Video Conference Call
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Open Session Meeting Notice
Name of Committee or Organization: Undergraduate Programs Committee
Committee membership: Yuyun Sejati, Ben Artz, Will Morrison, John Muraski, Andy Soderberg, Birgit Leisen Pollack, Jay Woldt, Denise Robson, APC Liason, Jennifer Buelow Fischer, UPD, Cindy Fruhwirth, Asst. Director of Advising, COB, Jakob Iversen, ex officio, Melissa Schraufnagel, recorder
Meeting Time: 3:20 pm-4:30 pm
Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 18th
Meeting Location: Collaborate Ultra session
Dial-in: +1-571-392-7650 PIN: 460 759 5128
1. Approve minutes from March 18th meeting (HO1)
2. Announcements:
a. Welcome, Halle!
3. Discussion Items:
a. Business Minor (HO5)
b. F19 Syllabi Collection (HO6)
4. Decision Items:
a. Approval of BBA Assurance of Learning Report (HO7)
5. Curricular Items:
a. Form C: Business Analytics competency exam adjustments (HO2)
b. Form C: Econ BA-BS General Emphasis (HO3)
c. Career readiness sequence package (HO4)
i. Form B: BUS 284 change to 2 credits, renumber to 240
ii. Form B: BUS 492 rename, make variable credit, renumber to 340
iii. Form A: BUS 440 Career and Life Readiness Academy
iv. Form C: BUS 440 required of all BBA students
Melissa Schraufnagel