Contact Us
Dr. Mark Lattery
NGMC Program Director
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Physics/Astronomy Department
Free stuff
Spreadsheet Physics 1: Monkey in the Tree (Excel doc, requires Windows PC)
Spreadsheet Physics 2: Ideal Pendulum (Excel doc, requires Windows PC)
Electric Field Potential Lab (Electrostatics and Magnetism for Teachers sample lesson)
Teachers in the United States rate their lives better than all occupation groups, trailing only physicians. –Gallup-Healthways (172,000 working adults)
Modern Physics for Teachers (Spring 2022): Quantum Dots (A Parody) by Matthew Mello
YouTube Video [click here]
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Physics & Astronomy
N. Halsey Science Center
Room 127 or 142
921 Elmwood Ave.
Department Chair
Dr. Nadia Kaltcheva
Room 337B