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Reeve Union:

Reeve Memorial Union, Student Involvement, Room 208C, Email: 

Telephone: (920) 424-3202


Student Allocations Committee (SAC)

The Student Allocations Committee (SAC) is a standing committee of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh that works with and is independent from OSG.

SAC distributes Student Segregated University Fees (SUF) to requesting student organizations and department clubs.

This committee, with a student majority, currently spends approximately one million dollars of Student Segregated Fees that students pay in their tuition, and are used to provide the students at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh with useful services, activities, and other programs that benefit the students.

Every student on campus contributes, through their tuition, to the funding that will be distributed to different groups on campus. This is the most important and vital basis that the committee uses in deciding funding.

This money is used to support programs and activities that greatest benefits and best serves the interests of the student body.

About SAC

About Student Allocations Committee

The mission of the Student Allocations Committee is to provide students of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh with useful services, activities, and other programs that benefit them in the best way possible, given the limited funds available.

Allocations Committee Officers

Committee Chair: Jesse Ramsey – non-voting member

Committee Controller: Owen Goffard – non-voting member

Committee First Secretary: Elijah Plonsky – voting member

Committee Adviser: John Palmer – non-voting member

Student Allocation Administrative Secretary:  Tyler Klaver – non member


Allocations Committee Members

  Voting Student Members (5/6):

  1. Jack Marotz
  2. Sheldon Schroeder
  3. Jon Bye
  4. Gabriel Medina
  5. Brett Einberger. 

    Alternate Student Members (1/2):

  1. Open
  2.  Open


Voting Faculty (2/2), Academic Staff (1/2), & University Staff (2/2)  

  1. Open (faculty)
  2. Open (faculty)
  3. Dr. Maria Graff
  4. Open (Academic Staff)
  5. Open (University Staff)
  6. Open  (University Staff)
Interested in Joining?

Interested In Joining?

If you are a student interested in serving on the committee, please contact the committee chair at If there are openings on the committee you will go through an approval process and be invited to attend the committee meetings. As a new member of the committee you will most likely start as an alternate — in this position you have voting rights if one of the student committee members is absent. There are up to three alternate seats on the committee. As voting committee members graduate or end their commitment to the committee, the alternate committee members move up to voting member status.

SAC Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM):

Budget Preparation Forms and Budget Manager PowerPoint:

Fundraising info - apply for club/org EIN, Tax Exempt, and WISDM:

Forms and instructions on completing forms for meal requisitions, direct payment, and travel reimbursement:

Check out our Student Organization Resources pages for guides and instructions on how to complete purchasing process, forms and documents, and other Reeve/campus resources.

Please contact the OSA Office (Reeve 208C) with any questions on completing any forms:; (920)-424-3202

Student Allocations Committee Contact Information


Student Involvement,

Room 208B in Reeve Memorial Union





(920) 424-3202

**In a critical situation, e-mail is the best way to contact us.


 Claire Schlobohm (Chair)

Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Chair of Allocations

Email Tyler Klaver at or

Call (920) 424-3202 to schedule an appointment with either the chair or controller

Jack Zeihen (Controller)

Office Hours:

By Appointment

Controller of Allocations

Email Tyler Klaver at or Call (920) 424-3202 to schedule an appointment with either the chair or controller

Oshkosh Student Association Online Suggestion and Concern Form

Do you have a suggestion for campus or a concern? Your voice matters!!! Oshkosh Student Association wants to listen and help. Please submit your questions, concern, and suggestions online here.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please choose the answer that best describes your relationship at the UWO campus
  • Example: Food, Books, Class, etc.
  • Describe concern, suggestion, or issue in detail
  • Please list the name and title of the person (professor, advisor, administration, or employee on campus) that you discussed your concern or suggestion with.

Meeting Minutes