I. Welcome
II. Discussion Items:
a. Mar 19 – Oct 19 Accel Holistic Admissions Means
b. Mar 19 – Oct 19 Accel Holistic Qualitative Comments
III. Action Items:
a. Approve Meeting Minutes October 25, 2019
b. Accel Option Refund Policy
c. Pre-Licensure – Holistic Admission Selection Policy
d. Professional Appearance Policy
e. Health and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Policy
IV. Move into closed session
“Section 19.85(1)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits a governmental body to close a meeting to “consider…social or personal histories…of specific persons…which, if discussed in public, would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories…” The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student records, likewise justifies closing that portion of the meeting”.
V. Action Items:
a. Accelerated Option May 2020 admissions
b. Appeals
VI. Informational Item: Accelerated Pre Admission Exceptions
VII. Other
VIII. Adjourn
Jason Mott