Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity 2023
Black Male Youth and the Constant Impact of Oppression
Imagine Manders
Senior, Psychology and Sociology
Black male youth are forced into major disadvantages when looking at birth rate, medical skepticism, and medical mistreatment. It is important to understand the disadvantages presented to Black male youth before the age of 18 to potentially understand the impacts and further oppression faced throughout the remainder of these male youth’ lives. This research aids in the ability to compare the effectiveness of societal advancements for Black male youth compared to other races and genders. Birth rate is tied to economic stress. Statistics also reveal the clear differences in survival rates for mothers and babies when comparing Black and white families. Sickle Cell Anemia contributes to birth rate as well. Medical skepticism and mistreatment have historical roots in studies that Black participants did not give informed consent to. Furthermore, Black families still face more barriers when it comes to treatment. Finally, medical students are being miseducated which perpetuates racist beliefs. Through a compilation of secondary sources, information regarding the systemic racism and disadvantages placed on Black male youth was collected and analyzed. It is reasonable to assume that being born into a situation filled with disadvantages will negatively impact success and quality of life for the entirety if Black male youth’ lives. This is critical to make true changes in society to address stereotypes, institutional racism, and the oppression Black males face throughout their entire lives.
Imagine Introduces The Project
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(920) 424-1195