Staff Awards and Recognition
Near the end of each school year staff members at the University Police Department vote on candidates for several different awards. Those votes are accumulated and the person who obtains the most votes in each category gets the award.

2014-2015 Department Recognitions
This year’s Spotlight Group of the Year is absolutely deserving of this award. During the beginning of the school year, the Oshkosh campus was the focus of several media outlets because of crimes around campus, and this group was extremely important in helping keep staff and students safe.
The department extended Safewalk hours for students and implemented discussions to increase safety measures. Aside from the crimes on and off campus, and the dedication to keeping the community and campus safe, the department continues to promote good health and safety in other ways outside of the normal duties.
The department participates in community events, actively attends hall government meetings, and promotes other student involvement. Run with the Cops got students involved, active and raised money for Special Olympics.
They also did events such as Race for the Light, which raised money for the Christine Ann Center, the Polar Plunge, the Shamrock Shuffle, Concerns of Police Survivors, Cirque de Safety and other events getting involved with halls.