The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Policy # [####]
College of Business Bylaws (GOV 5.1)
Original Issuance Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Last Revision Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
Next Review Date: MMMM DD, YYYY
GOV 5.1. College of Business Bylaws.
Approved May 30, 1985
Amended February 6, 1986
Amended September 3, 1986
Amended September 3, 1991
Amended February 6, 1992
Amended June 2, 1995
Amended September 2, 1997
Amended May 29, 1998
Amended March 2, 1999
Amended April 6, 2001
Amended May 3, 2002
Amended April 2, 2004
Amended November 3, 2006
Amended March 26, 2007
Amended October 30, 2007
Amended March 5, 2010
Approved by Faculty Senate December 14, 2010
Article 1 The College of Business Faculty
Article 2 Meetings of the College Faculty
Article 3 College of Business Council and Governance Structure
Article 4 Appeals and Grievances
Article 5 Rules and Amendments
All actions and decisions of the College will be made in accordance with the policies and rules of the University as established by United States Law, Wisconsin State Law, the Board of Regents of the Wisconsin System, the Chancellor, and the Faculty Constitution. The College’s organizational structure is based on Departments.
Article 1 The College of Business Faculty
1.01 Definition of Faculty
1. The College of Business faculty consists of all persons appointed full-time by the University in the rank of instructor or above with the majority of assigned responsibilities in the College of Business. Academic staff members will be automatically eligible to exercise faculty voting rights at the department level if they are working in an instructional assignment with an appointment of more than one-half time in the College and are in their fifth semester (or later). Academic staff working under a limited appointment are ineligible.
2. Voting Rights
a. Faculty members as defined in 1.01(1) may vote. Voting rights for instructional academic staff are restricted to department affairs excluding recruitment, tenure, appointment/reappointment and promotion.
b. Faculty members on leave of absence or lay-off may attend and vote at meetings.
c. Other staff of the College may attend meetings and speak.
d. Absentee ballots are not permitted.
e. Administrators holding limited appointments do not have voting rights in the College or Departments.
1.02 Duties and Powers of the College Faculty
Subject to the general jurisdiction of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh over all educational matters that concern more than one collegiate unit, the College of Business faculty has the following duties and powers within their collegiate unit:
1. Determine the structure, policies, and procedures for the immediate faculty governance of the College and determine faculty status and voting eligibility.
2. Form curriculum and long-range curriculum plans and coordinate curriculum within the College and with other Colleges.
3. Form College policies concerning the recruiting, evaluation, and appointment of persons to be assigned to teaching or professional duties in the College and determine other faculty personnel policies in the College such as tenure, promotion, salary, merit, faculty development and Compensation for Additional Service (CAS).
4. Control matters involving scholarship, including the advancement of students and dismissal of students for defective scholarship.
5. Recommend to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh requirements for admission, courses of study, conditions of graduation, and the nature of the degrees conferred.
6. Administer the regulations for the admission of students to the College of Business.
7. Recommend to the Chancellor candidates for degrees in courses of study in the College.
8. Recommend students for fellowships, scholarships, and awards.
9. Establish research and field services and sponsor conferences, institutes, clinics, and short courses appropriate to the College.
10. Report to the appropriate Director cases of student misconduct requiring investigation.
11. Recommend citations recognizing outstanding achievements by faculty, by Wisconsin citizens, or by others who are connected with the University or the state.
12. Review and make recommendations to appropriate administrative officers concerning proposals affecting the administration or academic matters of the College.
Article 2 Meetings of the College Faculty
At least three faculty meetings are held each year and these are normally scheduled for the first Friday of a month. Adjournment is automatic after 90 minutes, unless suspended by two-thirds vote of faculty in attendance. A quorum required to transact business consists of one-half of voting members in residence as defined in 1.01 (1). Additional meetings of the faculty are held at the call of the Dean, the College of Business Council (COB Council) or by petition of 25% of the faculty.
The Dean is the executive officer of the College and has immediate supervision of the affairs of the College. The Dean is the presiding officer of the faculty.
The Dean transmits to the appropriate body or office of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh all actions that are within the concern of that body or office.
Notice and agenda for faculty meetings are prepared by the Dean in consultation with the COB Council and distributed to members of the College faculty at least five working days prior to each meeting. Individual faculty members may present items to the Dean to be placed on the agenda 10 working days prior to the faculty meeting.
Article 3 College of Business Council and Governance Structure
The College will have the following standing governance committees and a Council:
3.01 College of Business Council (COB Council)
3.02 Graduate Programs Committee
3.03 Undergraduate Programs Committee
3.04 Faculty Review Committee
3.05 Full Professor Committee
3.06 Task Forces
3.07 Departments
3.08 Globalization Committee
3.01 College of Business Council (COB Council)
1. Acting as the voice of the faculty, the COB Council provides input to the Dean concerning resource allocation, College plans, and priorities. It makes recommendations on policy guidelines relating to salary, merit point allocations, and other personnel matters consistent with the College policies and procedures for appointment, renewal, promotion, tenure, and merit. It also provides input on who should be responsible for those activities that have not been assigned to a position or group. It establishes election procedures for the College, solicits candidates from the faculty, and reports all self-nominated faculty in the agenda prior to the May College meeting. [Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominees.] The COB Council may make recommendations to the Dean and the College faculty. This Council receives recommendations from faculty and departments of the College.
2. The COB Council consists of the Dean (nonvoting) and the Chairs of each department. The Dean acts as Chair.
3. The Council acts as the standing bylaws committee for the College.
3.02 Graduate Programs Committee
1. The Graduate Programs Committee has responsibility to consider all graduate student programs policy and scholarship matters within the College of Business. It reports to the total college faculty on all academic matters relating to graduate program curricula, courses, and requirements. It recommends to faculty, for faculty approval, graduate curricula policy and makes recommendations to the Dean on the implementation of academic matters. This committee functions as the College’s Academic Standing Review Committee for graduate students and acts on the academic matters of admissions appeals, probation and suspension decisions for graduate students.
2. The Graduate Programs Committee consists of Dean’s representative, as a nonvoting member, and a member elected to a two year staggered term by each of the college’s departments.
3. Each year the Chair of the committee is selected from among its voting members by majority vote at the organizational meeting following election of new members.
3.03 Undergraduate Programs Committee
1. The Undergraduate Programs Committee has responsibility to consider all undergraduate student programs policy and scholarship matters within the College of Business. It reports to the total college faculty on all academic matters relating to undergraduate program curricula, courses, and requirements. It recommends to faculty, for faculty approval, undergraduate curricula policy and makes recommendations to the Dean on the implementation of academic matters. This committee functions as the College’s Academic Standing Review Committee for undergraduate students and acts on the academic matters of admissions appeals, probation and suspension decisions for undergraduate students.
2. The Undergraduate Programs Committee consists of the Dean’s representative, as a nonvoting member, and a member elected to a two-year staggered term by each of the college’s departments.
3. Each year the Chair of the committee is selected from among its voting members by majority vote at the organizational meeting following election of new members.
3.04 Faculty Review Committee
1. With the exception of the recommendation for promotion to full professor, the Faculty Review Committee makes recommendations to the Dean with respect to the renewal, promotion, and tenure of faculty in accordance with the Board of Regents, University, and College rules and practices governing these matters. It makes recommendations noted above following evaluation of credentials. The committee reports to individual faculty members the committee’s recommendations on their renewal, promotion, and tenure. The committee will be the initial level of review for faculty renewal, promotion and tenure when department Personnel Committees fall below three members under the terms of 3.07 (8).
2. The Faculty Review Committee maintains, in the College office, minutes of its actions, including recorded votes on recommendations concerning renewal, tenure, and promotion. The recorded votes, together with reasons for the recommendation, are forwarded to the Dean. Written notice of the committee’s recommendation is forwarded to the faculty member in question. Committee procedures will be consistent with University rules and procedures regarding personnel matters.
3. The Faculty Review Committee consists of members elected to a three-year staggered term by each of the College’s departments.
4. The chair of the committee is selected from its membership by majority vote at the organizational meeting each year following election of new members.
5. Members may not vote on promotion to a rank higher than the rank they hold.
3.05 Full Professor Committee
1. The Full Professor Committee makes recommendations to the Dean on promotions to the rank of professor following an evaluation of credentials and in accordance with the Board of Regents and University rules and practices governing these matters.
2. The Full Professor Committee maintains, in the College office, minutes of its actions including recorded votes on its promotion recommendations. The recorded votes, together with reasons for the recommendation, are forwarded to the Dean. Within three working days after its vote, the committee will provide a written notice of its recorded vote and reasons to the faculty member in question. A copy of the Dean’s recommendations will be forwarded to the committee.
3. The Full Professor Committee consists of five tenured members of the College faculty as defined in 1.01 (1), who currently have the rank of professor or will have the rank of professor at the commencement of the member’s elected term in this committee. Membership is elected by the faculty at large for two-year terms with three positions elected one year and two positions the succeeding year.
4. The chair of the committee is selected from its elected membership by majority vote at the organizational meeting each year following election of new members.
3.06 Task Forces
1. Task Forces may be appointed by the Dean in consultation with the College Council for specific purposes.
2. Terms to such task forces expire on completion of the work of the task force, usually within an academic year.
3.07 Departments
1. The College is organized by Departments. The Department is the fundamental unit of academic as well as administrative organization within the College. It exists to provide instruction and to conduct research in its respective fields of teaching and investigation. Changes to the departmental structure of the College shall be in accordance with 3.07(4).
2. Each department will have responsibility for making recommendations to the faculty on policies and procedures affecting its major(s), its courses, its students and its faculty. The areas of responsibility include curriculum development, managing its major(s), program reviews, conducting assessments of its major(s), assisting in course scheduling, advising student clubs, advising students about discipline-related careers, monitoring the external environment related to its discipline(s), recruiting new faculty, and making decisions on renewal, promotion and tenure of faculty within the department. Each faculty member in the College will be a voting member of only one department. Faculty will be a member of the department where they can best contribute to the goals and objectives of the department and the College.
3. Questions concerning appropriate department membership shall be resolved by the Faculty Review Committee. Faculty desiring to change departments shall file a written request with the Faculty Review Committee. The Faculty Review Committee will consult with all affected departments and will rule in favor of the change if it is necessary for the professional and scholarly growth of the faculty member filing the request and if the change is consistent with the goals and objectives of the College.
4. Proposals for changes to departments in the College may be made by the Chancellor, the Dean, the COB Council, or the majority of the eligible voting faculty in the affected department(s). The proposal and accompanying rationale will be made in writing to the Dean and the COB Council and distributed to the faculty. There will be subsequent consultation between the Dean and faculty of the department(s) involved. Upon the recommendation of a majority of the eligible voting faculty of each department involved, the COB Council will make its recommendation to the faculty and the Dean. Upon the recommendation of a majority of the eligible voting faculty within the College, the Chancellor shall be notified and consulted as per Article VIII, Section 2 of the Faculty Constitution.
5. Each department shall establish a personnel committee. All tenured members of the department shall be members of the personnel committee unless discipline-based personnel committees have been approved by the department and the Faculty Review Committee. The personnel committees will make decisions on the renewal and tenure of eligible department faculty and make recommendations on the promotion of department faculty.
6. A minimum of three eligible personnel committee members must participate in all personnel decisions (tenure, renewal, promotion). If the personnel committee is unable to meet this requirement in the allowable time frame, the committee chair should so inform the appropriate College committee chair, at which time section 3.07 (8) will take effect.
7. In cases where for a particular decision (tenure, renewal, promotion), the size of the personnel committee is three or more, the personnel committee conducts the initial level of review. For renewal, if the vote is for renewal, subsequent actions are taken by the College committee, Dean, Provost and Vice Chancellor, and Chancellor.
8. In cases where for a particular decision (tenure, renewal, promotion), the size of the personnel committee is two or less, the initial level of review becomes the appropriate College committee. For actions on renewal and tenure, the Faculty Review Committee is then the decision-making body. The eligible members of the personnel committee will be added to the Faculty Review Committee as voting members for those decisions as specified under University guidelines.
9. Each department shall conduct periodic reviews of faculty performance within the department as allowed by University guidelines, and make recommendations to the Dean. These recommendations shall be reported to individual faculty members.
10. Each department shall have a department chair. Department chairs are responsible for the development and implementation of departmental strategic plans and for addressing personnel issues within the department. Department chairs shall conduct post-tenure review of faculty within the department and make recommendations to the Dean. These recommendations shall be reported to individual faculty members. Department chairs are responsible for developing and implementing self improvement plans in accordance with University guidelines.
11. The department chair shall be nominated by a majority of the eligible voters who cast ballots and shall be appointed by the Chancellor. Tie votes will be broken by one succeeding ballot. If a tie vote continues, it will be broken by the drawing of lots. The department chair shall be elected for a three-year term during March and appointed as soon thereafter as possible, and shall assume office July 1. No person can hold a position as department chair for more than two consecutive three-year terms, unless no other eligible faculty member applies for the position and the person continuing in the role is accepted by all relevant parties.
12. If a vacancy occurs before the term of a department chair expires, a special election shall occur at the next department meeting to elect an interim department chair.
a. The interim department chair shall be elected in the same manner as the regular department chair.
b. The interim department chair shall hold office for the remainder of the term.
13. Department chairs shall be evaluated in accordance with the policies of the College. A department chair may be removed for good and sufficient reasons in accordance with the Faculty Constitution.
3.08 Globalization Committee
1. The Globalization Committee: a) facilitates development of initiatives for globalizing the students, the faculty, and the curriculum and make recommendations to the Dean; (b) establishes strategy, procedures and criteria for and overseeing implementation of globalization initiatives; and (c) periodically evaluates programs, against set goals of the College and makes recommendations concerning specific programs and program leaders toward future progress; and (d) maintains an effective, ongoing communication with the Dean. It acts as liaison with the Office of the Provost and other Colleges and Units across the university in furthering the objectives of globalization.
2. The Globalization Committee maintains, in the College office, minutes of its actions including recorded votes on its globalization recommendations. The recorded votes, together with reasons for the recommendation, are sent to the Dean.
3. The Globalization Committee consists of four faculty members, to be elected at large, for two-year staggered terms. In addition, the Dean’s representatives to the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs committees, as voting members, will serve on the committee. The Dean may designate up to three additional ex-officio members to serve on the committee.
Article 4 Appeals and Grievances
Refer to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty Handbook Chapter Ten, Part C. for appeals, Chapter Ten, Part E. for grievances, or the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Academic Staff Handbook Part III, Section B for instructional academic staff policies.
Article 5 Rules and Amendments
The most current edition of STURGIS’ STANDARD CODE OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES, by A. Sturgis, determines conduct and proceedings of the faculty and standing governance committees.
Five members of the faculty may recommend an amendment to the Dean and the College faculty in writing. The Dean will hold a vote as indicated in 5.03.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the faculty of the College as defined in 1.01 (1), who vote either “yes” or “no”. Voting will be conducted by paper ballot, after at least two weeks’ notice of proposed amendments, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the college faculty, or by referendum. A vote taken during a faculty meeting assumes a quorum is present, and a vote by referendum assumes a quorum votes either yes/no/abstain.
5.04 College Committees
1. Election
Election to college committees will be by a majority vote of those members eligible to vote as defined in 1.01 (1) who vote. Tie votes will be broken by one succeeding ballot administered by the College Council. If a tie vote continues, it will be broken by the drawing of lots.
2. Vacancies
Vacancies will be filled for the balance of the term by the person receiving the next highest vote for the office at the most recent election. In the event the vacancy cannot be filled in this manner, a special election will be held.
3. Empowerment and Limits
College Committees are empowered to make decisions within their purview. If the Committee believes an item should be taken to the full faculty for a vote it will be placed on the agenda for the next faculty meeting. (Only items that have a significant college wide effect should be taken to the full faculty.) If the Committee believes a full faculty vote is not necessary it makes the decision and informs the full faculty of that decision. If the College Council, the Dean or at least 25% of the faculty (through a petition) believe the item should be taken to the full faculty then the item will be placed on the agenda for the next faculty meeting and the committee decision is stayed.
Approved May 30, 1985
Amended February 6, 1986
Amended September 3, 1986
Amended September 3, 1991
Amended February 6, 1992
Amended June 2, 1995
Amended September 2, 1997
Amended May 29, 1998
Amended March 2, 1999
Amended April 6, 2001
Amended May 3, 2002
Amended April 2, 2004
Amended November 3, 2006
Amended March 26, 2007
Amended October 30, 2007
Amended March 5, 2010
Approved by Faculty Senate December 14, 2010