01:30 pm
Video Conference Call
1. Approve minutes from October 5th, 2022 meeting (HO 1)
2. Announcements:
3. Decision Items:
a. AOL Plan LO 1A (HO 2)
b. AOL Plan LO 1B (HO 3)
c. AOL Plan LO 5A (HO 4)
d. AOL Plan LO 5B (HO 5)
4. Discussion Items:
a. Curriculum mapping (HO 6)
i. Each instructor to include level of coverage in their syllabus
5. Curricular Items:
a. Form B – Econ 370 (HO 7a, HO 7b)
a. revising course tittle and description
6. Walk-ons
7. Status of Curricular Forms:
a. IS301 Form A: Completed and sent on to Provost 10/05/22.
Ivy Buchan