Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity 2022
“Tori Kovalls Senior Recital Russian Set”
Tori Kovall
Senior, Music industry recording and business
The three pieces I am performing are from my Senior recital for my bachelor’s in Music. The first piece, ‘Nyet tolko tot kto znal’ is composed by Pyotr Llyich Tchaikovsky and is translated to ‘None but the Lonely Heart’. Something I like about this piece is the warmth and dramatic feeling of the melody and how the piano helps paint a picture with the vocalist about the feeling of a lonely heart. The second piece, “Son” is written by Sergei Rachmaninoff, which translates to, “A Dream.” “Son” is the first Russian piece I learned when I was in the second semester of my first year, and I instantly fell in love with the style and the story. Something to listen for in this piece is the ambiguous harmonies in the accompaniment. The last piece is titled “Vesennive Vody” and is also composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff. This piece translates to “Spring Waters,” which is very fitting for this time of year since the piece is about the coming of Spring and warm May days. This piece has been a more challenging piece to learn due to the clashing accompaniment, but one of my favorites because of the beautiful melody. I knew I would want to perform a Russian set at my recital because of my cultural background, having been born in Russia then adopted as a baby. The country and its culture has always held a special place in my heart. I am grateful for the chance to learn about and perform these pieces. Thank you for the opportunity to share my voice with all of you.
Tori Introduces The Project
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Office of Student Research and Creative Activity
Dempsey Hall 317
(920) 424-1195