Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Activity 2022
“Ceramic Production Mug Throwing”

Emma Hathorne
Senior, Art Education
The purpose of this research was to explore the rib shaping methods of production pottery for the purpose of making sets of mugs in similar shapes and sizes to one another. To understand this process, I first had to determine the rate of shrinkage of my clay which I did though a 10cm line test of a piece of clay that went through full firing processes. Once I understood the 12.5% shrinkage rate of my clay, I could proceed to calculate mug dimensions that would get me close to the number of ounces I desired the mug to hold. After throwing a mug to the right dimensions in a shape that I found pleasing, I was then able to cut a tin rib to the profile shape of the mug, allowing me to throw more just like it. This ability to produce multiple mugs of similar shapes and sizes gave me a marketable product to present to businesses that may want to order sets of mugs with their logo on them, as well have the ability to rely on the consistency of their size for sale of specifically a 10oz or 12oz coffee for example. At the conclusion of this research I had three shapes and sizes developed, but the knowledge I gained from this research has allowed me to continue to expand my collection which is now at six shapes and sizes.
Emma Introduces The Project
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Office of Student Research and Creative Activity
Dempsey Hall 317
(920) 424-1195