Video Conference Call
UWO Fox Cities Steering Committee
Wednesday 9/2/2020
Location: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Appointment of secretary
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve Minutes
5. Collegium Meetings Fall 2020
a. 2nd Friday of the Month 12:40-1:40pm
b. Continue to invite Oshkosh campus people for questions/information?
6. Steering rep for Trustees meeting
a. 4th Monday of the month @1pm
7. Committee Elections
a. Curriculum
b. Budget
c. Scholarship and Academic Actions
d. Professional Development
8. Steering priorities 2020-2021
a. Evaluate Committee Structure
i. Faculty Tenure needed? UWO Faculty Senate?
ii. Combine PD with Budget?
b. Campus Vision
i. Table for the time being
c. Hiring practices for FOX and FDL faculty and staff
d. Clean up of Fox policies
i. Which do we need? How do we need to re-write them? Which can we remove?
e. Campus culture
9. Other business
10. Adjourn
Kelly Johnson