Welcome to the 2020 Celebration of Scholarship & Creative Activity!
Dr. Stephen Kercher & the Office of Student Research and Creative Activity
Explore Student Research & Creativity
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All of the research and creative work featured herein is protected by UW System copyright and is the intellectual property of UW Oshkosh students. Visitors to COSCA 2020 may not copy or distribute any research or creative work without the consent of UW Oshkosh students.
Oshkosh Scholar Volume XIV is Here
Explore some of the best undergraduate research undertaken by UW Oshkosh Titans in the 2018-2019 academic year!
Awards & Recognition
Join us live on Youtube for the Provost’s Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 1 at 4 p.m. CST.
Faculty Mentor Award
Please join us in recognizing Quin Chrobak (Psychology, Oshkosh campus), recipient of the 2020 Faculty Mentor Award
Oshkosh Scholar
Oshkosh Scholar Authors and Mentors (Volume XIV)
Phillip Gruber (M. Elsbeth McPhee, Biology), The Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Bird Feeder Communities in the Fox River Valley
Sarah Reed (Paul Van Auken, Sociology), Environmental Factors and Refugee Resettlement Success in Oshkosh and the Fox Valley
Benjamin Kleist (Stephen Makar, Accounting), Big Impact on Small Business: Mitigating Resource Poverty with Effective Cost Management
Madeline Hass (Evan Williams, Philosophy), Suicide in the Paradigm of Indefinitely Extended Life
Charity LaBuy (Robert Wagoner, Philosophy), Happiness and Other Good Things: How the Desire-Satisfaction Theory Best Accounts for the Roles of Morality, Authenticity, and Freedom in the Happy Life
Khaila Miles-Semons (Michelle Kuhl, History), Together but Unequal: Perceptions on the White-Black Sisterhood from 1830 to 1870
Constance Bougie (Stewart Cole, English), Pink Gauze, Cold Spirits: Asexual Criticism and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway
Colton Schlotman (Don Dingledine, English), It will not fetch thee much in our Nantucket market”: Whales and Tobacco as Symbolic Condemnations of Manifest Destiny in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
Oshkosh Scholar Cover Design (Volume XIV)
Cover artist for Volume XIV: Heather Dickerson
(Karina Cutler-Lake, Art)
Oshkosh Scholar Cover Design (Volume XV)
Cover artist for Volume XV: Keu See Lor
Runners-up: Trinity Hechimovich, Mallory Knight
Honorable mentions: Paige Blumer, Sara LaVigne, Alexus Redd, Taylor Whipple, Alex Toonen (2 designs), Kaitlyn Schmitz, Andraia Bieth (2 designs), Trinity Hechimovich, Malik Reider, Aidan Reimer, Keu See Lor, Andreas Mercado
(Karina Cutler-Lake, Art)
Oshkosh Scholar Faculty Reviewers (Volume XIV)
Jeremiah Bohr (Sociology)
Laurence Carlin (Philosophy)
Stewart Cole (English and Environmental Studies)
Carmen Heider (Communication Studies)
Christopher Jones (Accounting)
Jacki Karlin (Nursing)
Stephen Kercher (History)
Michelle Kuhl (History)
Roberta S. Maguire (English)
Pascale Manning (English)
Caryn Murphy (Radio TV Film)
Denise Robson (Economics)
Tracy Slagter (Political Science)
Brad Spanbauer (Biology)
Juyeon Son (Sociology)
Angela Subulwa (Geography)
Jerry Thomas (Political Science)
Robert Wagoner (Philosophy)
Evan Williams (Philosophy)
Oshkosh Scholar Selection Committee (Volume XIV)
Stewart Cole (English)
Pascale Manning (English)
M. Elsbeth McPhee (Biology and Environmental Studies)
Robert Wagoner (Philosophy)
Oshkosh Scholar Editorial Team (Volume XIV)
Faculty Editor – Robert Wagoner (Philosophy)
Managing Editor – Susan Surendonk
Student Editors – Natalie Dillon and Macrina Schry
National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
The following students were accepted to present their scholarly research at NCUR, but the conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Natalia Moret (Paula McNiel, Nursing), The Impact of Gardening at Twin Oaks
Jacqueline LaHaie (Paula McNiel, Nursing), The Impact of Gardening at Twin Oaks
Elias Flor Martinez (Jessica Lucas, Chemistry), Genetic Evidence for Involvement of Microtubules in Stomatal Movement
Skylar Block (Nadejda Kaltcheva, Physics), Physical Parameters of Yellow Supergiants
Jason Lopez (Brant Kedrowski, Chemistry), Synthesis of (R)- and (S)-2-methylproline
Research In The Rotunda
Angel Camacho (Ben Artz, Economics), The Cornell Note-Taking Method and Student Performance
Cesar Campos-Martinez and Roque Matos Martinez (Warren Vaz, Engineering Technology), Design and Fabrication of a Basic Utility Vehicle
Megan Elger (Kristi Wilkum, Communication), Exploring Supportive Communication within Family Estrangement
Brenna Prieto (Justyna Olszewska, Psychology), Memory for Familiar and Unfamiliar Logos
Megan Robertson (Stephen Kercher, History), Influence of the Oneida Government Boarding School on the Oneida People of Wisconsin
Stacey Sparks (Yoko Mogi-Hein, Education), Community Socioeconomic Indicators and Intra- Head Start Student Performance
Baylee Tkaczuk (Matt Richie, Criminal Justice), The Mental Health Race Track: A Systematic Review of Readmission in a Mental Hospital
2020–2021 Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Program Awards
Graduate Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Program
Jordan Borchardt (Robert Stelzer, Biology), Response of Aquatic Invertebrate Communities to Stream Flow Restoration
Caroline Greenberg (M. Elsbeth McPhee, Biology and Environmental Studies), Impacts of Fecal Transplants on Gut Microbiota and Behavior in Hand-Reared Whooping Cranes (Grus americana)
Undergraduate Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Program
Julia Thompson (Bryan Engelhardt, Economics), The Impact of Public Data Breach Disclosure: An Examination of Firms’ Openness to Investors and the Materiality of Costs Incurred By Firms
Molly Hennig (Anna Hersey, Music), A Vocalist’s Guide to “Mysteries of the Macabre” by György Ligeti
Elsa Zank (Anna Hersey, Music), The Works of Barbara Strozzi
Jenna Hawk and Elizabeth Wargo (Brian Wallace, Kinesiology), The Effects of Skill Level and Helmet Type on Helmet Contact Biomechanics in DIII College Football Players
Alyssa Love Taylor (Craig Clifford, Art), Kiln Cloth: A Study of Weaving with Ceramics
Logan Withers (Scott Summers, Computer Science), New and Improved Bounds on the Tile Complexity of Uniquely Self-Assembling Thin Rectangles at Temperature-1 in 3D
Sydney Behlman (Lisa Dorn, Biology), Evolution of Plant-Microbe Molecular and Physical Interactions
Morgan Ringelsen (Pawel Olszewski, Engineering Technology), Energy Efficient Control and Operation of Complex Pumping and Water Distribution Systems
Alyssa Reinke (M. Elsbeth McPhee, Environmental Studies and Biology), Bird Window Strike Project
Margaret Joy Grewal (Nathan Krueger, Music), Authentic Hawaiian Music From “Mele” to Iz
Danielle Gratz (Morgan Churchill, Biology), Whale Skull Allometry and Body Size Estimation
Morgan Mulroe (Heidi Nicholls, Anthropology), Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW): The Epidemic, the Impact, Their Voices
Megan Blissitt (Drew Whiting, Music), Getting Up to Tempo: Revitalizing the WSMA Solo and Ensemble Saxophone Repertoire
Undergraduate Small Grants Program Awards
(Awarded May–October 2019)
Renee Barthel (Aaron Karst, Psychology), Attentional Focus Regarding Elicitation of the N2pc Component
Jason Darling (Benjamin Hallett, Geology), Metamorphic History of the Pembine-Wausau Terrane
Jacqueline Lahaie, Natalia Moret and Bailee Ploeger (Paula McNiel, Nursing), The Impact of Gardening at Twin Oaks
Lucas Miller (Ahmed Nasif, Engineering Technology), Spectrum Hole Discovery Using Spectrum Analyzer
Avis Mueller (Jordan Karsten, Anthropology), A Test of the Methods of Determining Ancestry through Dental Arcade Shape
Emily Stefl (Evan Williams, Philosophy), Can Ethics be a Science?
Joshua Weimer (Benjamin Hallett, Geology), Documenting Evidence of Granulite Facies Metamorphism—Northern Taos Range, New Mexico
Mylo Wilkins (Eric Matson, Biology), Isolation of Lignocellulose Enzymes for Bacterial Isolate JT5
WiSys Quick Pitch Awards
First Place: Julia Thompson (Bryan Engelhardt, Economics), The Impact of Public Data Breach Disclosure and Firms’ Openness to Investors
Second Place: Stacey Sparks (Yoko Mogi-Hein, COEHS), Community Socioeconomic Indicators and Intra Head Start Student Performance
Third Place and People’s Choice Award: Joy Evans (Juliana Kahrs, Student Recreation and Wellness), Food Insecurity and the Clustering of Health Risk Factors Among Students of Color
Fourth Place: MacKenzie Ricard (Sarah DeArmond, Management and Human Resources), Stress Management in University Students: Does Training in Boundary Management and Recovery Activities Help?
McNair Scholars Program
Program Director: Cordelia Bowlus
Megan Elger (Jennifer Considine, Communication Studies)
Janaya Godfrey (James Krueger, Political Science)
Bryce Herlache (Brian Wallace, Kinesiology)
Amanda Kraavvanger (James Krueger, Political Science)
Amanda Martinez (Jeremiah Bohr, Sociology)
Dorothy Mitchell (Brant Kedrowski, Chemistry)
Nick Morrissey (Michael Van Esler, Radio TV Film)
Jessica Plascencia (Justyna Olszewska, Psychology)
Brianna Roberts (Brian Wallace, Kinesiology)
Karely Rodriguez (Justyna Olszewska, Psychology)
Sydney Schmidt (Anggie Hanni, Psychology)
Stacey Sparks (Pascale Manning, English)
Mylo Wilkins (Eric Matson, Biology)
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Jonathan Miller and Jennifer Monroe of University Marketing and Communications, and to the Office of Student Research and Creative Activity event planner intern Kennedy Wiegel.
Thank you for visiting Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity!
We hope you are inspired by the excellence and hard work of UW Oshkosh Titans.
Office of Student Research and Creative Activity
Dempsey Hall 317
(920) 424-1195