.
4.01 College Committee
1. The College Committee consists of 4 elected faculty as defined in 1.01(1)(a) of which 2 shall be tenured and 2 on tenure track with at least 2 years of service when accepting office, and two elected IAS with voting rights for a two-year term Elected faculty shall serve staggered 2-year terms. The, Pre-Licensure and Post-Licensure Program Directors, and DEP shall also be members of the College Committee. The Dean of the College will be a member without vote.
2. A chair will be elected from among the tenured faculty members. A member of the committee will be the recorder for the meetings.
3. The College Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Act in advisory capacity to the Dean
(b) Develop policies related to the College of Nursing for faculty and IAS consideration
(c) Plan agenda for faculty meetings
(d) Appoint members to ad hoc committees
(e) Appoint an ad hoc committee to oversee yearly faculty and IAS
(f) Appoint an ad hoc committee to review College bylaws every 3 years
(g) Advise in planning and review of the annual budget for College
(h) Participate in long-range planning for College including any innovative or entrepreneurial endeavors
(i) Oversee and implement the master evaluation plan for the College
(j) Oversee and implement the strategic plan for the College
4.02 Graduate Program Committee
1. The Graduate Program Committee shall consist of the Post-licensure program director and all other directors and assistant directors, four elected graduate faculty as defined in 1.01(1) (b) and 1.01(2), and two appointed graduate students representing the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs. The faculty shall serve for staggered 2- year terms and the student for a 1-year term.
2. The chair shall be elected from among the elected tenured/tenure track committee members. It is preferred that the program director not serve as chair.
3. The Graduate Program Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Develop and revise policies for the graduate program emphases for faculty and IAS consideration as needed
(b) Engage in systematic review and evaluation of the graduate curriculum, outcomes and objectives of the curriculum, and recommend revisions as needed
(c) Participate in long-range planning to meet College of Nursing goals
(d) Recommend admission, readmission, retention and progression of graduate students to Director of Post- Licensure Programs
(e) Maintain articulation between the graduate emphases and undergraduate program options
(f) Make recommendations to the Dean regarding student awards and scholarships
(g) Coordinate recruitment efforts of a diverse student body with appropriate University services and offices
(h) Participate in enrollment management activities for the graduate program emphases
(i) Review and process requests for books and other learning resource materials and coordinate review activities
4.03 Undergraduate Program Committee
1. The Undergraduate Program Committee shall consist of the Director of Pre-Licensure Programs, assistant director, student academic affairs, outreach options, level facilitators; two elected undergraduate faculty or IAS as defined in 1.01, and two appointed students (one junior level and one senior level). The undergraduate faculty and IAS are elected for staggered 2-year terms and the students for a 1-year term. Three of the positions on the committee shall be tenured or tenure track faculty.
2. The chair shall be elected for a 1-year term from among the tenured/tenure track committee members. It is preferred that the program director not serve as chair.
3. The Undergraduate Program Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Develop and revise policies for the undergraduate program options for faculty and IAS consideration as needed
(b) Engage in systematic review and evaluation of the undergraduate curriculum, outcomes/objectives of the curriculum, and recommend revisions as needed
(c) Participate in long-range planning to meet College of Nursing goals
(d) Recommend admission, readmission, retention and progression of undergraduate students to Director of Pre- Licensure Programs
(e) Maintain articulation between undergraduate and graduate program options
(f) Coordinate recruitment efforts of a diverse student body with appropriate University services and offices
(g) Participate in enrollment management activities for the undergraduate program options
(h) Review and process requests for books and other learning resource materials and coordinate all review activities
4.04 Research and Professional Development Committee
1. The Research and Professional Development Committee shall consist of the Research and Evaluation Director and two elected faculty or IAS one of whom must be tenured or tenure track faculty as defined in 1.01(1). Faculty and IAS shall serve staggered 2-year terms
2. The Research and Evaluation Director shall serve as chair
3. The Research and Professional Development Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Review, develop and evaluate research and professional development policies, programs, and activities
(b) Facilitate in-service and research efforts within the interests/needs of the College
(c) Advise and consult with the Dean regarding needs, content, and resources for research and professional development activities for the College of Nursing and area clinical agencies
(d) Review and recommend allocation of research and professional development travel funds
4.05 Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee
1. The Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee shall consist of the Pre-Licensure Program Director; Assistant Director, Student Academic Affairs; three elected faculty or IAS as defined in 1.01, and two appointed undergraduate students (one junior and one senior level). Student members serve on the committee without vote. Faculty and IAS are elected for staggered 2-year terms, and students for a 1-year term.
2. The chair is elected for a 1-year term from among the voting members of the Committee.
3. The Undergraduate Academic Standing Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Review academic policies and Student Handbook at minimum, every two years and recommend revisions to the faculty and IAS
(b) Make recommendations to the program director and the Dean regarding admission, readmission, progression and retention of undergraduate students, while maintaining overall academic standards of the College of Nursing
(c) Recommend to the Dean undergraduate students for scholarships and awards
4.06 Evaluation Committee
1. The Evaluation Committee shall consist of the Director of Evaluation and Projects, the Pre-licensure and Post-licensure program directors; directors of advanced practice nursing, and a faculty or IAS representative from ACCEL and RN to BSN Outreach options.
2. The Director of Evaluation and Projects shall serve as the chair.
3. The Evaluation Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Coordinate all evaluation activities in the undergraduate and graduate program options/emphases (curricular and other aggregate data)
(b) Engage in systematic review and analysis of evaluation methods and recommend revisions every two years as appropriate
(c) Collect and analyze evaluation data, and share the results with the respective program directors, program committees, faculty, and IAS as appropriate
(d) Establish benchmarks for student/alumni/employer outcomes in collaboration with the undergraduate and graduate programs
(e) Recommend revisions for program improvement and effectiveness to appropriate committees based on outcome data
(f) Participate in long range planning to meet the CON vision, mission, and goals
4.07 Personnel Committee
1. The Personnel Committee shall consist of all tenured faculty
2. The chair shall be elected for a 1-year term by the committee members
3. The Personnel Committee, in accordance with University policies, has the following responsibilities:
(a) Develop criteria and guidelines for faculty and IAS appointment, renewal, and merit; faculty tenure, promotion, and develop post-tenure review policies in accordance with FAC 6.3. This policy is contained in the CON Faculty Handbook.
(b) Develop formal procedures and policies for conducting surveys of student opinions related to courses and instruction in accordance with FAC 6.6(2)(b). This policy is contained in the CON Faculty Handbook.
(c) Develop formal procedures and policies for conducting faculty post tenure review in accordance with FAC 6.3. This policy is contained in the CON Faculty Handbook.
(d) Develop criteria and guidelines for IAS clinical track promotion
(e) Review and submit merit criteria for faculty approval a minimum of every 3 years
(f) Recommend tenure and promotion policies, salary, and merit policies
(g) Serve as initial level of review and implement procedures for appointment, renewal, merit, tenure, and promotion. This includes tenure decisions in which promotion to Associate Professor is automatic.
(h) Make recommendations for appointment, renewal, merit, tenure, and promotion to the Dean.
4.08 Promotions Committee
1. The Promotions Committee shall consist of all tenured faculty members as defined in 1.01 who hold the rank of Professor.
2. The chair shall be elected for a 1-year term by the committee members.
3. The Promotions Committee, in accordance with University policies, has the following responsibilities
(a) Serve as initial level of review for promotion decisions except those promotions to Associate Professor which are combined with tenure decisions (UW Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, Section 5. A.2)
(b) Assume responsibility for recommendations for rank of Professor at time of hire
(c) Evaluate faculty for promotion. Faculty who hold the rank of Professor shall participate in the discussion and voting of candidates for promotion to the rank of Professor.
(d) Make recommendations concerning promotion to the Dean
4.09 Faculty Search and Screen Committee
1. The Faculty Search and Screen Committee shall consist of the Post-Licensure Program Director, the Pre-Licensure Program Director and two elected tenured faculty as defined in 1.01 (1). The faculty shall serve for staggered 2-year terms.
2. The chair shall be elected for a 1-year term.
3. The Faculty Search and Screen Committee has the responsibility to:
(a) Act in advisory capacity to the Dean
(b) Develop and implement procedures relating to faculty recruitment
(c) Screen application materials and make recommendations to the Dean regarding candidates to be interviewed
(d) Coordinate recruitment activities with the Office of Equity and Affirmative Action.
4.10 Ad Hoc Committees
1. Ad hoc committees may be appointed for a limited term when deemed necessary by the Dean and/or the College Committee for special purposes.
2. The formation, composition, appropriate electorate, term of office, and charge will be determined at the time of the committee creation.
3. The Dean and/or College Committee will appoint a chair of any ad hoc committee.
4. Each ad hoc committee is to keep minutes of all meetings and file copies of minutes and final reports with the appropriate office.
5. A final written report shall be filed by the committee chair when the limited term expires.
4.11 Faculty and IAS Appeals and Grievances
See procedures in University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Nursing Faculty Handbook and University Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook.
5.01 The most current edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code for Parliamentary Procedure determines conduct and proceedings of faculty and IAS and standing committees unless otherwise specified by College of Nursing policy or procedure.
5.02 The bylaws will be reviewed at least every 3 years.
1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the faculty of the College as defined in 1.01 (1), who vote either “yes” or “no.” A vote of “present” or abstention from voting is not counted as a “no” vote. Voting will be conducted by paper ballot, after at least two weeks’ notice of proposed amendments, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the college faculty, or by referendum.
2. Hearings will be held for consideration of all amendments or revisions to the bylaws. The Bylaws Ad Hoc committee will schedule and conduct such hearings.
3. Bylaws are amended by two-thirds majority vote of faculty and IAS of the College as defined in 1.01 and will go into effect when approved by the College faculty and IAS and Faculty Senate of the University.
5.01 Faculty
(a) The faculty consists of all persons appointed to the College of Nursing by the Chancellor of the University in the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor
(b) Graduate faculty are those faculty as defined in Chapter 3, 3.8, A-C, Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook.
Revisions approved by CON faculty November 21, 1997
Approved by CON faculty December 12, 1997
Approved by Faculty Senate February 1998
Revisions approved by CON faculty February 12, 1999
Approved by Faculty Senate May 4, 1999
Approved by College of Nursing Faculty September 21, 2001
Approved by Faculty Senate December 12, 2001
Approved by CON Faculty February 18, 2005
Approved by Faculty Senate December 20, 2005
Approved by Faculty Senate April 6, 2010
Revisions approved by CON faculty May 19, 2011
Approved by Faculty Senate January 17, 2012
Approved by Faculty Senate February 3, 2015
Revision approved by CON faculty April 17, 2017
Approved by Faculty Senate May 9, 2017