Video Conference Call Meeting Location (Bldg. & Room No.): Clow N408 Guest Link to Join Virtual Meeting: Meeting Agenda Open Session: 1. Meeting Called to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from 2/16/2024 DISCUSSION & DECISION ITEMS: 3. Re-scheduling Department Meeting for Friday, April 19 (Preview Day) (Stacey) a. Who wants to do Preview Day with Stacey? b. Can we move the meeting to an 11:00 start? 4. Program Updates (Stacey) 5. Discuss options to raise interest in our programs among high school students, based on feedback from advisory council (Joe) 6. Do we still want to add a B or better requirement to particular undergraduate courses (Stacey) 7. Other Business 8. Adjourn Imagine Manders 02/19/2024