Reeve Union:
Reeve Memorial Union, Student Involvement, Room 208C, Email:
Telephone: (920) 424-3202
Marketing & Printing Services
Reeve Union Marketing Services:
- Marketing support to student organizations by developing materials and images like posters, social media images, Campus Vision Slides, handbills (1/4 sheets for fairs & tabling), table tents, and more.
- Can charge an organization’s university account ONLY IF a group has an allocated budget or some other source of revenue available.
- An allocated budget must have approved printing and/or advertising funding available.
- Full list of Reeve Marketing services
CopyThis! Printing Service:
- Provides print, fax, laminating and binding services. Their variety of services and prices makes them an excellent place for student organizations to print the materials needed for meetings and events.
- Can charge an organization’s university account ONLY IF a group has an allocated budget or some other source of revenue available.
- An allocated budget must have approved printing and/or advertising funding available.
- Full list of CopyThis! services
Downloadable Marketing Quick-sheet
Marketing & Printing Options
I would like to… (select an option):
Get help from Reeve Marketing
Need some help recruiting new members or promoting an event? Reeve Marketing is happy to support student organizations and clubs. A few important services offered:
- Professional quality design work for posters, graphics… etc.
- Scheduling digital signage around campus
- Consultation and support for marketing, social media and more!
Submit a Marketing Project Request
Email Reeve Marketing ( with any questions.
Downloadable Marketing Quick-sheet
Put an event in Titan Connection
To create an event:
- Go to Titan Connection
- Click on the person icon in the upper right
- Click on Login
- Login with your UWO NetID
- Click on the person icon again
- Click on Admin Dashboard
- Click on Events
- Click on the + sign near the upper right
- Fill in your event details. Event Name, Host, Time & Location, and Cover Image are required
- Spell out the name of your department and put full department name in the title. (This prevents having multiple events named “meeting”)
- After you have filled in all of the information, scroll back to the top of the page
- Click Submit for Approval. They will automatically be approved and show up online and in the app
Please note: This requires you to be an active organization in Titan Connection. Email Missy Burgess,, if you are a student organization leader that needs to be added.
Hang Up Posters
Posters in high-traffic areas can been seen by thousands of students. Print at Copy This in Reeve Union.
Some ideas of where posters can be displayed on the Oshkosh campus – [(# of posters spots) – building/office]
- (6) Reeve Union & Blackhawk Commons — Turn into the Reeve Union Admin Office, Reeve 104
- (4) Sage Hall
- (2) Arts & Communication Building
- (2) Halsey Science Center
- (3) Polk Library — Turn into the Polk Library main office
- (2) Equity and Diversity Center — Turn into the Equity and Diversity Center main desk
- (10) Residence Life — Turn in to the Residence Life main office.
- (1) Kolf
- (1) Student Recreation and Wellness Center — Turn into SRWC front desk
Submit a Student Announcement Email
A daily email is sent to all enrolled UW Oshkosh students on the Oshkosh campus with information about upcoming university events or announcements. If you are planning an event and would like it included in the daily email, please read the all-student email protocol carefully:
Announcements/events posted in this daily email must be open to all students. If you’d like something to be included in the daily email, send the pertinent information to before 9 a.m. on the day of your event – the email is sent after 11 a.m. each weekday. Content can be submitted ahead of desired post date. Please include title of your event, date, time, location (virtual or in-person) and a brief description of the event. Please also indicate if the event is open to students from all three campuses, or just for one specific campus.
NOTE: Events will only be posted ONCE unless the event is a large university-sponsored event. Reoccurring club/organization/department meetings will only run once per semester unless there is a special event or speaker addressing a larger campus audience. Please think about the timing of your announcement for the greatest impact.
Table in Reeve Union
Student organizations may reserve tables in the Reeve Union Concourse at any time of the day on a first come, first served basis.
To reserve a table, complete the online request form and wait to receive your email confirmation.
Get help with social media
Social media is a great tool to deliver messages and direct students to your website. If your student organization isn’t already on social media, reach out to Reeve Marketing ( to receive further tips, tricks and support.
Use Campus Vision
Looking to advertise on the TVs throughout Oshkosh campus? CampusVision slides can run for up to 3 weeks at a time. Send requests via email to Learn more about dimensions on the Reeve Marketing page.
Use Table Tents Ads
Table tent ads are put out in Reeve Marketplace, Titan Underground and Blackhawk Commons. Ads run for one week. Send requests via email to Learn more about dimensions on the Reeve Marketing page.
Sidewalk Chalk
Registered student organizations are permitted to advertise their events on university sidewalks with chalk as long as they abide by the University Chalking Policy. See the full policy on the Reeve Marketing page.