Motorcycle and Moped Permits

Parking permits are now digital – enforced via License Plate Recognition (LPR). This means you will not receive any physical permit, because your license plate is your permit. Therefore, it is the permit holder’s responsibility to maintain an accurate motorcycle/moped record.  If there is any need to change motorcycle(s)/moped(s) associated with a permit, please log into the parking portal and make the necessary changes.

  • Annual permit: $50 (free with long-term permit)
  • Semester permit: $25 (free with long-term permit)

Motorcycles and mopeds must be parked only in designated areas, not in regular car stalls.

Moped and Motorcycle Parking Areas

The designated areas are located conveniently in:

  • Lot 7
  • Lot 13
  • Lot 18
  • Lot 34
  • South Gruenhagen Area
  • High Avenue Parking Ramp

These spaces are available approximately April – Nov. (exact dates vary based on weather conditions) . When motorcycle signs are posted, other vehicles are not valid in those spaces.

Mopeds may be parked in approved bicycle racks, but they still must have a valid University motorcycle parking permits.


Moped Safety

Do not operate mopeds on sidewalks. Driving on a sidewalk is in violation of Wisconsin State Statute 346.94 and such a violation would result in a fine and points against your driver’s license.


Hours and Location

Parking Services
738 High Avenue
Oshkosh, WI

Monday and Thursday
9am - 1pm

Tuesday and Wednesday
11am - 4pm


Contact Information
(920) 424-4455
(920) 424-0906

Parking Regulations

Parking on campus is by permit only.

Parking regulations are enforced year-round, even when classes are not in session.

Visitor Parking Options