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UW Oshkosh
Department of Philosophy
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: (920) 424-1366
Major, Minor, and Applied Ethics Certificate
The philosophy department views as equally important its two undergraduate functions: providing in-depth training in philosophy to those who elect our discipline as a major or minor, and providing high-quality instruction to those who take our courses as electives or to fulfill University requirements. Our courses introduce students to some of the most interesting ideas ever thought, and increase competence in a number of skills essential to both academic and professional success: analytical, critical, and creative reasoning, along with the ability to clearly communicate complex ideas. Note that because a major in philosophy is not weighted down with requirements, it can be undertaken with another major without much increase in total credit load. In fact, many of our majors are double majors.
Applied Ethics Certificate (AEC)
For both philosophy majors or minors, and students involved in a STEM or pre-professional program that leaves them too little time to pursue a minor or second major, the philosophy department offers an Applied Ethics Certificate. This 12-credit program teaches students how to apply philosophical reasoning and ethical principles to issues that arise in many different fields of work and walks of life, including computer/data science, the health sciences, the environment, business, sexuality, and problems that may arise in any diverse society. Students who earn this certificate may appeal to employers looking to hire college graduates that have been educated not only in some technical/professional field, but have also thought deeply about the ethical issues that may arise in such fields (and beyond).
How Do I Declare a Philosophy Major/Minor/AEC?
To become a philosophy major or minor, or to pursue an Applied Ethics Certificate, first fill out this form and then take it to the front desk of the University Advising Resource Center (UARC) office. You should then contact the department Chair for advising.
Requirements for the Major and Minor (as of Fall 2024)
The Requirements for the Philosophy Major and Minor here are for students who declared on or after Fall 2024.
Requirements for the Major
The Philosophy Major consists of 34 credits of coursework in Philosophy that achieves the following distribution across the philosophy curriculum.
Area: Logic – One Course from the Logic Area
Area: History – Two Courses from the History of Philosophy Area
Area: Mind, Metaphysics, and Epistemology – Two Courses from the Mind, Metaphysics, and Epistemology Area
Area: Value Theory – Three Courses from the Value Theory Area
Philosophy Capstone: PHIL 475 – Each major must complete the Philosophy Capstone course.
Philosophy Capstone. In this course, with the aid of a Capstone advisor assigned by the Philosophy Department, you will develop important research skills by revising and expanding a paper that you have already written for a previous philosophy course. The skills to be developed include the ability to search philosophy databases for journal articles related to your topic; to select the most relevant of those articles based on their abstracts; to expand previously written work using the selected material; and finally to revise, edit, and polish your philosophical writing. The end result will be a 10-15 page research paper of a quality sufficient to provide the basis of a writing sample for graduate school applications. Prerequisite: At least 27 prior philosophy credits, or consent of instructor.
Requirements for the Minor
The Philosophy Minor consists of 21 credits of coursework in philosophy that achieves the following distribution:
Area: Logic – One Course from the Logic Area
Area: History – One from the History of Philosophy Area
Area: Mind, Metaphysics, and Epistemology – One course from the Mind, Metaphysics, and Epistemology Area
Area: Value Theory – One course from the Value Theory Area
Area Course Lists
Area: Logic
Phil 103 – Thinking Critically
Phil 203 – Symbolic Logic
Area: History
Phil 100/100Q2/102 (HNRS) – Intro to Philosophy
Phil 120Q1 – Philosophy of Human Nature
Phil 150Q2 – Philosophy of Happiness
Phil 207 – Philosophy of Religion
Phil 211 – Philosophy in India
Phil 212 – Philosophy of China
Phil 301 – History of Ancient Western Philosophy
Phil 303 – Topics in the History of Philosophy
Phil 305 – History of Modern Western Philosophy
Phil 309 – 20th-Century Philosophy
Phil 312 – Existentialism
Phil 325 – Social and Political Philosophy
Area: Mind, Metaphysics, and Epistemology
Phil 101/101Q2/102 (HNRS) – Intro to Philosophy
Phil 207 – Philosophy of Religion
Phil 215 – Philosophy of Art
Phil 306 – Philosophy of Emotion
Phil 309 – 20th-Century Philosophy
Phil 312 – Existentialism
Phil 315 – Philosophy of Science
Phil 319 – Theory of Knowledge
Phil 320 – Metaphysics
Phil 322 – Philosophy of Language
Phil 327 – Philosophy of Mind
Phil 335 – Philosophy of Sex
Area: Value Theory
Phil 105/105Q1/105Q2/106 (HNRS) – Ethics
Phil 150Q2 – Philosophy of Happiness
Phil 207 – Philosophy of Religion
Phil 212 – Philosophy of China
Phil 215 – Philosophy of Art
Phil 220 – Business and Ethics
Phil 225 – Philosophy of Love
Phil 230 – Environmental Ethics
Phil 231 – Biomedical Ethics
Phil 325 – Social and Political Philosophy
Phil 329 – Contemporary Ethical Problems
Phil 335 – Philosophy of Sex
Phil 340 – Climate Justice
Phil 345 – Philosophy of Law
Phil 350 – Computing Ethics
Requirements for the Major (if declared between Fall 2014 and Spring 2024)
For students who declared their major Fall 2014 to Spring 2024, philosophy major consists of 34 credits.
Required (13 credits)
PHIL 101: Elementary Logic or PHIL 202: Symbolic Logic
PHIL 104/105/106: Ethics or Honors Ethics
PHIL 301: History of Ancient Western Philosophy
PHIL 305: History of Modern Western Philosophy
PHIL 475: Philosophy Capstone. In this course, with the aid of a Capstone advisor assigned by the Philosophy Department, you will develop important research skills by revising and expanding a paper that you have already written for a previous philosophy course. The skills to be developed include the ability to search philosophy databases for journal articles related to your topic; to select the most relevant of those articles based on their abstracts; to expand previously written work using the selected material; and finally to revise, edit, and polish your philosophical writing. The end result will be a 10-15 page research paper of a quality sufficient to provide the basis of a writing sample for graduate school applications. Prerequisite: At least 27 prior philosophy credits, or consent of instructor.
Electives (21 credits)
Seven courses consisting of at least one course from Category A (courses in metaphysics & epistemology), at least one course from Category B (courses in value theory), and the remainder from either list, or from any other course offered by the department.
Category A
PHIL 306: Philosophy of Emotion
PHIL 309: Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 315: Philosophy of Science
PHIL 316: Introduction to Cognitive Science
PHIL 319: Theory of Knowledge
PHIL 320: Metaphysics
PHIL 322: Philosophy of Language
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 331: American Philosophy
Category B
PHIL 205: Ethical Issues in a Diverse Society
PHIL 215: Philosophy of Art
PHIL 220: Business and Ethics
PHIL 225: Philosophy of Love
PHIL 230: Environmental Ethics
PHIL 231: Biomedical Ethics (formerly Phil 311: Bioethics)
PHIL 325: Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 329: Contemporary Ethical Problems
PHIL 345: Philosophy of Law
Other Elective Courses
PHIL 109: Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 110: Honors: Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202: Symbolic Logic
PHIL 207: Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 210: Ethics and Community
PHIL 211: Philosophy in India
PHIL 226: Philosophy in Literature
PHIL 303 Topics in the History of Philosophy
PHIL 312: Existentialism
PHIL 335: Philosophy of Sex
PHIL 340: Climate Justice (GS)
PHIL 350: Computing Ethics
PHIL 426: Selected Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 446: Independent Study
PHIL 456: Related Readings
Requirements for the Minor (as of Fall 2014)
21 Credits in Philosophy
Required (9 credits)
PHIL 101: Elementary Logic or PHIL 202: Symbolic Logic
PHIL 105: Ethics or PHIL 106: Honors Ethics
PHIL 301: History of Ancient Philosophy or PHIL 305: History of Modern Philosophy or PHIL 303: Topics in the History of Philosophy.
Electives (12 credits)
Four courses consisting of at least one course from Category A (courses in metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind), at least one course from Category B (courses in value theory), and the remainder from either list, or from any other course offered by the department.
Requirements for the Applied Ethics Certificate
12 credits in Philosophy
Required (3 Credits)
The following two courses are required-
- Philosophy 105/106 Ethics (Quest, XC, or Honors version).
- Philosophy 485 Applied Ethics Capstone Reflection Essay- In this 0-credit, pass/fail, independent study course, you will write a “reflection essay” that summarizes, compares, and analyzes what you have learned about ethical reasoning and its applications in the three (or more) practical domains you have studied.
Electives (9 Credits)
To complete the Applied Ethics Certificate, you must take at least three of the following six elective courses-
- PHIL 205/206 Ethical Issues in a Diverse Society (XC) (206 is the Honors version of the course).
- PHIL 220 Business and Ethics (XC).
- PHIL 230 Environmental Ethics (XC).
- PHIL 231 Biomedical Ethics (XC).
- PHIL 335 Philosophy of Sex.
- PHIL 350 Computing Ethics.