UWO-Fox Cities Scholarship and Academic Actions Committee
10:30 am
1706 UWO-Fox Cities Campus
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes from 19 January 2022
3. Discussion of the Scholarship Selection Process
A. How many reviewers should rank each individual application?
B. How will we implement the rating system?
C. How soon can we set our deadlines
i. To have the applications rated?
ii. To meet face-to-face to assign scholarships?
D. At the scholarship assignment meeting
i. Will we need a computer/projector?
ii. Start with most valuable scholarships and proceed to least valuable in order
iii. One scholarship per student?
iv. We are not dictated to by our objective rankings
v. Some scholarships might not have matched students; let’s try to find suitable recipients for them.
4. Adjourn
Steven Sheehan