01:00 pm
Video Conference Call
I. Welcome
II. Action Items:
a. Vote for 2020-2021 Chair of Committee
b. Approve Meeting Minutes from May 1, 2020
c. Approve Meeting Minutes from May 18, 2020
d. Clinical Replacement Policy (deferred from May 1st meeting)
e. Approval of Nursing 474 syllabi changes
f. Approval of new nutritional course syllabi
III. Discussion/Informational Items:
a. Nutrition Update from AdHoc Group (Erika Janssen)
b. Spring 2020 Traditional Option End of Program Means/Comments (Jason Mott)
c. Options for virtual lab (Jeanne Hiatt)
d. Booklist requirement of the SLS for simulation (Polly Anderson)
e. Spring 2021 international clinical (Jason Mott)
f. Exam soft Tokens (Jason Mott)
IV. Consent Agenda Items
V. Other
VI. Adjourn
Jason Mott