The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
College of Education and Human Services Bylaws (GOV 5.2)

Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY







GOV 5.2. College of Education and Human Services Bylaws.

Approved by Faculty Senate April 8, 2003
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate September 27, 2005
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate December 20, 2005
Revisions approved by Faculty Senate December 11,2007

ARTICLE I. The College of Education and Human Services Faculty.

1.01 Definition of Faculty.

(1) The College of Education and Human Services Faculty consists of all tenured and tenure track faculty who are appointed full-time by the Chancellor of the University with the greatest part of their assigned responsibilities in the College of Education and Human Services.

(2) Voting Rights at College Faculty Meetings

(a) Faculty members as defined in 1.01 (1) may vote on all matters.

(b) Faculty members on leaves of absence and lay-off are accorded full rights and privileges and may vote on all matters provided they are present.

(c) Academic staff and shared academic staff, with the greatest part of their assigned responsibilities in Colleges or units other than the College of Education and Human Services, may attend meetings and participate in discussions.

1.02 Rights and Responsibilities of the College of Education and Human Services Faculty.

Subject to the general policies and jurisdiction of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh over all educational matters which concern more than one collegiate unit, the College of Education and Human Services Faculty has the following rights and responsibilities:

(1) To recommend policy in matters involving scholarship, including the advancement of students and dismissal for less than satisfactory scholarship and/or field experiences.

(2) To recommend to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh requirements for admission, courses of study, conditions for licensure and graduation and the nature of the degrees conferred.

(3) To recommend policy relative to regulations for the admission of students to the College of Education and Human Services.

(4) To recommend to the Chancellor candidates for degrees in education and human services.

(5) To recommend students for graduate assistantships, fellowships, scholarships, and awards.

(6) To sponsor outreach activities such as conferences, workshops, institutes, clinics, and short courses appropriate to the College of Education and Human Services.

(7) To make appropriate citations recognizing outstanding achievements by faculty and others.

(8) To review and to make recommendations to appropriate administrative offices concerning proposals affecting the administration or academic matters of the College.

1.03 Meetings of the College of Education and Human Services Faculty.

The Dean, as the executive officer of the College, is the presiding officer of the faculty.

(1) There shall be a minimum of four college meetings in each academic year (two per semester), with the first being Opening Day of the fall semester. The dates and times of faculty meetings shall be established by the Dean during the first month of each semester. Additional meetings of the faculty may be held at the call of the Dean or upon petition to the Dean by ten percent of the faculty, as defined in 1.01 (1).

(2) A quorum required to transact business consists of the majority of the faculty, as defined in 1.01 (1), excepting only that a majority of those present may approve a motion for a referendum to be placed before the College per section 1.03 (4). A majority vote shall be required to carry a motion.

(3) Items may be placed on the agenda by the Dean, the Administrative Council or by a petition signed by ten percent of the faculty, as defined in 1.01 (1). It is the responsibility of the Dean to publish the agenda five working days prior to the meeting.

Additional discussion items may be added during faculty meetings upon a call for new business. A motion on an item of new business introduced during the meeting shall not come to a vote in that meeting unless the quorum of faculty votes by a two-thirds majority to act on that motion.

(4) A referendum on an issue can be called by a majority vote. The referendum will be conducted within ten working days with voting by written ballot in the Office of the Dean. A majority vote of the faculty as defined in 1.01 (1) is required for approval.

(5) A recording secretary is elected by the faculty for a three-year term. New elections are held in the spring semester and prior to the end of fourteenth week.

The secretary records and prepares the minutes of the meetings and submits them to the Office of the Dean for distribution to all College faculty. Copies of the minutes are also filed in the Office of the Dean.

(6) The Dean may appoint a parliamentarian.

1.04 Administrative Review.

When faculty decisions or recommendations are transmitted in writing to the Dean, the Dean, recognizing the academic tradition of concurring with a clear faculty judgment in matters of primary faculty responsibility, shall as a matter of collegiality respond to decisions and recommendations in writing, giving reasons, providing that such communication shall not be prohibited by law or System policy. Nothing in these bylaws shall impede the authority of the Dean, established by law and System policy, to review faculty decisions on such matters and to make independent judgments regarding them; and nothing in these bylaws shall prohibit appropriate consultation.

ARTICLE 2. College of Education and Human Services Organizational and Administrative Structure.

The Dean has immediate supervision of the affairs of the College. At the beginning of the fall semester the Dean, or appointed designee, will facilitate the initial meetings of the Councils and Standing Committees.

2.01 Departments.

(1) Counselor Education

(2) Curriculum and Instruction

(3) Educational Foundations

(4) Human Services and Professional Leadership

(5) Reading Education

(6) Special Education

2.02 Councils, Standing Committees and Units of the College.

(1) Councils

(a) The Administrative Council

(2) Standing Committees

(a) The Curriculum Committee

(b) The Personnel Committee

(c) The Professional Education Program Committee

(d) The Culture and Diversity Committee

(e) The Elections Committee

(f) The Student Appeals Committee

(g) The Technology Committee

(h) Committee on Graduate Studies

(i) Special Committees

(3) Divisions

(a) Reading Study Center

(b) Project Success

(c) Externally Funded Units

2.03 College, Departmental, Council and Standing Committee Elections.

Faculty as a whole elect chairpersons, as indicated, for Standing Committees. Departments elect department chairs and department representatives to Standing Committees. Department chairpersons also serve on the Administrative Council.

(1) During any given academic year faculty members as defined in 1.01 (1), will hold voting privileges in that Department in which they have the greatest part of their responsibilities for that year. At the beginning of each academic year faculty members whose responsibilities are evenly divided across Departments for that year will declare their voting rights to one of those Departments. The choice is to be communicated by the faculty member to the appropriate Department Chairpersons, the Associate Dean(s), the Dean, and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.

(2) Academic staff members will be automatically eligible to exercise faculty voting rights in departments if they are working in an instructional assignment with an appointment of more than one-half time in that department and are past their fourth semester with that department. Academic staff working under a limited appointment are ineligible. Academic staff voting privileges are restricted to department affairs excluding recruitment, merit, tenure, appointment, reappointment, promotion and election of Department Chair and Alternate Chair.

(3) Every three years during the spring semester and prior to the end of March, faculty members with voting rights in a Department as defined in 2.03 (1) will elect a nominee and recommend to the Dean, a member who has at least one-half of his/her responsibilities in that Department for the position of Chairperson. Subsequently, the Dean will forward his/her recommendation to the Chancellor for review and approval. The term of office will normally be for three years. Each COEHS department will determine the new chair’s start date. There are three options available to each COEHS Department. The new chair could (a) begin at the end of the 17th week of the spring semester in which the election was held, or (b) on the first day of the fall semester of the following academic year, or (c) the previous chair and the new chair could decide to split the administrative duties over the summer. The Department Chairperson will function in accord with Article 8, Sec. 5 of the Faculty Constitution

(4) Annually, during the spring semester and prior to the end of the fourteen-week term, faculty members with voting rights in a Department as defined in 2.03 (1) will elect a nominee and recommend to the Dean, a member who has at least one-half of his/her responsibilities in that Department as Alternate Chairperson. The Alternate Chairperson will be responsible for departmental operations in the absence of the elected Chairperson.

(5) During the spring semester and prior to the end of the fourteen-week term, faculty members with voting rights in a Department as defined in 2.03 (1) will elect a representative from their voting membership to each Standing Committee unless a term has not expired or representation is not required. Terms for Department representatives on the Standing Committees will be for three years and no more than two new three-year terms will commence in a given year. All elected terms begin on the first day of the following fall semester.

(a) Terms of initial election for new Standing Committees will be for one, two, or three years unless otherwise determined by the faculty. The Administrative Council through the use of a lottery system will identify two departments for a one-year term, two for a two-year term, and two for a three-year term. Thereafter, elections will be held by the appropriate Departments and terms will be for a period of three years.

(b) All terms will begin on the first day of the following fall semester.

(c) Procedures for all Department elections will be established by department bylaws.

2.04 Department Bylaws.

College of Education and Human Services Departments are responsible for the development and administration of their own operational bylaws and subsequent revisions. Bylaws shall be reviewed at least every five years with changes subject to approval by the Dean and acceptance by the Faculty Senate.

(1) Each department will include in its bylaws a method of making personnel recommendations concerning renewal, tenure and promotion when the department has less than three department members eligible to vote on the personnel matter. This method shall ensure all personnel recommendations at the initial level of review concerning renewal, tenure and promotion are made by committees composed of three or more voting members.

2.05 Councils and Standing Committees of the College.

(1) Administrative Council

(a) The Administrative Council has the responsibility to advise the Dean on matters affecting operations, budgets, planning, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the College and its relationships with other units within the University and other Colleges of Education within the UW System. The Council may make recommendations to the Dean and the College faculty. The Council receives recommendations from faculty and from other councils and committees of the College. It will assist the Dean in determining agenda items and the order of business for College faculty meetings.

(b) The Administrative Council consists of: the Dean; the Associate Dean(s); the Department Chairpersons; and, others as appointed by the Dean.

(2) The Curriculum Committee

(a) The Curriculum Committee consists of a chairperson–who is elected by the College faculty (the chairperson may not concurrently be a member of the Administrative Council), an elected representative from each Department, an undergraduate student, a graduate student, and the Associate Dean(s) (non-voting).

(b) The Committee will facilitate coordination and evaluation of curriculum experimentation, innovations, additions, deletions, and interprogram articulation. The Committee will inform the Dean of its decision(s) on curricular policy.

(c) The Curriculum Committee will consider recommendations from Departments and in turn may recommend curriculum changes to Departments for action.

(d) The Committee may create ad hoc task forces for specific analytical purposes.

(e) The Dean may suggest agenda items for inclusion in Committee discussions and actions.

(f) The Curriculum Committee members may assist faculty in preparing proposals for curriculum change.

(g) The Curriculum Committee will evaluate and make decisions on all matters relating to curricular activities affecting the College of Education and Human Services. These include, but are not limited to course approval, program changes, development, and review; and new emphases. The Committee may submit to the faculty as a whole for discussion/action, any proposed changes, additions or deletions which could impact two or more departments. The result of any discussion/action will be incorporated by the Committee in its subsequent decision(s). The Committee will inform the Dean of its decision(s) on all curricular activities.

(h) The Curriculum Committee will keep minutes of all meetings and circulate agendas and minutes to all College of Education and Human Services faculty and staff.

(3) The Personnel Committee

(a) The Personnel Committee consists of a chairperson, who is elected by the College of Education and Human Services faculty (the chairperson may not be a member of the Administrative Council), and an elected representative from each Department.

(b) The Personnel Committee will review information submitted by the Departments, and will make recommendations to the Dean on matters related to promotion, tenure, post tenure review, appointment, reappointment, merit evaluation, grievances, and other personnel concerns.

(c) The Personnel Committee actions will conform to University of Wisconsin Oshkosh administrative policies and procedures and the UW Oshkosh Faculty Constitution.

(d) The Personnel Committee will establish uniform procedures for evaluation of faculty. These procedures will include the development of instruments and processes for assessing faculty performance.

(e) The Personnel Committee will keep minutes of the open meeting portion of its meetings and circulate them to all COEHS faculty and staff.

(f) In situations where there are not three COEHS Personnel Committee members eligible to vote on a renewal, tenure or promotion recommendation, a special college committee will be constituted. This committee will be composed of three individuals eligible to vote on the personnel issue. It will include all COEHS Personnel Committee members eligible to vote, plus additional voting members will be randomly selected from a volunteer pool of all eligible faculty. The COEHS Personnel Committee chairperson (whether voting or not voting) will develop the volunteer pool, randomly select the needed number of committee members, and convene all meetings. This special committee will act in lieu of the COEHS Personnel Committee and will have the same power and responsibility to review the information submitted and to make recommendations to the Dean.

(4) The Professional Education Program Committee

(a) The purpose of the Professional Education Program Committee is to ensure that all undergraduate licensure programs are in compliance with (1) Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction (DPI) rules and regulations and (2) all other accreditation and program review requirements as they relate to undergraduate program licensure issues.

(b) The membership of the Professional Education Program Committee shall be as follows:

Faculty members eligible for voting membership on the Committee shall be those who teach one or more courses in the Professional Education Program (PEP). Membership shall include: one member from the Curriculum and Instruction Department, one member from the Department of Special Education, one member from the Department of Educational Foundations, one member from the Department of Human Services and Professional Leadership, and one member from the Department of Reading Education. Members will be elected by their departments and serve for three-year terms. A chairperson shall be elected annually at the beginning of the Fall semester from the committee’s elected membership.

Non-voting members will include the COEHS Director of Professional Education, the COEHS Director of Field Experience, the COEHS Data Management & Assessment Director, the Associate Dean or Dean’s designee, and one College of Letters and Science faculty representative who teaches one or more courses per year in the Professional Education Program (PEP) to be appointed by the Dean of the College of Letters and Science.

(c) The responsibilities of the Professional Education Program Committee shall be as follows:

Engage in continuous review of Wisconsin state teacher licensure requirements to ensure compliance in all programs with DPI rules and regulations.
In order to ensure program alignment with DPI licensure requirements, the committee shall review and make recommendations on all proposed curricular changes that have implications for licensure prior to submission of proposed curricular changes to the COEHS Curriculum Committee.
Reviews field experience requirements, policies and procedures as they relate to DPI licensure requirements and shall make recommendations on proposed modifications and/or changes.
Receives, shares and discusses reports from UW System Deans and Directors Meetings, Wisconsin Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (WACTE), DPI and other professional organizations so as to stay informed about state licensure issues.
Recommends to departments and the Dean such college actions as deemed necessary to address current and emerging licensure issues
Oversees the analysis, interpretation and use of data related to COEHS licensure programs, including interfacing with accreditation and program review requirements.
Makes recommendations for program improvement to departments based on analysis and interpretation of program evaluation data
(5) The Culture and Diversity Committee

(a) The Culture and Diversity Committee (CDC), composed of an elected representative from each department, a graduate and an undergraduate student, and the Director of the Office of Field Experiences and the Director of the Professional Education Programs will meet regularly to initiate and review and advise the COEHS on issues related to culture and diversity.

(b) The chairperson of CDC shall be a member elected by the Committee.

(c) The CDC is responsible for overseeing candidate assessment decisions related to exemption requests based on cultural and diversity issues.

(d) The CDC will make recommendations, regarding policies and procedures as they relate to issues of culture and diversity, to the Director of Office of Field Experience, the Curriculum Committee, and to appropriate internal and external groups.

(e) The CDC will keep minutes of all meetings and will circulate them to all COEHS faculty and staff.

(6) The Elections Committee

(a) The Elections Committee consists of three faculty members of the College as defined in 1.01 (1). Members are elected by the faculty during the spring semester and prior to the end of the fourteen-week term for a three-year term which will begin on the first day of the following fall semester.

(b) The Elections Committee establishes the nomination and election procedures for all College of Education and Human Services elections which will be held during the spring semester and prior to the end of the fourteen-week term. Position criteria and nomination-election procedures will conform toUniversityofWisconsin Oshkosh Administrative Policiesand the Faculty Constitution.

(c) The Elections Committee will conduct elections for the following positions as needed:

1. Chairperson – Curriculum Committee (3-year term)

2. Chairperson – Personnel Committee (3-year term)

3. Chairperson – Planning and Budget Committee (3-year term)

4. Advisory Council – One representative for a three-year term.

5. Recording Secretary of COEHS (3-year term)

6. Elections Committee – Three members (3-year terms)

Elections shall be by a majority of the legal votes cast or by a plurality if there are more than two candidates. In case of ties, repeated elections shall be conducted until all positions are filled.
(d) The chairperson of the Elections Committee is elected by its members at its first organizational meeting.

(e) Voting for Committee chairpersons, Advisory Council representatives and the College recording secretary will be accomplished under the supervision of the College Elections Committee.

(f) The Elections Committee has the responsibility to: review all College and University committees and councils for election needs and inform faculty of vacancies.

(g) The Elections Committee counts the ballots and interprets the results. The incumbent Recording Secretary of the College receives the ballots and announces the results.

(h) The Elections Committee, at the request of the Dean, will conduct special elections and supervise referenda as the need arises.

(i) The Elections Committee will provide absentee ballots to faculty as defined in 1.01(1), for college wide elections, as described in 2.05(8)(e); for referenda, as determined in 1.03(4); and for amending or revising the bylaws as stipulated in 4.02 and 4.03.

(7) The Student Appeals Committee

(a) The Student Appeals Committee is composed of an elected representative from each department, an undergraduate student, and a graduate student. The chairperson of the Committee is elected by its membership at its first organizational meeting.

(b) The Student Appeals Committee makes recommendations regarding student grievances which have not been resolved at the departmental level.

(c) The Student Appeals Committee follows established College guidelines and procedures which have been developed and distributed.

(8) The Technology Committee

(a) The Technology Committee will engage in planning and coordinating technology initiatives and policies that involve College courses and programs. These include but are not limited to technology acquisition, the creation of modern classrooms with technology, College web pages and other matters that involve technology in the College.

(b) The committee consists of an elected representative from each Department, an undergraduate student, a graduate student, a committee selected faculty member who teaches instructional technology or a related course, and non-voting members who include the Associate Dean, College Computer Technician, and representatives from Academic Computing and Media Services. The chairperson will be a committee member elected by the Technology Committee.

(c) The Technology Committee may create ad hoc task forces for specific purposes.

(d) The Dean may suggest agenda items for inclusion in Committee discussions and actions.

(e) The Technology Committee will keep minutes of all meetings and circulate agendas and minutes to all College of Education and Human Services faculty and staff.

(9) Committee on Graduate Studies

(a) The purposes of the Committee on Graduate Studies are:

Assist all graduate programs in the COEHS in finalizing the development of graduate program assessment plans for internal use and in support of college and/or department accreditation. Review and report annually the results of COEHS graduate program assessment.
In response to the dramatic change in the post-baccalaureate educational environment inWisconsinfor teachers, administrators and pupil services inWisconsindue to PI-34, to develop COEHS graduate programs to respond in new ways to service our K-12 constituencies.
To work collaboratively to develop a sense of cross-departmental graduate identity in the COEHS, to enhance program interconnectivity and articulation across all of the college graduate areas, and to increase COEHS graduate programs’ outreach and development.
To work with UW Oshkosh Graduate Office to coordinate marketing efforts and resources on behalf of graduate programs.
(b) The membership of the committee shall be all department graduate program coordinators. The committee shall elect a chair in its first fall meeting.

(10) Special Committees

(a) Special committees and other appointments may be appointed by the Dean for specific purposes. Terms of such committees expire upon completion of the work of the committee, usually within an academic year.

(b) The chairperson for the special committee may be appointed by the Dean or at the Dean’s discretion may be elected by its members at the first organizational meeting.

(c) Faculty with common interests may organize and be recognized by the Dean as special committees. Organization of such groups is encouraged at the beginning of each academic year to promote discussion, study and research in areas of professional interest, to give counsel to the standing committees, and to advise the Office of the Dean on operational matters.

(d) Special committees report to the Dean of the College.

ARTICLE 3. Appeals and Grievances.

3.01 Any professional or administrative grievance that is not resolved between the concerned parties may be filed by the aggrieved faculty member with the College Personnel Committee, whereupon it is referred for investigation and recommendation to a three-person special committee appointed by the chairperson whose members may or may not be members of the College Personnel Committee. Appointment is contingent upon their individual acceptance by both the aggrieved and the party or parties against whom the grievance is made.

3.02 The special committee will report its findings and recommendations to the College Personnel Committee as a whole. The College Personnel Committee will notify the concerned parties of their final recommendation. If dissolution or dismissal of the grievance or satisfactory compromise is not achieved at this juncture, the aggrieved party has the option to request a decision on the issue by the Dean after presentation by the special committee of its findings and recommendations to the Dean in the presence of the aggrieved and the other concerned parties.

3.03 Further appeal is available through theUniversity ofWisconsin Oshkosh grievance procedures.

ARTICLE 4. Rules and Amendments.

4.01 Procedures for adoption of the original bylaws.

(1) During an all College of Education and Human Services faculty meeting the Dean, as presiding officer, will call for questions, discussion and proposed amendments to the bylaws.

(2) If an amendment to a section is proposed, the Dean will read the amendment and after discussion a vote will be taken. A majority vote is required for approval of the amendment.

(3) When all amendments of the bylaws have been completed, the Dean will call for any further amendments, questions or discussion.

(4) A referendum on the amended bylaws will be conducted within two weeks following the all College of Education and Human Services faculty meeting. Voting will be by written ballot in the Office of the Dean.

(5) A majority vote is required for faculty approval of the bylaws. The bylaws will go into effect following a positive vote and subsequent acceptance by the Faculty Senate.

4.02 Procedures for amending the bylaws.

(1) During an all College of Education and Human Services faculty meeting, a faculty member as defined in 1.01 (1) may give notice of a proposed amendment while new business is being considered.

(2) The faculty member will read the proposed amendment and give a copy of it to the College of Education and Human Services recording secretary.

(3) The faculty member will circulate the proposed amendment to all College of Education and Human Services faculty members as defined in 1.01 (1). The amendment should be stated in such language that, if adopted, it may be incorporated directly into the bylaws.

(4) During the following all College of Education and Human Services faculty meeting, the Dean or his/her designee will read the proposed amendment and will call for a motion to adopt the amendment. Upon hearing a motion and second, the Dean will call for discussion, questions and amendments to the proposed amendment. (Since a proposal to amend the bylaws is a main motion, amendments to the proposed amendment are in order.) A majority vote is required to amend the proposed amendment. Upon hearing no further amendments to the amendment, the Dean will call for a referendum.

(5) A referendum on the amendment will be held within two weeks of the allCollegeofEducationand Human Services faculty meeting where the amendment was considered. Voting will be by written ballot in the Office of the Dean.

(6) A majority vote is required for the faculty approval of amendments to the bylaws.

4.03 Revision of the bylaws.

(1) Upon the request of the faculty, or the department chairs, or on the Dean’s own volition or periodically no less than every five years, the Dean shall appoint a special committee made up of one faculty member from each department to review the college’s By-Laws and make recommendations for any revisions to the college. The committee shall elect its own chair and deliver any recommendations within one year of appointment.

(2) A copy of the proposed revision will be sent to all College of Education and Human Services faculty with notice of the dates when it will be considered and voted on.

(3) The removal, elimination, transfer, or reorganization of existing departments, or the addition of new ones to the College of Education and Human Services shall be addressed in conjunction with input from the Chancellor, University procedures where applicable, the Dean and the faculty of the College. The decision of the faculty will be determined by referendum and the results conveyed to the Dean.

(4) Adoption of the revised bylaws will follow the same procedures as outlined in section 4.01.

4.04 The College of Education and Human Services bylaws shall be reviewed at least every five years.

4.05 The current edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs this organization in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for in the law or in its charter, bylaws, or adopted rules.

ARTICLE 5. Affirmative Action.

5.01 The College of Education and Human Services subscribes to and conforms to the affirmative action compliance program as published by theUniversity ofWisconsin Oshkosh.