Polish Your Work
Before submitting your paper to Oshkosh Scholar, use the resources provided here to polish your writing and ensure your submission meets all submission requirements, including IRB and IACUC approval. Additionally, review Evaluation Criteria to see factors involved in selecting articles for inclusion in Oshkosh Scholar. For formatting and style guidelines, see the information below and download the Oshkosh Scholar style guide.
The editorial board reserves the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity and alter submissions to fit the layout. Authors should retain copies of their manuscripts because we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers.
To ensure anonymity during the blind review process, the names of the author and faculty mentor should not be found anywhere except on the cover page. However, the author and mentor names can be added to an article that has been accepted for publication.
Submissions considered for publication must:
- Be double-spaced in 12-point Times or Times New Roman font
- Use standard 1-inch margins
- Be typed in Microsoft® Word
No minimum manuscript length is required, but we prefer that your submission be no longer than 20 pages. Images (illustrations, photographs, tables, graphs), your abstract, notes (if using the endnote system), and bibliography are not included in this 20-page maximum. Submissions more than 20 pages will be accepted only at the discretion of the editors and Selection Committee.
Manuscript Preparation
Your article should follow this order:
- Title
- Author and faculty mentor names (only after an article has been accepted for publication)
- Abstract (125 to 175 words)
- Introduction
- Main Text
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments (if any)
- Endnotes (if any)
- Bibliography
Do not import images (photos, tables, graphs, etc.) into your text. If you are submitting images (creative work, figures, or tables), review image requirements on our style guide.
Oshkosh Scholar uses a modified Chicago style, regardless of discipline. All authors are required to submit articles conforming toChicago style. Oshkosh Scholar editors will then ensure that all final articles conform to the journal’s style requirements. If using a citation generator, always remember to double-check your citations carefully. For more information on Chicago style, see the following resources as well as past articles (beginning with Volume V).
- The Chicago Manual of Style at Polk Library (found on first floor south)
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online (you have the option of signing up for a free 30-day trial)
- RefWorks through Polk Library
- Purdue University’s Writing Lab
- UW–Madison’s Writing Center
For more information on Oshkosh Scholar style specifications and Chicago citations, download our style guide.