The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
College of Letters and Science Bylaws (GOV 5.3)
Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
GOV 5.3. College of Letters and Science Bylaws.
Latest Revision
Revisions approved by COLS Faculty Committee March 11, 2020
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate November 17, 2020
The faculty of the College of Letters and Science establishes these bylaws under the provisions of the Faculty Constitution in order to provide the organization and procedures by which the faculty may exercise its responsibilities for the immediate governance of the College and for the College’s academic and faculty personnel matters, and through which faculty members may participate actively at all levels of College decision making.
ARTICLE I. The Faculty.
A. Definition of Faculty and Voting Rights
1. The voting faculty of the College shall consist of those ranked faculty members assigned to College departments (or equivalent units) who have the majority of their annual responsibilities within the College, or for those faculty members with equally split assignments who have chosen voting membership in the College.
2. Faculty members teaching in the College who have declared voting membership in another college may participate fully in discussions in College faculty meetings.
B. Powers and Responsibilities of the Faculty
1. The powers and responsibilities of the faculty, subject to those of the Chancellor, and exercised with appropriate consultation with the Dean and with due recognition of student and academic staff rights and University policies, include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Determination of the structure, policies, and procedures for the immediate faculty governance of the College; determination of faculty status and voting eligibility.
b. Formulation of curriculum and long-range curriculum plans, and the coordination of curriculum within the College and with other colleges; determination of the programs, majors and minors, and courses to be offered by the College, and changes in or policies related to these; formulation of other academic policies within the College.
c. Active participation in the formulation of College budget and staffing policies and of policies concerning the utilization of space and physical resources; recommendations concerning the application of these policies.
d. Formulation of College policies concerning the retention and academic standing of its students, and degree requirements; the preparation of student complaint procedures; recommendations concerning the application of these policies and procedures.
e. Formulation of College policies concerning the recruitment, evaluation, and appointment of persons to be assigned to teaching or professional duties in the College; determination of tenure and promotion policies, salary and merit policies, travel policies, and Faculty Development and CAS policies; recommendations concerning the application of these policies.
2. The powers and responsibilities of the faculty of departments will be exercised in accordance with the bylaws adopted by each department and accepted according to Article IX, Section 3 of the Faculty Constitution. Department bylaws will be consonant with College bylaws.
3. The powers and responsibilities of the faculty of the College will customarily be exercised through the elected faculty committees of the College. Decisions which impact the College as a whole may also be made by referendum.
4. In matters of primary faculty responsibility, policy decisions of the Faculty Committee or of the faculty in referendum will be College policy. If the Dean, after exercising his or her consultative role provided in the bylaws, cannot accept the Faculty Committee policy decision or the decision reached by the faculty in referendum, he or she will inform the faculty or the College, in writing, why he or she is unable to accept the decision. Either the Faculty Committee or the Dean may declare an impasse and enter the negotiations to resolve the impasse.
The Faculty Committee will negotiate on behalf of the faculty of the College. The Faculty Committee will report regularly to the faculty on the progress of negotiations.
ARTICLE II. Meetings of the Faculty.
A. Meetings of the College faculty may be called by the Faculty Committee on its own initiative, upon receipt of a petition signed by ten percent of the faculty or at the request of the Dean. All such meetings will be only for discussion, dissemination or collection of information, or debate of issues. The Chair of the Faculty Committee is to preside at all meetings.
B. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Committee to publish the agenda of such a meeting at least one week in advance. Items may be placed on the agenda by the Faculty Committee, the Dean, or by a petition signed by ten percent of the faculty.
ARTICLE III. Divisions, Departments and Programs.
A. Structure
1. A division is composed of one or more academic departments and non-departmental programs.
2. College faculty are organized by subject matter disciplines into academic departments and non-departmental programs.
3. Non-departmental programs (NDPs) report to the Dean. Faculty members who participate in NDPs must establish bylaws for their programs. These faculty members will recommend to the Faculty Committee, for approval, a list of faculty members who will draft and vote on the bylaws for the program. NDP bylaws will define the program faculty and the governance structure for the program. Each September until its bylaws are approved, the NDPs will report to the Faculty Committee the names of faculty members participating in the NDP who have voting rights for that year. New and existing NDPs will have three years to submit bylaws for approval. Prior to the submission of bylaws, the program director/coordinator will be nominated to the Dean by the Faculty Committee. Only those NDPs comprised of at least one full-time faculty or continuing instructional academic staff member who is not assigned to or housed in a department will have divisional voting rights.
4. See Appendix B. (below) for the bylaws governing NDPs, as authorized under section III.A.3., immediately above.
B. Proposals for Change
1. Changes of Divisions
Proposals for changes to divisions of the College (e.g. the creation of a division, the deletion of a division, the movement of a department from one division to another) may be made by the Chancellor, by the Dean, or by a majority of the faculty members of one or more departments.
Such proposals and accompanying rationale will be made in writing and distributed to the entire College faculty. There will be subsequent consultation between the Dean and the faculty of the division(s) involved.
The faculty involved (i.e. the faculty of the division being created, the faculty of the division being deleted, or the faculty of the division to which the department is moving or from which the department is moving) will have the opportunity to make formal recommendations concerning such changes, addressed to the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee will evaluate and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee concerning the proposed change.
The Faculty Committee will assist in implementing the procedures for consultations, hearings, and voting. All proposals for the change to divisional organization of the College will require a college-wide referendum.
2. Changes of Departments
Proposals for changes to departments in the College (e.g. the creation of a department, the deletion of a department, the splitting of a department into two departments, or combining two or more departments) may be made by the Chancellor, by the Dean, or by faculty of one or more departments.
Such proposals and accompanying rationale will be made in writing and distributed to the faculty of the affected division(s). There will be subsequent consultation between the Dean and the faculty of the department(s) involved.
The faculty involved (i.e. the faculty of the department being created, the faculty of the department being deleted, or the faculty of the department being split, or the faculty of the departments being combined) will have the opportunity to make formal recommendations concerning such changes, addressed to the Program Review Committee. The Program Review Committee will evaluate and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee concerning the proposed change.
The Faculty Committee will assist in implementing the procedures for consultations, hearings, and voting. All proposals for the change to departmental organization of the College will require a referendum across the division or divisions where the change is occurring.
3. Changes of Programs
Proposals for changes to programs of the College (e.g. the creation of a program, the deletion of a program, the movement of a program from one department to another) may be made by the Chancellor, by the Dean, or by faculty of one or more departments.
Such proposals and accompanying rationale will be made in writing and distributed to the faculty of the departments affected. There will be subsequent consultation between the Dean and the faculty of the department(s) involved.
The faculty involved (i.e. the faculty of the program being created, the faculty of the program being deleted, or the faculty of the department to which the program is moving or from which the program is moving) will have the opportunity to make formal recommendations concerning such changes.
a. Proposals which involve creation of a program shall be addressed to the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee will evaluate the proposal and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee concerning the proposed program. The Faculty Committee will, 1) determine the voting constituency and, 2) provide for the voting by faculty.
b. Proposals which involve the temporary relocation of a program may be made directly to the Faculty Committee provided the most recent program review recommendations from the Provost and Vice Chancellor include relocation; otherwise the proposal must be made to the Program Review Committee. The maximum amount of time that the program will be relocated must be specified in the proposal if a program is to be relocated in a department. A majority of the faculty members of the department temporarily receiving the program must approve the proposal to temporarily relocate the program and staff in their department; the Faculty Committee will provide for the voting.
c. Proposals which involve the permanent relocation of a program should be addressed to the Program Review Committee. The Program Review Committee will evaluate and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee concerning the proposed change. The Faculty Committee will hold hearings if a program is joining a department and provide for the voting. The proposal must be approved by a majority of the faculty members of the program being relocated. If the proposal calls for the relocation of the program to a department, then the proposal must also be approved by a majority of the faculty members in that department.
d. Proposals which involve deletion of a program shall be addressed to the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee will evaluate the proposal and make recommendations to the Faculty Committee concerning the impact on the College and University of deleting the program. The Faculty Committee will hold college-wide hearings. The proposal to delete the program will be approved if a majority of appropriate faculty support the proposal.
ARTICLE IV. Governance and Procedures.
A. Letters and Science Council and Standing Governance Committees
The College will have a Letters and Science Council, and the following standing governance committees:
1. Letters and Science Faculty Committee
2. Tenure and Renewal Committee
3. Promotion Committee
4. Curriculum Committee
5. Program Review Committee
6. Student Academic Committee
7. Academic Council for Interdisciplinary Studies
8. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Climate Committee
B. Letters and Science Council
1. The Letters and Science Council will be composed of the department chairs, non-departmental program directors/coordinators, and the Dean. Ex officio non-voting members will include the Assistant Deans, Associate Deans and the Faculty Committee. It will be chaired by the Dean or the Dean’s designee.
2. The Council may identify and review matters of concern to the College. It will forward its recommendations for consideration to the Faculty Committee. The Council further serves as a communication link to all faculty in the College.
3. The department chairs and non-departmental program directors/coordinators of each division will meet as necessary with the appropriate associate dean to discuss and facilitate action on issues of concern to the division. Each division will elect a chair from among its members to conduct deliberations affecting curricular matters. Recommendations on curricular matters will be sent to the Curriculum Committee.
C. The Letters and Science Faculty Committee
1. The Faculty Committee will be the major policy-making body of the College. It may initiate policy recommendations and will receive the recommendations of the Letters and Science Council and faculty governance committees for review, acceptance, revision, or return to committee, prior to their transmission to the Dean. It will keep the faculty informed of all matters of concern to it and shall call for faculty referenda on any such matters, including proposals for change in departmental or divisional organization. It will determine the appropriate constituencies for these referenda. In addition, it will formulate College faculty personnel policies and procedures, as needed, and recommend these to the faculty for adoption. It will participate in the budget process and in the formulation of College budget and staffing policies and policies concerning the utilization of space and physical re-sources and will make recommendations concerning the application of these policies. In addition, its duties will include the following:
a. It will prepare College election and voting procedures and determine faculty status and voting eligibility. It will arrange for and oversee all College voting including faculty referenda.
b. It will receive and act on faculty petitions directed to its attention. The Faculty Committee shall call a meeting of faculty when it receives a petition requesting such a meeting signed by ten percent of the faculty. The Faculty Committee shall provide for hearings and schedule a referendum when it receives a petition requesting a referendum signed by twenty percent of the faculty.
c. It will arrange for the periodic review of these bylaws; make rulings in interpretation of the bylaws; provide for liaison between College committees and committees created by the Faculty Senate.
d. It will oversee the creation of ad hoc committees and assist in the preparation of their charges; call all committees into session as required; and maintain a file of the minutes and reports of all College committees and of the adopted policies of the College.
e. At the request of the Chancellor, it will arrange for the election of faculty members to search and screen committees, maintaining proportionate divisional representation on these committees.
f. It will meet with the Provost and Vice Chancellor as soon as possible following the appointment of a dean to discuss the role and responsibility of the dean and to provide for faculty input and reaction. It will provide for the election of an Ad Hoc Committee to provide faculty input in the administrative evaluation of the dean at least once every three years.
2. The Faculty Committee will be the consultative committee for the consideration of declarations of financial emergency affecting the College or any of its departments or pro-grams. It will provide liaison between the College and the University consultative committee in such actions.
3. The Faculty Committee will report to the faculty at meetings or through written communications.
4. Any action of The Faculty Committee is subject to review by the faculty of the College as a whole according to Article IV.C.1.b.
D. Tenure and Renewal Committee
The College Tenure and Renewal Committee will review the credentials of candidates for tenure or renewal in accordance with department, College and University personnel policies and forward its recommendations to the Dean.
E. Promotion and Post-Tenure Review Committee
1. The College Promotion and Post-Tenure Review Committee will review the credentials of candidates for promotion in accordance with department, College and University personnel policies and forward its recommendations to the Dean.
2. The committee will normally serve as the second level of review for post-tenure reviews but serve as the initial level of review in cases when a department cannot serve as such.
F. Curriculum Committee
1. The College Curriculum Committee will formulate and act on the long-range curriculum plans of the College including: mission statements, objectives, emphases, programs and curricula. It will base its work on the recommendations of the faculty, consult with the Dean, and transmit its decision to the Faculty Committee.
2. The Curriculum Committee will review and approve or disapprove the program and course proposals submitted to it, and will transmit its decisions concerning these to the Dean.
G. Program Review Committee
The College Program Review Committee will review and evaluate the academic programs of the College and proposals for change. Its review and recommendations will be transmitted to the Faculty Committee and the Dean.
H. Student Academic Committee
1. The College Student Academic Committee will make recommendations to the Dean concerning the retention and academic standing of students in the College, following the progress and academic standards set forth by the College and in the University Under-graduate Bulletin.
2. The Committee will act on student complaints and appeals.
3. The Committee will recommend revision of the Student Appeals Policy as needed.
I. Academic Council for Interdisciplinary Studies
1. The Academic Council for Interdisciplinary Studies will formulate policy concerning the substance and process of Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as the evaluation of Interdisciplinary Studies courses. The Academic Council for Interdisciplinary Studies will forward its recommendations that fall under the purview of the Curriculum Committee to that committee and all other recommendations will be forwarded to the Faculty Committee prior to their transmission to the Dean.
2. The Council will review and implement policy pertaining to the Interdisciplinary Studies curriculum.
3. The Council will monitor the academic quality and effectiveness of the Interdisciplinary Studies curriculum.
4. The Council will act as the initial level of review in the curriculum development process.
J. Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Climate Committee
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Climate Committee will provide leadership, education, and advocacy that will cultivate an equitable, inclusive, diverse, and supportive climate for people traditionally marginalized from and within the campus community.
K. Standing Committee Membership, Elections, Terms, Vacancies
1. Membership
Except for the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Climate (EDIC) Committee all College standing committees will be composed of faculty members selected by election. The Divisions of Humanities, Math/Science, and Social Sciences are each entitled to two representatives on each standing committee. The Division of Fine and Performing Arts is entitled to one Oshkosh campus representative on each standing committee.
The Access Campuses are entitled to one Access Campus representative on the Faculty Committee, Tenure and Renewal Committee, the Promotion and Post-Tenure Review Committee, and the Curriculum Committee.
For these committees, Access Campus representatives will be selected from all Access Campus faculty, and representatives from the Oshkosh campus will be selected in division elections. All faculty will vote for the representatives for Program Review Committee, Student Academic Committee, and Academic Council for Interdisciplinary Studies in division elections.
Only those with tenure may serve on the Faculty Committee and the Tenure and Renewal Committee. Only those with a rank of Professor may serve on the Promotion and Post-Tenure Review Committee. The Dean is a non-voting consultant to the Faculty Committee.
The members of the EDIC Committee will be self-selected and include representatives of faculty, academic staff, classified staff and students with recruitment efforts to ensure representation across the four COLS divisions. The Faculty Committee will approve membership annually.
2. Elections, Terms
Elections of members of standing committees will normally be concluded by the end of April. The new two-year terms begin at the start of the Fall semester.
a. Terms will be staggered within divisions so that approximately one-half of each committee will be elected each year. In years when divisional representation may need to be changed, one- and two-year terms will be determined by the number of votes received. The candidates with the higher number of votes will receive the longer terms.
b. Committee members are limited to two full consecutive terms. The Faculty Committee will appoint a convener for each standing committee at the beginning of each year. Committee chairs will be elected for one-year terms by the committee.
c. Election to Letters & Science standing committees will be by a majority of votes cast. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, the second ballot will list the names of the two candidates receiving the top number of votes. Any tied result on the second ballot will be broken by the Faculty Committee.
3. Vacancies
a. Vacancies on the Faculty Committee, Program Review Committee, Tenure/Renewal Committee of more than sixty days will be filled for the balance of the term by a special election.
b. Vacancies on other committees will be filled for the balance of the term by the persons receiving the next highest number of votes, if they had 20% of the votes of those eligible to vote for the offices at the most recent election. In the event a vacancy cannot be filled in this manner, a special election will be held.
4. Members of the Faculty Committee may be recalled by the members of the division they represent. A recall petition, signed by more than one-third of those eligible to vote in the division, will be addressed to the Faculty Committee, which will schedule a meeting of the division faculty within 10 working days of the receipt of the petition to discuss the matter. This meeting will be chaired by the Faculty Committee chair (or another member of the committee, selected by the Faculty Committee, should the petition involve the chair). The member of the Faculty Committee named in a recall petition may not vote in any Faculty Committee action related to the recall. Within 5 working days after the meeting the committee will schedule and conduct a recall vote. The member will be recalled if two thirds of the eligible voters of the division support the recall. A person recalled from office will be ineligible to serve on the Faculty Committee for two years following the recall.
L. Meetings
1. The first meeting of the Faculty Committee will be held no later than the second week of the Fall semester. It will be convened by the previous chair or a convener selected by the committee. The committee will elect a chair at that first meeting.
2. During the spring semester following the committee elections, the Faculty Committee will appoint a convener for each of the standing committees and provide the committees with any special charges or information necessary.
3. Special meetings of standing committees may be called by the Faculty Committee, by the chair or by two members of the standing committee or the Dean.
4. College standing committees will inform the Faculty Committee and the Dean of their regular and special meetings, keep minutes of all meetings, and file copies of their minutes with the Faculty Committee and the Dean.
5. A quorum for all College standing committees will consist of a majority of the committee members eligible to vote.
M. Representation
The number of division representatives on each College standing committee will be reviewed by the Faculty Committee to ensure representation across divisions and campuses.
N. Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees may be established by the Faculty Committee to deal with specific College needs outside the charge of standing committees according to the provision of these Bylaws. The formation (by election, or by appointment by the Faculty Committee), composition, appropriate electorate, term of office, and charge will be determined at the time of their creation. The Faculty Committee will appoint the convener for each ad hoc committee and provide the charge to the committee. The committee will elect a chairperson. Each committee is to keep minutes of all meetings and file copies of minutes and final reports with the Faculty Committee and the Dean.
ARTICLE V. Voting Procedures and Definitions.
A. Balloting for COLS elections, COLS referenda, and COLS bylaws revisions will be conducted in department offices, under procedure established by the Faculty Committee. Absentee ballots may be cast for these elections if the eligible faculty member is off campus due to leave, sabbatical, or for other approved reasons. The faculty member must designate another faculty member to cast his/her ballot in the usual manner on behalf of the absent faculty member. The absent faculty member shall notify the Chair of the Faculty Committee of the identity of the designee in writing at least one day prior to the election. The results of balloting will be certified by the Faculty Committee and announced to the faculty.
B. In all voting in the College, the words majority and two-thirds will be defined in terms of the number of legal votes cast. The word plurality will be defined as one more than the number of legal votes cast for any other candidate.
C. If a single ballot is used to fill several positions on a single committee, then all candidates receiving exactly the same number of votes will all be elected or none of them will be elected.
D. When another ballot is required, a candidate’s name shall appear if all other candidates with the same or a greater number of votes appear and, if the candidate’s name were not to appear, too few names would appear.
E. If the procedures prescribed in these bylaws do not fill a position then the Faculty Committee shall fill the position(s) by lot from among those candidates receiving the greatest number of votes.
F. If a procedural question concerning voting should arise which these bylaws do not answer, the Faculty Committee shall determine a procedure for resolving the question.
ARTICLE VI. Department Chairs or Non-Departmental Program Coordinators.
A. Nomination of Chairs
Candidates for chair must be tenured and hold the rank of assistant, associate or full professor. The chairpersons of departments will be nominated to the Chancellor by the eligible faculty of the department; nominations will require a majority of the legal votes cast. Voting will be conducted at the time specified in the Faculty Constitution; the term will be for three years, beginning at the end of the 17th week of the spring semester. Should the Chancellor not accept a nomination, subsequent nominations will be made under the same procedures.
B. Ballot for Chairs
The names of all eligible department members will appear on the first ballot unless department bylaws specify otherwise. Election of the department chair will be by a majority of the legal votes cast. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, the second ballot will list only the names of those receiving the three highest number of votes; if necessary, subsequent ballots will list only those receiving the two highest number of votes on the previous ballot.
C. Chair Vacancies
1. Vacancies will be filled for the unexpired term by a special nominating election under the appropriate procedures in A. and B. above.
2. Temporary vacancies will be filled according to procedures established in the department in consultation with the Dean.
D. Recall of Chair
Should more than half of eligible voters of a department petition the Dean for a recall vote, the Dean will schedule and preside at a special meeting of the department within ten working days of the receipt of the petition. The Faculty Committee will schedule and conduct the re-call vote within five working days of this meeting. Recall will require two-thirds of the legal votes cast to become effective. The result will be transmitted to the Chancellor.
E. Nomination of Non-Departmental Program Directors/Coordinators
The program director/coordinator of a non-departmental program will be nominated for a three-year term to the Dean by a majority of the faculty members meeting the criteria specified in its bylaws. If the Dean does not accept a nomination, subsequent nominations shall be made under the same procedures.
ARTICLE VII. Parliamentary Authority.
A. The current edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure will govern the College in the conduct of all faculty business, except as Sturgis is superseded by Article X, “Sources of Parliamentary Rules Governing the Faculty,” in the Faculty Constitution or the provisions of these bylaws.
A. The bylaws will be reviewed at least every five years by the Faculty Committee or by a bylaws committee elected according to procedures established by the Faculty Committee.
B. Proposals for amendment or revision may be made by the Faculty Committee, by an elected bylaws committee, or in a petition to the Faculty Committee from at least ten percent of the voting members of the College. Proposed amendments or revisions will be in the form in which they are to be voted on and will be accompanied by a rationale for the change; they will be distributed to the entire faculty.
C. Hearings will be held for the consideration of all amendments or revisions to the bylaws. The Faculty Committee will schedule and conduct such hearings.
D. Amendment or revision of these bylaws will require a majority of the legal votes cast by the voting members of the College.
E. Amendments and revisions will go into effect when approved by the faculty of the College and accepted according to Article IX, Section 3 of the Faculty Constitution.
APPENDIX A. Divisions of the College of Letters and Science Current: April 2015
Art, Music, Theatre
Communication Studies, English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Journalism, Philosophy, Radio-TV-Film, Religious Studies and Anthropology, Women’s Studies**.
Biology and Microbiology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Geography and Urban Planning*, Geology, Kinesiology and Health, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology*, Medical Technology**.
Geography and Urban Planning, History, Interdisciplinary Studies**, Military Science, Political Science, Psychology, Public Affairs, Religious Studies and Anthropology*, Social Work, Sociology, Women’s Studies* **.
APPENDIX B. Bylaws Pertaining to Non-Departmental Programs (NDPs).
1. Divisional Voting Rights for NDPs. NDPs shall be afforded divisional voting rights, if all of the following criteria are met: (a) the NDP is not housed within a department; (b) the NDP possesses a director; and (c) the NDP is comprised of at least one half-time faculty or continuing academic staff member.
2. Recognition of NDP as Department Equivalent. Requests to be recognized as a Department Equivalent will be reviewed by the Faculty Committee of COLS and approved by the Dean of COLS and by the Provost.
3. NDP as Department Equivalent for Tenure Purposes. NDPs will be considered the equivalent of a department for purposes of having a tenure home, the renewal and promotion process, bylaws, and merit if all the following five criteria are met: (a) satisfaction of the criteria for divisional voting (see section 1, above); (b) the unit or entity has a budget within the university’s financial and ac-counting framework; (c) the unit or entity can assert a successful claim of two or more faculty FTE; (d) the unit or entity offers an academic major; and (e) the unit or entity has approved bylaws (which must stipulate the procedure used for selecting a director).
4. Requests to Change Tenure Home. Requests by an individual to change the designated department/unit holding the individual’s tenured faculty appointment requires written approval: (a) by both programs (i.e., the NDP and the department); (b) by the concerned individual; (c) by the Dean of COLS and (d) by the Provost.
5. New Faculty Appointments. When members of the faculty are to have either a split appointment or dual appointment, there must be a written memorandum of understanding to effectuate and formalize those conditions. This memorandum should summarize: (a) the tenure home; (b) the merit home and/or proportion to be assigned from the participating units; and (c) the membership of the committee that will serve as the initial level of review for renewal and tenure. This document must be approved by both programs (i.e., the NDP and the department), the concerned individual, by the Dean of COLS, and by the Provost.
* = Secondary Membership
** = Non-department Membership
Approved by Faculty Senate October 24, 2000
Revisions Approved by Faculty Committee Spring 2006
Approved by Faculty Senate October 24, 2006
Approved by Faculty Senate May 12, 2009
Revisions Approved by Faculty Committee December 2010
Approved by Faculty Senate March 15, 2011
Approved by Faculty Senate March 18, 2014
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate April 9, 2015
Revisions approved by COLS Faculty Committee March 11, 2020
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate November 17, 2020