Course Registration


Modern Physics for Teachers will be offered Spring 2024. You do not need to be a degree-seeking student at UW Oshkosh to register.


Step 1 | Complete Prospective Student Information Form

Download to your local computer the following electronic fillable PDF form:

prospective student information form (spring 2024)


    • Complete all fields in the form (e.g., first  name, middle initial, last name, previous name if applicable) to avoid duplicate student records.
    • For “Student Signature”, simply enter your initials.
    • Indicate whether you would like to take the course for 2 credits or 3 credits.
    • Save a copy of the form using the the filename format: student_info_Last name_First name.pdf

Note: This course is normally taken as a 2-credit course. However, teachers may enroll in the course under the “Plus-One Credit Option” (i.e., for 3-credits). Under this option, teachers study, implement, and evaluate a NGSS-aligned, model-centered lesson in their own classroom. For a summer course, this work occurs in the fall and grades are transcripted for the summer; for a fall course, this work occurs early in the subsequent spring and grades are transcripted for the fall; and for a spring course, this work occurs later in the spring (same semester) and grades are transcripted for the spring. Results are shared in the form of a written report.

Step 2 |
Submit Form and Undergraduate Transcript

Email the above completed and signed PDF form and, if you are first-time student, an unofficial undergraduate transcript to: (Dr. Mark Lattery, NGMC Director). Once your student information form is approved and signed, you will receive an email from Dr. Lattery with further instructions.

Step 3 |
Apply to UW System (New Students Only)

If you are a new student, the preceding email from Dr. Lattery (Step 2) will provide instructions on How to Apply. You will be asked to complete a short, general UW System online form to be recognized by the UW System.

Step 4 |

Once you are registered in the UW System, you will receive will an email on How to Enroll in your NGMC course at UW Oshkosh. This email will contain your UW Oshkosh login credentials. Please enroll within 2 business days.


Additional notes:

  • International applicants are welcome! Please note however that international applicants with foreign transcripts must additionally arrange for a Credential Evaluation Report (CER). If this applies to you, expect to receive a separate note from the Graduate School. Please allow 15-20 days for processing. CER service fees vary and must be paid by the applicant.
  • Teachers can enter the above registration process by submitting their student information form in Step 1 up until Thursday midnight before the first day of class, the subsequent Monday.

For additional information, contact the Office of Graduate Studies.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Physics & Astronomy

N. Halsey Science Center
Room 127 or 142
921 Elmwood Ave.


Department Chair

Dr. Nadia Kaltcheva
Room 337B


More contact information


Department Office Hours
7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.



