Video Conference Call
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Spring 2021 Scheduling and Beyond
3. Review of all portfolio artifacts & change in assessment items for portfolios based on removal of edTPA
4. Space & fourth floor coverage schedule
5. Attendance policy
6. Disinfection policy
7. Defunding Stockton Endowment
8. Updates regarding data – annual reports (Alumni survey, Employer survey, edTPA data, Grad and outreach data, Kelly’s feedback related to FoRT and the interim literacy course
9. Updates regarding ways to use student-faculty activity funds
10. Impact of new licensing programs on “adding on” elementary, or secondary, given our new accelerated programs
11. MSE Proposal
12. Director Program
13. Non-licensure emphasis of 12 credits
14. DHH program updates and paperwork
15. Policy statement on time to completion for graduate students
16. Updates on research/writing projects (edTPA, Homeschooling)
17. Planning of New Final Graduate Course Sequence for MSE
18. Changes in undergraduate programs
19. Changes in post-bac programs
20. Planning of New Online BSE course sequence
21. Gifted program planning request from Dr. Penick-Parks
22. Other Business
23. Adjourn
Becky Thorson-Randall