The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Instructor Office Hours Policy (GEN 4.B.13) GEN 4.B.13. Office Hours. Faculty and instructional academic staff members are expected to hold regularly scheduled office hours and make themselves available by...
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Off-Campus Study Programs (GEN 4.B.12) GEN 4.B.12. Off-Campus Study Programs. Off-campus study programs are defined as instructional programs for which the academic content is determined by the site (e.g., study of...
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Grades Submission Policy (GEN 4.B.11) GEN 4.B.11. Grades. Faculty and instructional academic staff must submit final grades at the end of each semester, following procedures set by the Registrar’s Office....
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Field Trips (GEN 4.B.10) GEN 4.B.10. Field Trips. (1) Permission for Students to be Absent from Classes. (a) Regular Classes. The form titled “Clearance for Field Trip Involving Absence from University Classes...
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Class Absence Notification Policy (GEN 4.B.9) GEN 4.B.9. Emergencies, Class Absences Notification Procedures. (1) Emergencies. The Dean of Students Office serves as the contact point in student emergencies with...
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Policy # [####] Course Syllabi Policy (GEN 4.B.8) The Faculty Senate recommends that faculty, as part of their professional obligation as teachers, provide students with a written syllabus within the first two class sessions of the...
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