Clow N408
Meeting Location
(Bldg. & Room No.): Clow N408
Guest Link to Join Virtual Meeting:
Meeting Agenda
Open Session:
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of Minutes from 05/23/2024
3. Do we want to go to the fall play together?
4. Review & approve Act 20 paperwork for undergraduate program and for graduate teacher licensure programs
5. Review & Approve rubrics for MSE
6. Discussion of courses that need to be removed from our program array (things that have not been taught in a long time)
7. How we will approach our remaining curricular work
a. Adding K-9 to our current EC-ECSE-CC
b. Work on the online BSE
8. How we will approach the changes needed to the website around each of our programs
9. How do we want to proceed with memberships and journals? – request for PD funds
10. Foundation Accounts – Budget Information
11. Student teaching large group seminars – where do we go from here?
12. Discuss what we want to do with the mail in the Dean Suite
13. Reminder to go through department envelopes, videos/tapes, and material carts
14. GA schedule
15. Other Business
16. Adjourn
Next Department Meeting: 09/13/2024
Imagine Manders