To be held by telephone conference
1. Roll Call
2. Discuss trends and themes from the listening session and search website
3. Discuss and finalize position profile
4. Discuss and finalize search timeline
5. Discuss recruitment, advertising and candidate identification strategies
6. Next Steps
Individuals who wish to attend should contact the Board of Regents Office at 608-262-2324
to schedule a time to access the meeting room between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on January
17, 2020. (Access to the 15th through 19th floors of Van Hise Hall is generally limited to
employees and approved visitors.) A UW System staff member will meet individuals at the
scheduled time inside the first-floor entrance on the south side of Van Hise Hall (facing
Linden Drive) to provide access to the designated meeting room.