UWO Lot # 6 Parking Map


  • This lot has designated parking areas for the permit types listed below – See map.
    • Employee
    • Commuter
    • Visitor
    • AMP (Aims Mobile Pay) during times purchased


  • Steiger Park | Spaces are signed/reserved for City of Oshkosh park use only


  • Buses are not allowed to park in this lot | click here to see approved bus parking locations. 
  • Permit Required.
  • This lot is closed every day from 12AM – 5AM (no cars can park in this lot during these times).
  • Vehicles in violations of the listed rules will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Vehicles in violation of a “Closed Lot” rule are subject to higher fines and will be towed during snow events at the owner’s expense.
  • ADA spaces are available for use in any UW Oshkosh parking location to anyone who has any valid parking permit and a valid ADA placard properly displayed. Click here to find UWO ADA Parking Spaces.

Parking Policies and Information

Parking Portal

  • Log into your parking portal and click Violations to see the violation types and current pricing.

Parking Policies and Information

  • Regulations for parking are enforced year-round, even when classes are not in session.
  • Parking restrictions are noted on this website and on signs placed outside of each lot.
  • Vehicles in violation of these restrictions will be issued tickets according to our policies.
  • If you desire to appeal a ticket, a written appeal must be received by the Parking Services office within 72 hours of the time of the ticket (excluding Saturdays and Sundays).
  • Online appeals must be filed at uwosh.aimsparking.com.  Late appeals are not accepted and the ticket must be paid.
  • Each time period that a vehicle remains in excess of the posted limit without payment is a violation.
  • In areas where the time limit is greater than 15 minutes and is less than one hour, regulated by metered (AMP) parking, by sign, or otherwise marked as timed parking, a separate violation occurs every hour that the vehicle remains in violation.
  • Failure to pay a parking ticket and continuing to commit parking violations will result in additional fees, suspensions of vehicle registration, and higher fine amounts for future violations.
  • Tailgating is not permitted in this parking lot. 
  • All parking regulations are strictly enforced at all times.

Violation Payments

  • Payment for parking fines can be made in person at 738 High Avenue, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, online, or they can be mailed to: UW Oshkosh Parking Services, 800 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI  54901
  • If a payment is mailed to our office, please be sure to include the ticket number, license plate number, or the actual paper ticket. Do not send cash through the mail.
  • Parking Services is not be responsible for lost or stolen parking payments.
  • A $20 penalty assessed for non-sufficient fund checks.
  • For tickets unpaid beyond 25 days, the past-due amount will be placed on the student’s account with an additional billing fee OR it will be referred to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for suspension of vehicle registration, based on the discretion of Parking Services.
  • Non-payment of fines may cause a hold to be placed on student records, including grades and transcripts.

Towing Information

  • Parking enforcement officers and UW Oshkosh police officers are able to authorize the tow away of a vehicle when it is found in violation of any parking regulation.
  • Repeat violations and/or nonpayment of parking tickets will result in towing and impounding the vehicle involved at the owner’s expense.
  • If your vehicle is missing, please contact the UW Oshkosh Police Department to determine next steps.
  • If you believe your vehicle was towed due to parking violations, please make contact with the Parking Services office to pay all outstanding tickets.
  • Parking Services is not responsible for damages incurred due to towing.
  • Towed vehicles will be released when all outstanding tickets have been paid.
  • Any tow and/or storage fees are the responsibility of the vehicle owner and/or operator.
  • Abandoned or impounded vehicles will be disposed after 60 days, unless the owner contacts the Parking Services office and makes provisions to release the vehicle and pay all outstanding fines.
  • During a snow emergency, vehicles parked in any employee, commuter or visitor lot after midnight, or any lot designated as a closed lot will be ticketed and towed to allow for snow removal.

All fees are subject to change.


Hours and Location

Parking Services
738 High Avenue
Oshkosh, WI

Monday and Thursday
9am - 1pm

Tuesday and Wednesday
11am - 4pm


Contact Information
(920) 424-4455
(920) 424-0906

Parking Regulations

Parking on campus is by permit only.

Parking regulations are enforced year-round, even when classes are not in session.

Visitor Parking Options