Society of Physics Students having fun building a laser from simple materials (Spring 2020).
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Jaren Hergert (physics major, 2020) uses the Reflection High-Energy Electron Refraction (RHEED) system to characterize the surface of crystalline surfaces.
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Mark Belanger (physics major, 2020), Bradley Brooks (department instrumentation specialist), and Christian Quiles (physics-engineering dual degree major) prepare to launch a rocket.
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Dakota Raab (physics major, 2018)
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Timothy Van Rooy (physics major, 2020) and Michael Watson (physics major, 2019)
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Dr. Bart Pritzl gives an astronomy research presentation in Halsey Science Center (2017).
Alma Enciso (physics-engineering dual degree major, 2021) measures the charge-to-mass ratio of an electron.
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Christian Quiles (right) and Mark Belanger (left), physics majors (2020), work on a rocket in the Society of Physics Students room. Recently, Christian received the 2017-2018 Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium STEM Bridge Scholarship worth $2000. He will be transferring to the UW Milwaukee College of Engineering and Applied Science in Fall 2018 as part of new UW Oshkosh Physics-Engineering Dual Degree Program.