Video Conference Call
Open Session:
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Faculty-Student Activity Fund
3. Spring 2021 Scheduling and Beyond
4. Review of data – see data folder – any program changes needed based on this data?
5. Department attendance policy draft
6. Training/meeting dates for instructors for fall (including a whole group tech-related meeting)?
7. Updates on Director Program Paperwork Status
8. Impact of FoRT Removal Update
9. Update on double major work group
10. Updates around Deaf & Hard of Hearing licensure option
11. Updates on research/writing projects (edTPA, Homeschooling)
12. Impact of new licensing programs on “adding on” elementary, or secondary, given our new accelerated programs
13. Planning of New Final Graduate Course Sequence for MSE
14. Planning of New Online BSE course sequence
15. Other Business
16. Adjourn
Becky Thorson-Randall