Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity 2022
“Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on students’ learning “
Adanna Okeke
Senior, Nursing
Chloe Amoth,
Katelyn Binkowski,
and Eli Brahm
The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to understand how undergraduate college aged students coped with the sudden change to on-line delivery of curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic at one University in the Midwestern United States. Coronaviruses are viruses that cause respiratory illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and a new strain not previously identified emerged in late 2019 and is commonly referred to as COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 vary and range from none to life threatening. The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 was officially labeled a pandemic in March of 2020. The response to the pandemic caused many schools and Universities to close. These closures forced schools and Universities to modify instructional methods as a means to stop the spread of the virus among college-aged students. Online education quickly became the norm and in person instruction was halted. There is a limited amount of literature that surrounds the response of college age students in the US to this sudden and unexpected shift in the method of instruction. We conducted the research and our findings revealed 5 major themes: health, technology & technology Issues, accountability, benefits, and culture shock. This research has the ability to inform and guide current and future students and faculty.
Adanna Introduces The Project
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Office of Student Research and Creative Activity
Dempsey Hall 317
(920) 424-1195