Poster Design Guidelines
Follow these design guidelines for your Celebration of Scholarship poster presentation. If you need help with content, confer with your faculty mentor. Your poster needs to be scholarly, original research.
Your faculty mentor must approve the content of your poster. Once you and your faculty mentor have finalized the poster content, create a design of your poster using a template: horizontal. The poster can be designed by you or a professional graphic/art service (at your own expense).The Graphics and Presentations Design/Presentations Lab no longer designs posters, but will arrange for printing them (at your own expense). You will need to attach a pdf of the design you’ve created to the online production request.
For more information about poster printing, please contact:
Copy This!
Phone: 920 424-3180
Email: copythis@uwosh.edu
Poster Design Tips
- Posters should be constructed to be mounted on screen flexes (covered with fabric) that we will provide. You’ll hang your poster with T-pins or Velcro (provided).
- Posters should be in a 3′ x 4′ format. A horizontal design is preferable.
- If you cite something in your poster, there needs to be a bibliography in your poster.
- Make sure your font size is legible and photos, if any, are not too dark.
- Consider using a handout to define terminology if your poster is highly technical.
- Less is more. Your poster should not be text-heavy or appear crowded. If you want to communicate details, could you provide a handout with more information? (But note that no exhibits, models or computers may be used with the poster.)
- Can your information be communicated graphically through a chart, diagram, etc.?
- Regarding the hierarchy of information presented on your poster, emphasize your main point (thesis) graphically with a larger font size, higher placement or color. (But don’t use too many colors!)
- Chunk information to represent conceptual relationships (text boxes, bullets, etc.).
- Keep in mind that placement of text over a graphic makes reading difficult.
- Double-check spelling and grammar. (Have someone else read it, too.)