Professional Emphasis
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Students preparing for a professional career in physics or astronomy normally take this emphasis. The course preparation in this emphasis is necessary for graduate work in physics and many related fields such as astrophysics, nuclear physics, particle physics, solid state physics, biophysics, medical physics, atomic or molecular physics or plasma physics, etc.
Four-Year Course Plan
Below is a typical four-year course plan for the College of Letters and Sciences professional physics majors.
Fall |
Spring |
Freshman |
Sophomore |
Junior |
Senior |
* Courses marked above are offered every 4th semester
- 307, Optics: Fall of odd years
- 408, Thermo, Fall of even years
- 417, Elect. & Mag., Spring of odd years
- 419, Quantum Mech., Spring of even years
Other Courses:
- 203, Intro to Astrophysics
- 305*, Circuits and Devices
- 310, Stellar Structure and Evolution
- 311, Digital Electronics
- 313, Galaxy and Star Formation
- 319*, Digital Signal Processing
- 355*, Lab. & Demo Techniques
- 451, Special Topics
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Physics & Astronomy
N. Halsey Science Center
Room 127 or 142
921 Elmwood Ave.
Department Chair
Dr. Nadia Kaltcheva
Room 337B